pensyarah universiti
ukm-graduate school of business (ukm-gsb)
Ainul Huda Jamil is a Senior Lecturer at Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM-GSB). She holds a PhD in Financial Criminology (focusing on money laundering risk judgment and decision-making). She has 15 years experience in Oil & Gas, Financial and Tourism industries. She was the industry and company trainer prior to serving the public sector. She is also nominated as the Head of Compliance Consultant for a private company and elected by the Bank Negara Malaysia as the committee member of Group of Compliance Officer (GOCO), responsible to assist Bank Negara Malaysia to ensure the AML compliance among Money Service Business (MSB) players at national level. Her research interests focus on financial crime issues, risk management, sustainable development, forensic accounting, anti-money laundering & countering financing terrorism (AML/CFT) compliance, regulatory compliance,management accounting, and Covid-19 pandemic impacts.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). optimizing financial performance: a framework for malaysian public higher education through enterprise risk management. - international conference on humanities, social science and business management (ichssbm-2024). 1-15.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, ainul huda jamil, maryam jamilah ashaari. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 12.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). cb-sem modelling on work coordination and enterprise risk management towards performance of malaysian public higher education. - 4th international conference on advancing knowledge from multidisciplinary perspectives in engineering & technology. 1-16.
mohd fairuz md salleh, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, mohd helmi ali, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman, azlina ahmad, ahmad raflis che omar, 'ainul huda jamil, muhammad syahir abd wahab. (2024). garis panduan pelaburan dan pembiayaan oleh universiti awam tahun 2024. - . 54.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, ainul huda jamil, maryam jamilah ashaari, mazzlida mat deli, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, aisyah abdul rahman, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). are information systems crucial in higher education? evidence from empirical study. - 3rd international conference on multidisciplinary research for sustainable innovation (3rd icmrsi). 1-17.
ainul huda jamil, mazzlida mat deli, ummu ajirah abdul rauf, maryam jamilah, suguna sinniah, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). resilience and sustainability in tourism-forestry systems through risk management framework: review and concept. - journal of law and sustainable development. 1-28.
mazzlida mat deli, ummu ajirah abdul rauf, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, astri ayu purwati, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah, fauziah ismail, siti norliyana harun. (2024). a bibliometric article regarding twin technology in technology management for the year 2019-2023: industry in malaysia. - journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets). 925-940.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, nusra izzaty aziz, nor amirah syairah zulkarnaini, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2023). strengthening the university-maritime industry collaborations (umics): technology issues. - journal of applied engineering and technological science. 515-530.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, mazzlida mat deli, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2023). unraveling technology components on the financial performance of malaysian public higher education: cb-sem approach. - tuijin jishu/journal of propulsion technology. 6383-6398.
ainul huda jamil, zuraidah mohd sanusi, yusarina mat isa, najihah marha yaacob, suguna sinniah, ummu ajirah abdul rauf, maryam jamilah ashaari, mazzlida mat deli. (2023). navigating anti-money laundering:integration of knowledge management and ethical culture in banking operations. - tuijinjishu/journal of propulsion technology. 1791-1800.
ainul huda jamil, zuraidah mohd sanusi, yusarina mat isa, najihah marha yaacob. (2024). contemporary highlights: risk navigation in financial criminology. - . 182.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, ainul huda jamil, maryam jamilah ashaari. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 12.
ainul huda jamil, zuraidah mohd sanusi, yusarina mat isa, najihah marha yaacob. (2024). contemporary highlights: risk navigation in financial criminology. - . 182.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). optimizing financial performance: a framework for malaysian public higher education through enterprise risk management. - international conference on humanities, social science and business management (ichssbm-2024). 1-15.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, mazzlida mat deli, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). cb-sem modelling on work coordination and enterprise risk management towards performance of malaysian public higher education. - 4th international conference on advancing knowledge from multidisciplinary perspectives in engineering & technology. 1-16.
ummu ajirah abdul rauf, ainul huda jamil, maryam jamilah ashaari, mazzlida mat deli, mohd hafizuddin syah bangaan abdullah, aisyah abdul rahman, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). are information systems crucial in higher education? evidence from empirical study. - 3rd international conference on multidisciplinary research for sustainable innovation (3rd icmrsi). 1-17.
mohd fairuz md salleh, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, mohd helmi ali, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman, azlina ahmad, ahmad raflis che omar, 'ainul huda jamil, muhammad syahir abd wahab. (2024). garis panduan pelaburan dan pembiayaan oleh universiti awam tahun 2024. - . 54.
mazzlida mat deli, ummu ajirah abdul rauf, maryam jamilah ashaari, ainul huda jamil, astri ayu purwati, siti intan nurdiana wong abdullah. (2024). a bibliometric analysis of publications on 3d food printing technology using vosviewer. - 4th international conference on advancing knowledge from multidisciplinary perspectives in engineering & technology. 1-12.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EMPOWERING DISABLED STUDENTS THROUGH CHATGPT TOWARDS ACHIEVING LOW-RISK WORK PROGRAMS | universitas negeri surabaya | 97.8% (2024-03-22 sehingga 2025-03-22) |