Ts. Dr. Wan Nordiana is a senior lecturer at the Department of Applied Physics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia with a Degree in Medical Radiation and Master’s in Medical Physics. She later completed her PhD at RMIT University, Australia with studies on the application of gold nanoparticles for radiation therapy. Her current research interests are in radiobiology, radiotherapy, radiation dosimetry, radiation protection and nanomedicine. Currently, she teaches nuclear science undergraduate on medical physics topics as well as supervised postgraduate students’ research dissertation. Apart from radiobiology and radiotherapy, she also highly interested in multidisciplinary research field such as advanced materials, precision medicine and artificial intelligence.
noor nabilah talik sisin, wan nordiana w abd rahman. (2023). potensi rawatan kanser menggunakan sebatian semulajadi dari tumbuhan herba. - majalah scitech. 1-2.
noor nabilah talik sisin, wan nordiana rahman. (2023). aplikasi nanoteknologi dalam rawatan kanser radioterapi. - e-estidotmy. 1-2.
muhammad afiq khairil anuar, khairunisak abdul razak, wan nordiana wan abdul rahman. (2023). evaluation of cellular uptake and toxicity of platinum nanodendrites as theranostic agent. - malaysian journal of microscopy. 271-281.
siti hajar zuber, muhammad fahmi rizal abdul hadi, siti aisyah zuber, wan nordiana w abd rahman, muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, ahmad nazlim yusoff. (2023). verification of absorbed dose and dose enhancement factor in nanoparticle-enhanced radiotherapy using monte carlo gate simulation. - career development workshop for women in physics, international centre for theoretical physics. 1.
wan nordiana rahman, noor nabilah talik sisin, raizulnasuha abd rashid. (2023). teknologi sinkrotron pemacu kemajuan sains. - majalah sains. 1-7.
muhammad afiq khairil anuar, khairunisak abdul razak, wan nordiana wan abdul rahman. (2023). evaluation of cellular uptake and toxicity of platinum nanodendrites as theranostic agent. - malaysian journal of microscopy. 271-281.
noor nabilah talik sisin, merfat algethami, awatef s. assran, wan nordiana rahman. (2023). analysis of novel schiff base-fe complexes against breast cancer cells viability. - key engineering materials. 59-68.
noor nabilah talik sisin, wan nordiana rahman. (2023). potentials of bismuth based nanoparticles and baicalein natural compounds as radiosensitizers in cancer radiotherapy:a review. - bionanoscience. 300-321.
wan nordiana rahman, h. abdul razak, n. n. t. sisin, r. abdullah, a. n. abdullah, a. a. a. rahni. (2023). customized 3d-printed tpu slab phantom for 6 mv photon beams radiotherapy. - proceedings of the 19th asian workshop on polymer processing (awpp 2022). 87-97.
n. n. t. sisin, n. zamri, r. abdullah, a n. abdullah, a. a. abd. rahni, w. n. rahman. (2023). radiation attenuation evaluation of different density of polylactic acid (pla) and tough pla as tissue equivalent materials for radiotherapy phantom. - proceedings of the 19th asian workshop on polymer processing (awpp 2022). 99-109.
noor nabilah talik sisin, wan nordiana w abd rahman. (2023). potensi rawatan kanser menggunakan sebatian semulajadi dari tumbuhan herba. - majalah scitech. 1-2.
siti hajar zuber, muhammad fahmi rizal abdul hadi, siti aisyah zuber, wan nordiana w abd rahman, muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, ahmad nazlim yusoff. (2023). verification of absorbed dose and dose enhancement factor in nanoparticle-enhanced radiotherapy using monte carlo gate simulation. - career development workshop for women in physics, international centre for theoretical physics. 1.
noor nabilah talik sisin, wan nordiana rahman. (2023). aplikasi nanoteknologi dalam rawatan kanser radioterapi. - e-estidotmy. 1-2.
noor nabilah talik sisin, raizulnasuha ab rashid, wan nordiana rahman. (2023). pembangunan nanoteknologi dalam bidang perubatan. - majalah scitech. 1-13.
wan nordiana rahman, noor nabilah talik sisin, raizulnasuha abd rashid. (2023). teknologi sinkrotron pemacu kemajuan sains. - majalah sains. 1-7.
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