pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian kesihatan komuniti (reach)
Assoc. Prof. Dr Nik Shanita Safii has started her career as a tutor in UKM since 1994. Currently, she is a lecturer and dietitian at the Dietetics program, Centre for Community Health Study, Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. Her research interests are in Sports Nutrition (Development of Web- & Mobile-Apps: NutriSportExTM & DietScore©), Glycemic index of food and Nutritional Status Assessment of Specific Group. She is also an expert panel for Ministry of Human Resource (National Occupational Skill Standard (NOSS) for Sports Coaching (level 4-5), Ministry of Youth & Sports (National Coaching Academy for Sports Nutrition), Ministry of Health (Malaysian Dietary Guidelines & Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysians), UKM UNIPEQ (Consultant – Determination of Glycemic Index of Food), Malaysian Dietitians’ Association (Vice President - 2017-2021) and she received a Certificate of Equivalent of National Coaching Academy’s Sports Science Level 1, 2, and 3.
khor siau ying, nur nadirah mohd sanusi, sareena hanim hamzah, hasnah haron dan nik shanita safii. (2024). penghasilan dan penerimaan minuman sukan isotonik berkos rendah dalam kalangan pelajar universiti. - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 83-96.
muhammad irfan haiqal, mohd izham mohamad, wen jin chai, nor m. f. farah, nik shanita safii, jasmiza khuzairi jasme, nor aini jamil. (2023). prevalence of relative energy deficiency in sport (red-s) among national athletes in malaysia. - nutrients. 1-11.
siti khadijah rosle & nik shanita safii. (2023). terapi pemakanan perubatan untuk pesakit kanser. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-7.
mohd shah k, nur iman najat sb, nur hana h, shahril mr, masne k, nik shanita s, hasnah h. (2023). the development of sensory attribute and nutrient content database for three to five years old children food (peaters choicetm). - 38th nutrition society of malaysia scientific conference. 119.
mohd hasnun arif hassan, ahmad munir che muhamed, nik shanita safii, lian yee kok, raja mohammed firhad raja azidin, noor azuan abu osman, roosfa hashim. (2023). lecture notes in bioengineering: proceedings of the 8th international conference on movement. health and exercise.. - mohe 2022 - refocusing on sports and exercise for a post-pandemic world. 1-416.
mohd shah kamarudin, mohd razif shahril, hasnah haron, masne kadar, nik shanita safii, nur hana hamzaid. (2023). interventions for picky eaters among typically developed children - a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-18.
muhammad irfan haiqal, mohd izham mohamad, wen jin chai, nor m. f. farah, nik shanita safii, jasmiza khuzairi jasme, nor aini jamil. (2023). prevalence of relative energy deficiency in sport (red-s) among national athletes in malaysia. - nutrients. 1-11.
nontharit voravuth, eng wee chua, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ming chiang lim, sharifa ezat wan puteh, nik shanita safii, jyh eiin wong, ahmad taufik jamil, jamia azdina jamal, ahmad fuad shamsuddin, adliah mhd ali. (2022). engaging community pharmacists to eliminate inadvertent doping in sports: a study of their knowledge on doping. - plos one. 1-14.
nur syazana nor azizam, siti nurhazlin yusof, jonie jerypin amon, azimah ahmad, nik shanita safii and nor aini jamil. (2022). sports nutrition and food knowledge among malaysian university athletes. - nutrients. 1-9.
norashikin mustafa, nik shanita safii, aida jaffar, nor samsiah sani, mohd izham mohamad, abdul hadi abd rahman, sherina mohd sidik. (2021). malay version of the mhealth app usability questionnaire (m-mauq): translation, adaptation, and validation study. - jmir mhealth and uhealth. 1-11.
rohit chaudhary, sareena hanim hamzah, azlina abdul aziz, zulkarnain jaafar nik shanita safii. (2022). effects of watermelon and tualang honey based energy drinks on postprandial antioxidant activity and oxidative stress in male collegiate athletes: a dose-response and time-course efficacy study. - progress in nutrition. 1-11.
ruth merry paranjothi yanok, iklil iman mohd said, shin hwa chau, kai yee seng, nik shanita safii, wei boon yap. (2020). a systematic review on the effectiveness of enteral immunonutrition (ein) on pre and post operative outcomes in gastric cancer patients. - sains malaysiana. 625-634.
fadil fatihah, boon koon ng, husin hazwanie, a karim norimah, safii nik shanita, abd talib ruzita, bee koon poh. (2015). development and validation of a food frequency questionnaire for dietary intake assessment among multi-ethnic primary school-aged children. - singapore medical journal. 687-694.
ra ghani, s shyam, f arshad, na wahab, k chinna, ns safii, myb nisak and na kamaruddin. (2014). the influence of fasting insulin level in post-gestational diabetes mellitus women receiving low-glycaemic-index diets. - nutrition and diabetes. .
b k. poh, a t. ruzita, s. nik shanita, j e. wong, s b. budin, m d. siti haslinda, a k. norimah. (2013). obesity and vitamin d insufficiency coexist among children living in a multiethnic sun-rich country. - annals of nutrition and metabolism. 63(suppl 1):724.
mohd shah kamarudin, mohd razif shahril, hasnah haron, masne kadar, nik shanita safii, nur hana hamzaid. (2023). interventions for picky eaters among typically developed children - a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-18.
muhammad irfan haiqal, mohd izham mohamad, wen jin chai, nor m. f. farah, nik shanita safii, jasmiza khuzairi jasme, nor aini jamil. (2023). prevalence of relative energy deficiency in sport (red-s) among national athletes in malaysia. - nutrients. 1-11.
nontharit voravuth, eng wee chua, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ming chiang lim, sharifa ezat wan puteh, nik shanita safii, jyh eiin wong, ahmad taufik jamil, jamia azdina jamal, ahmad fuad shamsuddin, adliah mhd ali. (2022). engaging community pharmacists to eliminate inadvertent doping in sports: a study of their knowledge on doping. - plos one. 1-14.
maisara salah, hanis mastura yahya, nik shanita safii. (2022). development and validation of culinary nutrition questionnaire to assess chefs culinary nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice (kap). - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 24-29.
rohit chaudhary, sareena hanim hamzah, azlina abdul aziz, zulkarnain jaafar nik shanita safii. (2022). effects of watermelon and tualang honey based energy drinks on postprandial antioxidant activity and oxidative stress in male collegiate athletes: a dose-response and time-course efficacy study. - progress in nutrition. 1-11.
mohd hasnun arif hassan, ahmad munir che muhamed, nik shanita safii, lian yee kok, raja mohammed firhad raja azidin, noor azuan abu osman, roosfa hashim. (2023). lecture notes in bioengineering: proceedings of the 8th international conference on movement. health and exercise.. - mohe 2022 - refocusing on sports and exercise for a post-pandemic world. 1-416.
nik shanita safii, norhasniza yaacob, aainaa mastura abu bakar. (2021). food excel: meal planning and food sources for athletes and active individuals. - . 176.
suzana shahar, noor aini mohd yusoff, nik shanita safii, rafidah ghazali, roslina ahmad. (2009). atlas makanan: saiz pertukaran & porsi (atlas of food exchanges & portion sizes). - . 127.
mary demarest litchford, nik shanita safii. (2022). krause & mahan's: food and the nutrition care process. - . 17.
lucinda k. lysen, dorene robinson, rebecca rudel, nik shanita safii. (2022). krause & mahan's: food and the nutrition care process. - . 21.
janet e. schebendach, justine roth, nik shanita safii. (2022). krause & mahan's: food and the nutrition care process. - . 16.
karen chapman-novakofski, rickelle richards, nik shanita safii. (2022). krause & mahan's: food and the nutrition care process. - . 7.
zaini bahari, nik shanita safii and ahmad munir che muhamed. (2020). lecture notes in bioengineering : enhancing health and sports performance by design. - proceedings of the 2019 movement, health & exercise (mohe) and international sports science conference (issc). 12.
nik shanita safii, norhasniza yaacob, aainaa mastura abu bakar. (2021). food excel: meal planning and food sources for athletes and active individuals. - . 176.
mohd hasnun arif hassan, ahmad munir che muhamed, nur fahriza mohd ali, denise koh choon lian, kok lian yee, nik shanita safii, sarina md yusof, nor farah mohamad fauzi. (2020). lecture notes in bioengineering : enhancing health and sports performance by design. - proceedings of the 2019 movement, health & exercise (mohe) and international sports science conference (issc). 1-550.
suzana shahar, nik shanita safii, zahara abdul manaf & hasnah haron. (2015). atlas makanan: saiz pertukaran & porsi. - atlas of food exchanges and portion sizes. 151.
suzana shahar, noor aini mohd yusoff, nik shanita safii, rafidah ghazali, roslina ahmad. (2009). atlas makanan: saiz pertukaran & porsi (atlas of food exchanges & portion sizes). - . 127.
nik shanita safii & poh bee koon. (2007). sports nutrition. - . 161.
mohd shah k, nur iman najat sb, nur hana h, shahril mr, masne k, nik shanita s, hasnah h. (2023). the development of sensory attribute and nutrient content database for three to five years old children food (peaters choicetm). - 38th nutrition society of malaysia scientific conference. 119.
siti khadijah rosle & nik shanita safii. (2023). terapi pemakanan perubatan untuk pesakit kanser. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-7.
nik shanita safii, maizatul azlina chee din, nurfarhana diana mohd nor, wan azdie mohd abu bakar, mohd faez bachok and nuurdiana mohd rafien.. (2023). malaysian dietary guidelines for children & adolescents 2023. - key message 7: eat adequate amount of rice, other cereals, whole grain cereal-based products and tubers. 191-212.
wong jyh eiin;poh bee koon;nik shanita bt. safii;lam meng chun. (2022). development and validation of a virtual 3d food portion size atlas in improving portion size estimation in dietary assessment.. - . .
nik shanita bt. safii;hanis mastura binti yahya. (2021). development and validation a questionnaire to assess the food science and nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice (kap) among restaurants chefs in kuala lumpur. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 88.9% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |