pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan kimia & proses
Research work focuses on the study of green solvents in many applications of interest such as desulfurization, denitrification, separation of aromatic–aliphatic mixtures, biomass pretreatment, carbon dioxide capture, dehydration of natural gas and palm oil upgrading. Major interest is novel solvent discovery (ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents and polar aprotic solvents) which includes synthesis, characterization, computational simulation and applications
muhammad zulhaziman bin mat salleh;masturah binti markom;shuhaida binti harun;abdullah amru bin indera luthfi. (2024). enhancing separation efficiency of extractive fuel denitrification using binary mixture of ionic liquids. - . .
nurin farawani muhamad yusri, noorashikin md saleh, tanusha devi elan solan, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh. (2024). a vortex-assisted deep eutectic solvent for parabens extraction in cosmetic samples coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. - sains malaysiana. 851-868.
norsyahira saffiee, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, wan nor roslam wan isahak, fatihah suja, gong tao ding, sureewan sittijunda, peer mohamed abdul. (2024). novel supported ionic liquid adsorbents for hydrogen sulfide removal from biogas. - journal of ecological engineering. 66-79.
andrew t. h. yeow, adeeb hayyan, maan hayyan, usman mohd junaidi, jehad mohd saleh, wan jefrey basirun, roslan mohd nor, waleed mohd al abdulmonem, m. zulhaziman m. salleh, fathiah mohamed zuki, mahar diana hamid.. (2024). a comprehensive review on the physicochemical properties of deep eutectic solvents. - results in chemistry. 1-31.
sorfina amran, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, hanee f. hizaddin, abdullah amru indera luthfi, ahmad alhadid and mohamed kamel hadj-kali. (2023). extraction of pyrrole from its mixture with n-hexadecane using ionic liquids and their binary mixtures. - molecules. 1-21.
nik nur atiqah nik wee, noorashikin md saleh, tanusha devi elan solan, alinda samsuri, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh. (2023). synthesis of silica from rice husk as coating material on magnetic nanoparticle for efficient adsorption of phenol from water samples. - bioresources. 6204-6220.
adeeb hayyan, faye loo wei qing, m. zulhaziman m. salleh, wan jefrey basirun, mahar diana hamid, jehad saleh, abdullah s.m. aljohani, fahad a. alhumaydhi, m.y. zulkifli, waleed al abdulmonem, andrew t.h. yeow, mohd roslan mohd nor, mohd ali hashim, jamal. (2023). encapsulated paracetamol-based eutectic solvents for the treatment of low-grade palm oil mixed with microalgae oil. - industrial crops and products. 11632.
sorfina amran, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, hanee f. hizaddin, abdullah amru indera luthfi, ahmad alhadid and mohamed kamel hadj-kali. (2023). extraction of pyrrole from its mixture with n-hexadecane using ionic liquids and their binary mixtures. - molecules. 1-21.
maan hayyan, adeeb hayyan, asyraf danial m. hafizi, wan jeffrey basirun, andrew t.h. yeow, m. zulhaziman m. salleh, hens saputra, jehad saleh, khaled h. alkandari, mohd ali hashim, mohammed a. alsaadi. (2023). phosphonium-based deep eutectic solvents: physicochemical properties and application in zn-air battery. - chemical engineering and processing - process intensification. 10931.
mohamed k. hadj-kali, m. zulhaziman m. salleh, irfan wazeer, ahmad alhadid and sarwono mulyono. (2022). separation of benzene and cyclohexane using eutectic solvents with aromatic structure. - molecules. 1-17.
nurin farawani muhamad yusri, noorashikin md saleh, tanusha devi elan solan, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh. (2024). a vortex-assisted deep eutectic solvent for parabens extraction in cosmetic samples coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. - sains malaysiana. 851-868.
jananee a/p balaraman, noorashikin md saleh, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, farhanini yusoff, saliza asman. (2023). deep eutectic solvent coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for extraction of bisphenols and phthalates from selected freshwater source in selangor, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 1451-1465.
adeeb hayyan, wan jefrey basirun, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, m. hamdi zainal-abidin, w. al abdulmonem, rana a. alghamdi, laila alhussain, a. s.m. aljohani, m.y. zulkifli, boey min-wei, jehad saleh, fathiah m. zuki, mohamed e.s. mirghani. (2023). new route for preparing palmitic acid imidazole from free fatty acid using imidazole. - catalysis communications. 6749-6754.
rohani arpa, abdullah amru indera luthfi, nurul adela bukhari, jian ping tan, safa senan mahmod, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh. (2023). economical study of bio-based polybutylene succinate production from oil palm biomass. - journal of oil palm research. 682-693.
issam boudouh, baudilo coto, juan antonio gonzalez, irfan wazeer, m. zulhaziman m. salleh, ismahane djemai, maria dolores robustillo, mohamed k. hadj-kali. (2023). experimental data and modelling of solid-liquid equilibria of binary systems containing dibenzofuran and long chain alkanes. - journal of solution chemistry. 1083-1106.
nurin farawani muhamad yusri, noorashikin md saleh, tanusha devi elan solan, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh. (2024). a vortex-assisted deep eutectic solvent for parabens extraction in cosmetic samples coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. - sains malaysiana. 851-868.
andrew t. h. yeow, adeeb hayyan, maan hayyan, usman mohd junaidi, jehad mohd saleh, wan jefrey basirun, roslan mohd nor, waleed mohd al abdulmonem, m. zulhaziman m. salleh, fathiah mohamed zuki, mahar diana hamid.. (2024). a comprehensive review on the physicochemical properties of deep eutectic solvents. - results in chemistry. 1-31.
norsyahira saffiee, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, wan nor roslam wan isahak, fatihah suja, gong tao ding, sureewan sittijunda, peer mohamed abdul. (2024). novel supported ionic liquid adsorbents for hydrogen sulfide removal from biogas. - journal of ecological engineering. 66-79.
adeeb hayyan, wan jefrey basirun, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, m. hamdi zainal-abidin, w. al abdulmonem, rana a. alghamdi, laila alhussain, a. s.m. aljohani, m.y. zulkifli, boey min-wei, jehad saleh, fathiah m. zuki, mohamed e.s. mirghani. (2023). new route for preparing palmitic acid imidazole from free fatty acid using imidazole. - catalysis communications. 6749-6754.
qahtan adnan ali, mohammed ali a. shaban, sabah j. mohammed, mohanad j. m-ridha, hussein h. abd-almohi, khalid m. abed, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, hassimi abu hasan. (2023). date palm fibre waste exploitation for the adsorption of congo redis dye via batch and continuous modes. - journal of ecological engineering. 259-276.
m. zulhaziman m. salleh, mohamed almoghazy morgan, izni atikah abd hamid, mohd faizan jamaluddin, hanee farzana hizaddin, adeeb hayyan, panagiotis karagiannidis. (2023). analysis of ternary lle data on increasing limonene solubility in water using alcohol as cosolvent. - aip conference proceedings. 1-5.
nur aishah ajali, nur zahidah nasoha, abdullah amru indera luthfi, muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, shareena fairuz abdul manaf. (2023). delignification of meranti wood sawdust for sustainable yeast cell immobilization. - aip conference proceedings. 1-14.
pavithra tharumalingam, m. zulhaziman m. salleh, nabilah zaini, nurhidayah alias, nazlina zulbadli, shabinthran vasanthasegaran and norsuhadat nordin. (2023). improvement of carbon dioxide adsorption by the effect of concentration on blended amine-kenaf impregnation in isosorp analyzer. - aip conference proceedings/7th international conference on environment 2021 (icenv2021). 1-7.
muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, mohamed kamel hadj-kali, abdullah amru indera luthfi and mohd ali hashim. (2022). predictive solubility of amino acids in deep eutectic solvents for chicken feather waste valorisation. - 33rd symposium of malaysian chemical engineers (somche 2022). 12023-12028.
a. nurhidayah, n. zaini, m. zulhaziman m. salleh, n. zulbadli, noor ashikin mohamad, s. n. ezaty, n. s. shafie, dzulkarnain mohd sahri and siti sarah aliah mohd najib. (2022). evaluation of physically modified kenaf core adsorbent for carbon dioxide adsorptive study. - 9th conference on emerging energy & process technology 2021 (concept 2021). 7-15.
norliza abd.rahman, jarinah mohd ali, nor yuliana yuhana, mohd shabudin mastar@masdar, mohd zulhaziman, shuhaida harun, siti kartom kamaruddin. (2022). pembangunan produk dan rekabentuk siri 7. - . 11.
muhammad zulhaziman bin mat salleh;masturah binti markom;shuhaida binti harun;abdullah amru bin indera luthfi. (2024). enhancing separation efficiency of extractive fuel denitrification using binary mixture of ionic liquids. - . .
abdullah amru bin indera luthfi;jamaliah binti md jahim;nurul aqilah binti mohd zaini;hassimi bin abu hasan;peer mohamed;muhammad zulhaziman bin mat salleh. (2023). lactic acid production by actinobacillus succinogenes using palm kernel cake as novel substrate. - . .
muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, yuliana yuhana, mohd shahbudin mastar@masdar, nur tantiyani ali othman. (2023). sustainable development goals (sdgs) principles in chemical plant design evaluation for final year undergraduate students. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2023. 1-3.