shahidee zainal abidin, nurul asykin mat pauzi, nur izzati mansor, nurul iffah mohd isa and adila a. hamid. (2023). a new perspective on alzheimer's disease: micrornas and circular rnas. - frontiers in genetics. 1-14.
nur izzati mansor, king-hwa ling, rozita rosli, zurina hassan, mohd ilham adenan, and norshariza nordin. (2023). centella asiatica (l.) urban. attenuates cell damage in hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in transgenic murine embryonic stem cell line-derived neural-like cells: a preliminary study for potential treatment of alzheimer's disease. - journal of alzheimer's disease. 21-44.
azizah ugusman, adila a hamid, amilia aminuddin, nur izzati mansor, nur najmi muhammad anuar, nur syakirah othman, mohd faizal ahmad. (2023). protective effect of polygonum minus against endothelial dysfunction. - international conference on natural products. 75.
nurul hafizah mohd nor, farahidah mohamed, abd almonem doolaanea, nur izzati mansor, mohd. affendi mohd shafri. (2023). leveraging nigella sativa-based nanoparticles in the fight against neurodegeneration: a greener approach to a sustainable future. - 29th international sustainable development research society (isdrs) conference 2023 proceeding. 1263.
nurul hafizah mohd nor, farahidah mohamed, abd almonem doolaanea, nur 'izzati mansor, mohd. affendi mohd shafri. (2023). leveraging nigella sativa-based nanoparticles in the fight against neurodegeneration: a greener approach to a sustainable future. - 29th international sustainable development research society (isdrs) conference. 1-22.
nur izzati mansor, king-hwa ling, rozita rosli, zurina hassan, mohd ilham adenan, and norshariza nordin. (2023). centella asiatica (l.) urban. attenuates cell damage in hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in transgenic murine embryonic stem cell line-derived neural-like cells: a preliminary study for potential treatment of alzheimer's disease. - journal of alzheimer's disease. 21-44.
shahidee zainal abidin, nurul asykin mat pauzi, nur izzati mansor, nurul iffah mohd isa and adila a. hamid. (2023). a new perspective on alzheimer's disease: micrornas and circular rnas. - frontiers in genetics. 1-14.
nurul hafizah mohd nor, nur izzati mansor, mohd izhar ariff mohd kashim, mohd helmy mokhtar, farah ayuni mohd hatta. (2023). from teeth to therapy: a review of therapeutic potential within the secretome of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-16.
nur izzati mansor, king-hwa ling, rozita rosli, zurina hassan, mohd ilham adenan, and norshariza nordin. (2023). centella asiatica (l.) urban. attenuates cell damage in hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in transgenic murine embryonic stem cell line-derived neural-like cells: a preliminary study for potential treatment of alzheimer's disease. - journal of alzheimer's disease. 21-44.
nurul hafizah mohd nor, nur izzati mansor, mohd izhar ariff mohd kashim, mohd helmy mokhtar, farah ayuni mohd hatta. (2023). from teeth to therapy: a review of therapeutic potential within the secretome of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-16.
azizah ugusman, adila a hamid, amilia aminuddin, nur izzati mansor, nur najmi muhammad anuar, nur syakirah othman, mohd faizal ahmad. (2023). protective effect of polygonum minus against endothelial dysfunction. - international conference on natural products. 75.
nurul hafizah mohd nor, farahidah mohamed, abd almonem doolaanea, nur 'izzati mansor, mohd. affendi mohd shafri. (2023). leveraging nigella sativa-based nanoparticles in the fight against neurodegeneration: a greener approach to a sustainable future. - 29th international sustainable development research society (isdrs) conference. 1-22.
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