prof. madya dr. puan binti yatim

pensyarah universiti

ukm-graduate school of business (ukm-gsb)

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • ngan sue lin;puan binti yatim;roslan bin ja`afar.  (2025).  transitioning to circular economy: the case of palm oil industry in malaysia.  -


    puan yatim.  (2023).  sustainability reporting of malaysian listed palm oil companies.  - the 15th asian academy of management international conference 2023.  60. 


    puan yatim, ngan sue lin, roslan jaáfar.  (2023).  transition towards circular economy: policy insights from a developing country.  - international conference on solid waste 2023: waste management in circular economy and climate resilience: conference proceedings.  388-391. 


    puan yatim, ngan sue lin.  (2023).  a content analysis of sustainability disclosures of malaysian listed oil palm companies.  - 18th conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems (18th sdewes conference).  486. 


    ngan sue lin, puan yatim, roslan ja'afar.  (2023).  enabling circular practices in the manufacturing industry: barriers and challenges.  - chemical engineering transactions.  625-630. 


    sue lin ngan, bing shen how, sin yong teng, wei dong leong, adrian chun minh loy, puan yatim, michael angelo b. promentilla, hon loong lam.  (2020).  a hybrid approach to prioritize risk mitigation strategies for biomass polygeneration systems.  - renewable and sustainable energy reviews.  1-27. 


    sue lin ngan, bing shen how, sin yong teng, michael angelo b. promentilla, puan yatim, ah choy er, hon loong lam.  (2019).  prioritization of sustainability indicators for promoting the circular economy: the case of developing countries.  - renewable and sustainable energy reviews.  314-331. 


    puan yatim, mohd-noor mamat, suhaiza hanim mohamad zailani, shamshubaridah ramlee.  (2016).  energy policy shifts towards sustainable energy future for malaysia.  - clean technologies and environmental policy.  1685-1695. 


    puan yatim, ngan sue lin, hon loong lam & er ah choy.  (2017).  overview of the key risks in the pioneering stage of the malaysian biomass industry.  - clean technologies and environmental policy. 


    ngan sue lin, puan yatim, roslan ja'afar.  (2023).  enabling circular practices in the manufacturing industry: barriers and challenges.  - chemical engineering transactions.  625-630. 


    sue lin ngan, bing shen how, sin yong teng, wei dong leong, adrian chun minh loy, puan yatim, michael angelo b. promentilla, hon loong lam.  (2020).  a hybrid approach to prioritize risk mitigation strategies for biomass polygeneration systems.  - renewable and sustainable energy reviews.  1-27. 


    sue lin ngan, bing shen how, sin yong teng, michael angelo b. promentilla, puan yatim, ah choy er, hon loong lam.  (2019).  prioritization of sustainability indicators for promoting the circular economy: the case of developing countries.  - renewable and sustainable energy reviews.  314-331. 


    sue lin ngan, bing shen how, michael angelo b. promentille, puan yatim, hon loong lam.  (2018).  integrating stakeholder role in mitigating risks for future cleaner production.  - chemical engineering transactions. 


    sue lin ngan, micahel angelo b. promentille, puan yatim, hon loong lam, ah choy er.  (2018).  developing sustainability index for malaysian palm oil industry with fuzzy analytic network process.  - chemical engineering transactions. 


    ngan sue lin;puan binti yatim;roslan bin ja`afar.  (2025).  transitioning to circular economy: the case of palm oil industry in malaysia.  -


    puan yatim.  (2023).  sustainability reporting of malaysian listed palm oil companies.  - the 15th asian academy of management international conference 2023.  60. 


    puan yatim.  (2022).  inflation inequality is the real worry now.  - the new straits times.  1. 


    puan yatim.  (2022).  coping with rising prices and shrinkflation.  - the new straits times.  1-3. 


    ros zam zam sapian, puan yatim.  (2016).  the lead-lag relationships of equity fund flows: evidence of an emerging market.  - 4th indonesian financial management association (ifma) international conference.