pensyarah universiti
jabatan diagnostik kraniofasial & biosains
zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed, jesrine hong, hannuun yaacob, siti zawiah omar. (2024). prevalence of preterm birth and perinatal outcome in a tertiary hospital in malaysia. - cureus journal of medical science. 1-9.
iffah nadhira madzuki, nuradila jin samsudin, rumaisa nordin, zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed, aliah zannierah mohsin. (2024). thermal and photostability of betacyanin from dragon fruit (hylocereus polyrhizus). - journal of agrobiotechnology. 88-97.
zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed. (2023). overview of urinary system. - . 1-23.
zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed. (2023). bias and confounding: their role in statistical analysis. - . 1-35.
zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed. (2023). cartilage and bone. - . 1-57.
zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed, jesrine hong, hannuun yaacob, siti zawiah omar. (2024). prevalence of preterm birth and perinatal outcome in a tertiary hospital in malaysia. - cureus journal of medical science. 1-9.
zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed. (2023). cartilage and bone. - . 1-57.
zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed. (2023). bias and confounding: their role in statistical analysis. - . 1-35.
zahirrah begam mohamed rasheed. (2023). overview of urinary system. - . 1-23.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EXOSOME-INFUSED SPRAY FOR ENHANCED ORAL WOUND HEALING: A NOVEL IN-VITRO APPROACH | ming medical sdn. bhd. | 18.2% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |