pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembangunan, sosial & persekitaran (seeds)
Dr. Velan Kunjuraman merupakan pensyarah kanan Program Antropologi dan Sosiologi di Pusat Kajian Pembangunan, Sosial dan Persekitaran, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau mendapat Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (Sosiologi Pelancongan dan Pembangunan Komuniti) dari Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Beliau telah berkhidmat di UMK pada September 2017 dan kini beliau berkhidmat di UKM mulai Mac 2022. Bidang kepakaran dan penyelidikan adalah dalam Antropologi Persekitaran, dan Sosiologi Pelancongan dan Pembangunan Komuniti.
Dr. Velan Kunjuraman is a Senior Lecturer of Program of Anthropology and Sociology at the Research Center for Development, Social and Enviromental, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology of Tourism) from the Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Previously, he worked at UMK since September 2017 and has started working at UKM in March 2022. His areas of expertise and research interests are Environmental Anthropology and Sociology of Tourism and Community Development.
nurul izzah muhamad ismail dan velan kunjuraman. (2024). kenaikan kos sara hidup: strategi kerajaan dalam belanjawan ekonomi madani 2024. - berita ukm. 1-2.
velan kunjuraman. (2024). the development of sustainable livelihood framework for community-based ecotourism in developing countries. - tourism and hospitality research. 48-65.
huaying fang, velan kunjuraman, kim ling geraldine chan. (2024). systematic literature review on gender equality attitude of the gen z college students from a gender role perspective. - educational administration theory and practice. 51-67.
velan kunjuraman. (2024). agenda pendigitalan pendidikan: cabaran masa kini. - berita terkini. 1-2.
velan kunjuraman. (2023). rangka kerja daya tahan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti semasa pandemik/endemik covid-19. - akademika. 1-10.
velan kunjuraman. (2023). a revised sustainable livelihood framework for community-based tourism projects in developing countries. - current issues in tourism. 540-546.
velan kunjuraman, rosazman hussin, roslizawati che aziz. (2022). community-based ecotourism as a social transformation tool for rural community: a victory or a quagmire?. - journal of outdoor recreation and tourism. 1-14.
huaying fang, velan kunjuraman, kim ling geraldine chan. (2024). systematic literature review on gender equality attitude of the gen z college students from a gender role perspective. - educational administration theory and practice. 51-67.
velan kunjuraman. (2024). the development of sustainable livelihood framework for community-based ecotourism in developing countries. - tourism and hospitality research. 48-65.
velan kunjuraman. (2023). a revised sustainable livelihood framework for community-based tourism projects in developing countries. - current issues in tourism. 540-546.
velan kunjuraman. (2022). exploring the role of social capital in community-based tourism in bum bum island, semporna, sabah, malaysia. - international journal of business and society. 1632-1648.
velan kunjuraman, rosazman hussin, roslizawati che aziz. (2022). community-based ecotourism as a social transformation tool for rural community: a victory or a quagmire?. - journal of outdoor recreation and tourism. 1-14.
velan kunjuraman. (2023). malaysian indian community socioeconomic development: issues and challenges. - . 150.
velan kunjuraman, doris padmini s. selvaratnam. (2023). malaysian indian community socioeconomic development: issues and challenges. - . 150.
velan kunjuraman, nitanan koshy matthew. (2022). tourism and hospitality in asia: crisis, resilience and recovery. - . 10.
velan kunjuraman. (2023). ecotourism as a sustainable livelihood approach for rural community in lower kinabatangan. - . 141.
velan kunjuraman. (2023). malaysian indian community socioeconomic development: issues and challenges. - issues and challenges. 150.
abdul hamid mar iman, velan kunjuraman, fadhilahanim aryani abdullah, norashikin fauzi. (2022). pemasaran ekopelancongan. - . 482.
nurul izzah muhamad ismail dan velan kunjuraman. (2024). kenaikan kos sara hidup: strategi kerajaan dalam belanjawan ekonomi madani 2024. - berita ukm. 1-2.
velan kunjuraman. (2024). agenda pendigitalan pendidikan: cabaran masa kini. - berita terkini. 1-2.
velan kunjuraman. (2023). keciciran pendidikan dalam kalangan pelajar orang asli di malaysia. - theinspirasi. 1-2.
kepentingan dan usaha transformasi pendidikan vokasional dalam pembangunan negara. (2023). kepentingan dan usaha transformasi pendidikan vokasional dalam pembangunan negara. - theinspirasi. 1-2.
nurmiza afrina nashruddin, velan kunjuraman. (2023). kehidupan dalam keluarga berpoligami. - theinspirasi. 1-2.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA’S LIVING LABS AS PROSPECTIVE EDUCATIONAL TOURISM ATTRACTION | fakulti sains dan teknologi | 61.2% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |