pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian bahasa & linguistik (pbl)
Fuzirah Hashim is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She has about 35 years of experience in the ELT (English Language Teaching) field. Her field of study was ESP (English for Specific Purposes) and recent research and publications have been based on Gender Studies and the Study of Attitude and Motivation.
sarannyathirshini anandarao, fuzirah hashim. (2024). beyond words: investigating anxiety in ukm's els undergraduates through oral presentations. - persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda (persada) 2024. 952-966.
fuzirah hashim. (2024). verb phrase. - . 1-14.
fuzirah hashim, kesumawati a. bakar, siti hamin stapa. (2023). minyak sawit dan generasi akan datang: meneroka penglibatan belia malaysia. - geografia-malaysian journal of society and space. 138-152.
fuzirah hashim. (2023). skbe1023 noun phrase and prepositional phrase. - . 1-19.
fuzirah hashim. (2023). bridge to the professional world: students' perceptions on industrial training program's efficacy and obstacles. - malaysian journal of social sciences and huamnities. 1-21.
fuzirah hashim, bahiyah abdul hamid, kesumawati abu bakar, zarina othman. (2018). gambaran gender dalam buku teks bahasa inggeris malaysia. - geografia online malaysian journal of society and space. 174-187.
fuzirah hashim, ahmad aminuddin soopar, bahiyah abdul hamid. (2017). linguistic features of malaysian students` online communicative language in an academic setting: the case of universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - akademika. 231-242.
fuzirah hashim, kesumawati a. bakar, siti hamin stapa. (2023). minyak sawit dan generasi akan datang: meneroka penglibatan belia malaysia. - geografia-malaysian journal of society and space. 138-152.
jamaluddin aziz, fuzirah hashim. (2022). exploring global decolonising projects and english studies in the 21st century: a thematic analysis. - gema online: journal of language studies. 128-140.
jamaluddin aziz. fuzirah hashim, nor fariza mohd nor. (2022). can we not just talk about men? the bechdel test, narrative salience and female voices in two selected malay films. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 184-199.
hadirah amalin hisham, fuzirah hashim. (2022). promoting political engagement among youth: analysis of speech act patterns in syed saddiq's speech. - jurnal 3l- language, linguistics, literature. 296-308.
fuzirah hashim, ahmad aminuddin soopar. (2022). bahasa komunikasi atas talian dalam suasana akademik. - gema online journal of language studies. 261-278.
mohamad subakir mohd yasin, bahiyah abdul hamid, zarina othman, fuzirah hashim, kesumawati abu bakar, azmah mohti. (2012). a visual analysis of a malaysian english school textbook : gender matters. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - international conference on education and educational psychology (iceepsy 2012). .
fuzirah hashim, zaini amir, norizan abd razak. (2011). empowering rural women entrepreneurs with ict skills: an impact study. - 3rd world conference on educational sciences, wces-2011;istanbul (procedia social and behavioral sciences). .
fuzirah hashim,norizan abdul razak,zaini amir. (2011). empowering rural women entrepreneurs with ict skills: an impact study of 1nita project in malaysia. - 3rd world conference on educational sciences, wces-2011;istanbul (procedia - social and behavioral sciences). .
norizan abdul razak, jamaluddin aziz, fuzirah hashim, zaini amir, shariya haniz zulkifli. (2010). selected topics in education and educational technology. - . 278-283.
cordelia mason, wan mohd hilmi wan ahmad, fuzirah hashim. (2022). social entrepreneurs: mobilisers of social change. - . 22.
fuzirah hashim, ahmad taufik azhar sulaiman. (2018). interacting with discourse: foregrounding socio-cultural matters. - . 22.
bahiyah abdul hamid, fuzirah hashim, mohamad subakir mohd. yasin. (2018). interacting with discourse: foregrounding socio-cultural matters. - . 4.
tengku nor rizan tengku mohd maasum, zaini amir, noorizah mohd noor, tng cheah kiu choon, nadzrah abu bakar & fuzirah hashim. (2011). classroom practices in esl & efl contexts. insider perspectives.. - . 1: 1-5.
norizan abdul razak, jamaluddin aziz, fuzirah hashim, zaini amir, shariya haniz zulkifli. (2010). selected topics in education and educational technology. - . 278-283.
bahiyah abdul hamid, fuzirah hashim, mohamad subakir mohd. yasin. (2018). interacting with discourse:foregrounding socio-cultural matters. - . 144.
tengku nor rizan tengku mohd maasum, zaini amir, noorizah mohd noor, tng cheah kiu choon, nadzrah abu bakar & fuzirah hashim. (2011). classroom practices in esl & efl contexts: insider perspectives. - . 161.
fuzirah hashim. (2024). verb phrase. - . 1-14.
fuzirah hashim, nadia ameera abdul malek. (2023). language used in fast food slogan advertisements. - icosh 2023. 1.
fuzirah hashim. (2023). skbe1023 noun phrase and prepositional phrase. - . 1-19.
fuzirah hashim. (2021). adjectival, adverbial, prepositional phrases and modifiers. - . 1-44.
nurjanah mohd jaafar, normalis amzah, ng lay shi, ravichandran vengadasamy, azianura hani shaari, fuzirah hashim, zalina mohd lazim. (2021). insan budiman module 3: english language skills and competency. - . 1-40.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION AMONG MALAYSIA MARITIME ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (MMEA) AND JAPAN COAST GUARD (JCG) OFFICERS | agensi penguatkuasa maritim malaysia (apmm) | 97.1% (2023-04-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |