encik muhammad shuhaily bin mohd jasmany

pegawai penyelidik

institut biologi sistem (inbiosis)


   Biografi/ Biography :


  • rulin ma, m. s. h. b. abdullah, m. m. j. shuhaily.  (2024).  recapitulation on the effect of cross-cultural awareness and self-efficacy in education.  - journal of infrastructure, policy and development.  1-24. 


    rulin ma, mshb abdullah, shuhaily mmj.  (2024).  the role of cultural identity in english language learning in china.  - lecture notes on language and literature.  40-48. 


    muhammad shuhaily.  (2020).  myhackathon 2020 bantu pembangunan modal insan menuju ir4.0.  - bernama tv. 


    rulin ma, m. s. h. b. abdullah, m. m. j. shuhaily.  (2024).  recapitulation on the effect of cross-cultural awareness and self-efficacy in education.  - journal of infrastructure, policy and development.  1-24. 


    muhammad shuhaily.  (2020).  myhackathon 2020 bantu pembangunan modal insan menuju ir4.0.  - bernama tv.