Wan Aida Wan Mustapha merupakan Profesor di Jabatan Sains Makanan, Fakulti Sains & Teknologi (FST), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau memulakan kerjayanya di UKM pada 1993. Beliau merupakan ahli seumur hidup Institut Teknologi Makanan Malaysia (MIFT), Penganalisis Makanan Berdaftar (KKM) sejak 2014, dan Ahli Teknologi Profesional (MBOT). Beliau memperoleh PhD dalam Sains Makanan dari University of Nottingham, UK, pada tahun 1997 selepas memperoleh BSc. (Hons.) dalam Sains Makanan dan Pemakanan dari UKM pada tahun 1992. Beliau memegang jawatan Pengerusi, Pusat Pengajian Sains Kimia dan Teknologi Makanan (2014–2018), Ketua Program Sains Makanan (2007–2010; 2013–2014), dan Timbalan Dekan (2018–2023) yang menguruskan pelajar sarjana muda. Beliau telah berkhidmat sebagai editor Sains Malaysiana (jurnal pelbagai disiplin yang diindeks dalam WoS dan SCOPUS) sejak 2012 hingga 2022. Beliau merupakan pengarang dan pengarang bersama 131 artikel yang terindeks, 4 buku dan 2 bab buku. Antara harta intelek yang diperolehi adalah 8 paten, 3 hak cipta, 1 tanda dagangan dan 14 inovasi. Bidang pengkhususan beliau ialah bahan makanan, kimia makanan, analisis makanan dan makanan berfungsi. Sebagai ketua projek dan penyelidik bersama, beliau telah memperoleh geran penyelidikan daripada KPT, MOA, MOSTI dan Industri Makanan. Beliau telah menerima 17 anugerah penyelidikan dari dalam dan luar negara. Kepakaran beliau dalam analisis makanan, kimia dan pemakanan diiktiraf oleh KKM, JAKIM, SIRIM, DSM, dan JKM sebagai ahli jawatankuasa teknikal dan kerja.
Wan Aida Wan Mustapha is a Professor in the Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Science & Technology (FST), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She started her career at UKM in 1993. She is a lifelong member of the Malaysian Institute of Food Technology (MIFT), a Registered Food Analyst (MOH) since 2014, and a Professional Technologist (MBOT). She earned a PhD in Food Science from the University of Nottingham, UK, in 1997 after earning a BSc. (Hons.) in Food Science and Nutrition from UKM in 1992. She held the positions of Chairman, School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology (2014–2018), Head of Food Science Programme (2007–2010; 2013–2014), and Deputy Dean (2018–2023), where she oversaw undergraduate students. She has served as an editor of Sains Malaysiana (a multidisciplinary journal indexed in WoS and SCOPUS) since 2012 to 2022. She authored and co-authoured 131 indexed articles, 4 books, and 2 book chapters up till April 1, 2024. Among her intellectual property were 8 patents, 3 copyrights, 1 trademark, and 14 innovations. Her areas of specialisation are food ingredients, food chemistry, food analysis, and functional foods. As project leader and co-researcher, she has obtained research grants from MOHE, MOA, MOSTI and Food Industries. She has received 17 medals for both domestic and international research honours. Owing to her expertise in food analysis, chemistry, and nutrition, the MOH, JAKIM, SIRIM, DSM, and JKM recognised her as a member of their technical and working committees.
noorul syuhada binti mohd razali;wan aida wan mustapha;noor soffalina binti sofian seng;nurul aqilah binti mohd zaini;hafeedza binti abdul rahman. (2024). potential food bio-preservative poly-lactic acid (pla) film incorporated with alpinia mutica leave extracts. - . .
haoxin li, wan aida wan mustapha, guilin tian, nan dong, feng zhao, xiaoping zhang, daoqi long, jia liu. (2024). enhanced hydrophobic interaction between fish (cyprinus carpio l.) scale gelatin and curcumin: mechanism study. - food chemistry. 1-12.
nurul shahirah aziz, nur syafiqa abd aziz, seng joe lim, noor-soffalina sofian-seng, wan aida wan mustapha, hafeedza abdul rahman, noorul syuhada mohd razali. (2024). kesan penambahan fukoidan terhadap kualiti penyimpanan kombucha. - sains malaysiana. 821-837.
artorn anuduang, seng joe lim, somchai jomduang, kongsak boonyapranai, suphat phongthai, wan aida wan mustapha. (2024). ace-inhibitory properties and antioxidative activities of hydrolysate powder obtained from thai's mature silkworm (bombyx mori). - international journal of food science and technology (ijfst). 3176-3186.
jia liu, haoxin li, wan aida wan mustapha, xiaoping zhang. (2024). ultrasound-assisted alkaline hydrolysis of fish(cyprinus carpio l.) scale gelatin: a possible curcumin delivery system with increased water solubility and sustained release. - lwt - food science and technology. 1-11.
jia liu, haoxin li, wan aida wan mustapha, xiaoping zhang. (2024). ultrasound-assisted alkaline hydrolysis of fish(cyprinus carpio l.) scale gelatin: a possible curcumin delivery system with increased water solubility and sustained release. - lwt - food science and technology. 1-11.
artorn anuduang, seng joe lim, somchai jomduang, kongsak boonyapranai, suphat phongthai, wan aida wan mustapha. (2024). ace-inhibitory properties and antioxidative activities of hydrolysate powder obtained from thai's mature silkworm (bombyx mori). - international journal of food science and technology (ijfst). 3176-3186.
nur akmal solehah din, ainaatul asmaa ishak, syahida maarof, hafeedza abdul rahman, noor-soffalina sofian-seng, noorul syuhada mohd razali, seng joe lim, wan aida wan mustapha. (2024). potential anti-obesity effects of fucoidan from malaysian brown seaweed (sargassum binderi) by in vivo study. - international journal of food science and technology. 3402-3411.
haoxin li, wan aida wan mustapha, guilin tian, nan dong, feng zhao, xiaoping zhang, daoqi long, jia liu. (2024). enhanced hydrophobic interaction between fish (cyprinus carpio l.) scale gelatin and curcumin: mechanism study. - food chemistry. 1-12.
pei ling tang, sin ru gan, wan aida wan mustapha. (2024). exploring potential of jicama and mulberry leaf extracts as the hypoglycemic additive in rice simulated in-vitro digestion. - journal of food measurement and characterization. 845-870.
nurul shahirah aziz, nur syafiqa abd aziz, seng joe lim, noor-soffalina sofian-seng, wan aida wan mustapha, hafeedza abdul rahman, noorul syuhada mohd razali. (2024). kesan penambahan fukoidan terhadap kualiti penyimpanan kombucha. - sains malaysiana. 821-837.
nurul najiha ain ibrahim, wan aida wan mustapha , noor-sofalina sofian-seng , seng joe lim , noorul syuhada mohd razali , arnida hani teh , hafeedza abdul rahman , ahmed mediani. (2023). a comprehensive review with future prospects on the medicinal properties and biological activities of curcuma caesia roxb.. - evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. 1-17.
loo yuet ying, lim hui ying, noor-soffalina sofian-seng, wan aida wan mustapha, noorul syuhada mohd razali. (2022). physicochemical characteristics and microbiological quality of silkworm (bombyx mori) larval and pupae powder: comparative study. - sains malaysiana. 547-558.
kevser irfan unal, lee sin chang, wan aida wan mustapha, noorul syuhada mohd razali, abdul salam babji, seng joe lim. (2022). edible birds nest, a valuable glycoprotein source: current research prospects and challenges in malaysia (sarang burung walit, sumber glikoprotein bernilai tinggi: prospek penyelidikan dan cabaran semasa di malaysia). - sains malaysiana. 2829-2842.
norhelaliah isa, noor-soffalina sofian seng, wan aida wan mustapha, masturah markom, nur afiqah mohd azhari. (2022). pengoptimuman pengekstrakan lemak biji mangga (mangifera indica l.) jeruk menggunakan kaedah respons permukaan dan analisis lipid (extraction optimization of pickled mango (mangifera indica l.) seed butter using response surface methodology and lipid anal. - sains malaysiana. 2713-2724.
nurul shahirah aziz, nur syafiqa abd aziz, seng joe lim, noor-soffalina sofian-seng, wan aida wan mustapha, hafeedza abdul rahman, noorul syuhada mohd razali. (2024). kesan penambahan fukoidan terhadap kualiti penyimpanan kombucha. - sains malaysiana. 821-837.
artorn anuduang, seng joe lim, somchai jomduang, kongsak boonyapranai, suphat phongthai, wan aida wan mustapha. (2024). ace-inhibitory properties and antioxidative activities of hydrolysate powder obtained from thai's mature silkworm (bombyx mori). - international journal of food science and technology (ijfst). 3176-3186.
jia liu, haoxin li, wan aida wan mustapha, xiaoping zhang. (2024). ultrasound-assisted alkaline hydrolysis of fish(cyprinus carpio l.) scale gelatin: a possible curcumin delivery system with increased water solubility and sustained release. - lwt - food science and technology. 1-11.
mansoor abdul hamid, chi hong yeap, wan aida wan mustapha, oslida martony, fatmawati. (2024). effects of different solvents on the antioxidant activity of several seaweed species from semporna, sabah, malaysia. - ilmu kelautan: indonesian journal of marine sciences. 29-36.
nur akmal solehah din, ainaatul asmaa ishak, syahida maarof, hafeedza abdul rahman, noor-soffalina sofian-seng, noorul syuhada mohd razali, seng joe lim, wan aida wan mustapha. (2024). potential anti-obesity effects of fucoidan from malaysian brown seaweed (sargassum binderi) by in vivo study. - international journal of food science and technology. 3402-3411.
mohd nazri zayapor, aminah abdullah, wan aida wan mustapha. (2019). variation in antioxidant capacities in common variant teas and spiced teas. - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding. 1-7.
nur atikah md nor, wan aida wan mustapha, osman hassan. (2016). deep eutectic solvent (des) as a pretreatment for oil palm empty fruit bunch (opefb) in sugar production. - procedia chemistry. 147-154.
bibi marliana baba, wan aida wan mustapha, lim seng joe. (2016). effects of extraction solvent on fucose content in fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed (sargassum sp.) from pulau langkawi, kedah, malaysia. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding. 1-5.
nur atikah md nor, wan aida wan mustapha, osman hassan. (2015). deep eutectic solvent (des) as a pretreatment for oil palm empty fruit bunch (opefb) in sugar production. - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 050044 (1-6).
asmawati, wan aida wan mustapha, salma mohamad yusop, mohamad yusof maskat and ahmad fuad shamsuddin. (2014). characteristics of cinnamaldehyde nanoemulsion prepared using apv-high pressure homogenizer and ultra turrax. - aip conference proceedings : the 2014 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 244-250.
lim seng joe, wan aida wan mustapha, mohamad yusof maskat. (2020). fukoidan: ingredien bioaktif rumpai laut. - . 137.
sahilah abd. mutalib, wan aida wan mustapha, aishah elias. (2019). tomato: kesan pestisid, baja dan kompos. - . 148.
seng joe lim & wan mustapha wan aida. (2017). seaweed polysaccharides: isolation, biological and biomedical applications. - . 20.
noor azreeni abu sharan, azmi nizam muhammad & wan aida wan mustapha. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains makanan 2017. - . 4.
nurshamin nadia osmarani, muhammad ariff mahmud & wan aida wan mustapha.. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains makanan 2017. - . 4.
seng joe lim & wan mustapha wan aida. (2017). seaweed polysaccharides: isolation, biological and biomedical applications. - . 20.
nurshamin nadia osmarani, muhammad ariff mahmud & wan aida wan mustapha.. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains makanan 2017. - . 4.
fatin nurnadiah bujang, haniza hanum azhar & wan aida wan mustapha. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains makanan 2017. - . 4.
noor azreeni abu sharan, azmi nizam muhammad & wan aida wan mustapha. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains makanan 2017. - . 4.
lim seng joe, wan aida wan mustapha, mohamad yusof maskat. (2020). fukoidan: ingredien bioaktif rumpai laut. - . 137.
norhelaliah isa, wan aida wan mustapha. (2019). biji mangga khasiat tersembunyi. - . 113.
sahilah abd. mutalib, wan aida wan mustapha, aishah elias. (2019). tomato: kesan pestisid, baja dan kompos. - . 148.
arnida hani teh, lim seng joe, noorul syuhada mohd razali, norrakiah abdullah sani, nurul aqilah mohd zaini, razalee sedek, saiful irwan zubairi, wan aida wan mustapha, zalifah mohd kasim. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains makanan 2018. - . 52.
arnida hani teh, lim seng joe, noorul syuhada mohd razali, norrakiah abdullah sani, razalee sedek, wan aida wan mustapha & zalifah mohd kasim. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains makanan 2017. - . 149.
noorul syuhada binti mohd razali;wan aida wan mustapha;noor soffalina binti sofian seng;nurul aqilah binti mohd zaini;hafeedza binti abdul rahman. (2024). potential food bio-preservative poly-lactic acid (pla) film incorporated with alpinia mutica leave extracts. - . .
hafeedza binti abdul rahman;wan aida wan mustapha;arnida hani binti teh. (2023). anti-obesity and anti-hyperlipidemic effects of kesum (polygonum minus) leaves extract (pmle) in sprague dawley rats. - . .
lim seng joe;wan aida wan mustapha;noorul syuhada binti mohd razali. (2023). conversion of edible bird’s nest (ebn) by-product glycoprotein to glycopeptide and sialic acid as functional ingredients. - . .
wan aida wan mustapha;noor soffalina binti sofian seng. (2023). lemak sisa biji jeruk mangga sebagai sumber alternatif lemak koko. - . .
lim seng joe;wan aida wan mustapha;hafeedza binti abdul rahman;abdul salam bin babji. (2023). fractionation and structure elucidation of edible bird`s nest glycopeptides fractions with high bioactivity through structure-activity relationship analysis. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SACHA INCHI KOMBUCHA POWDER AS INNOVATIVE FERMENTED FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGE | 899 f&b manufacturing sdn. bhd. | 54.7% (2024-08-01 sehingga 2025-07-31) |
PREPARATION OF FISH PROTEIN AS RAW INGREDIENT FOR ANIMAL FEED: A COLLABORATIVE SUSTAINABLE VENTURE. | segi value holdings sdn bhd | 96.7% (2024-03-01 sehingga 2025-02-28) |
DECODING THE KEY PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPONENTS AND ANTI-OBESITY MECHANISMS OF GARCINIA CELEBICA L. (SYNONYM: GARCINIA HOMBRONIANA) IN SPRAGUE DAWLEY RATS | lnstitut penyelidikan perubatan (imr), lnstitut kesihatan negara (nih) | 14.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |