pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian teknologi kecerdasan buatan (cait)
Zulaiha is an associate professor in the Centre of Artificial Intelligence Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, UKM. Now is the head of ICT Unit, Centre of Research Innovation and Management, UKM. She has involved with various Intelligent system projects since 2003, in particular in developing intelligent techniques based on artificial intelligence for problem-solving, agents, knowledge discovery, searching, data analytic, and knowledge manipulation. She has vast experience in framework development, algorithm development, and applied artificial intelligence solutions in various domain problems such as network intrusion detection, human talent, poverty, and weather and air pollution. He has conducted many local, industry, and an international project which totals more up to RM 10 million. She has published more than 200 articles publications in various local and international includes the high impact journal as well such as Journal of an expert system with Application, Applied Intelligence, Intelligent Data Analysis, Applied Soft Computing, etc. She also had graduated with more than 20 Ph.D. students who come from around the world. Besides academics, she is very concerned about community development. She involves in various NGO activities helping the people are needed in a regular basis.
mohammad mashrekul kabir, zulaiha ali othman, and mohd ridzwan yaakub. (2024). a hybrid frequency based, syntax, and conditional random field method for implicit and explicit aspect extraction. - ieee access. 72361-72373.
zulaiha binti ali othman;masri binti ayob;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). a deep learning prune based algorithm with compression to optimise iot capability and communication.. - . .
shahrina shahrani, suhaila zainuddin, kauthar mohd daud, zulaiha ali othman. (2023). fun cybersafe : perkongsian isu siber secara interaktif kepada remaja. - advancing knowledge for success (akses). 80-81.
herman yuliansyah, zulaiha ali othman, azuraliza abu bakar. (2023). a new link prediction method to alleviate the cold-start problem based on extending common neighbor and degree centrality. - physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications. 1-12.
nor samsiah binti sani;zulaiha binti ali othman;azuraliza binti abu bakar;afzan binti adam;abdul hadi bin abd rahman. (2023). analitik prestasi dan tingkah laku pelajar b40 di pendidikan tinggi malaysia berasaskan teknik penyatuan pembelajaran mesin. - . .
mohammad mashrekul kabir, zulaiha ali othman, and mohd ridzwan yaakub. (2024). a hybrid frequency based, syntax, and conditional random field method for implicit and explicit aspect extraction. - ieee access. 72361-72373.
herman yuliansyah, zulaiha ali othman, azuraliza abu bakar. (2023). a new link prediction method to alleviate the cold-start problem based on extending common neighbor and degree centrality. - physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications. 1-12.
normadiah mahiddin, zulaiha ali othman, azuraliza abu bakar, nur arzuar abdul rahim. (2022). an interrelated decision-making model for an intelligent decision support system in healthcare. - ieee access. 31660-31676.
mariah abdul rahman, nor samsiah sani, rusnita hamdan, zulaiha ali othman, azuraliza abu bakar. (2021). a clustering approach to identify multidimensional poverty indicators for the bottom 40 percent group. - plos one. 1-25.
ammar nasif, zulaiha ali othman and nor samsiah sani. (2021). the deep learning solutions on lossless compression meth-ods for alleviating data load on iot nodes in smart cities. - sensors. 1-26.
zulaiha ali othman, azuraliza abu bakar, nor samsiah sani, jamaludin sallim. (2020). household overspending model amongst b40, m40 and t20 using classification algorithm. - (ijacsa) international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 392-399.
zulaiha ali othman, noraini ismail, mohd zakree ahmad nazri, hamidah jantan. (2019). development of talent model based on publication performance using apriori technique. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 631-640.
noraini ismail, zulaiha ali othman, noor azah samsudin. (2019). regularization activation function for extreme learning machine. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 241-248.
mahmoud sammour, zulaiha ali othman, zurina muda, roliana ibrahim. (2019). an agglomerative hierarchical clustering with association rules for discovering climate change patterns. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 231-239.
zulaiha ali othman, mokhtar massoud kerwad, suhaila zainudin. (2019). hybrid an improvement water flow-like algorithm with single based metaheuristic for cvrp. - international journal of computer science and network security (ijcsns). 40-48.
mohammad mashrekul kabir, zulaiha ali othman, and mohd ridzwan yaakub. (2024). a hybrid frequency based, syntax, and conditional random field method for implicit and explicit aspect extraction. - ieee access. 72361-72373.
herman yuliansyah, zulaiha ali othman, azuraliza abu bakar. (2023). a new link prediction method to alleviate the cold-start problem based on extending common neighbor and degree centrality. - physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications. 1-12.
mohammad mashrekul kabir, zulaiha ali othman, mohd ridzwan yaakub, sabrina tiun. (2023). hybrid syntax dependency with lexicon and logistic regression for aspect-based sentiment analysis. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 797-804.
rosmayati mohemad, nazratul naziah mohd muhait, noor maizura mohamad noor, zulaiha ali othman. (2022). performance analysis in text clustering using k-means and k-medoids algorithms for malay crime documents. - international journal of electrical and computer engineering (ijece). 5014-5026.
normadiah mahiddin, zulaiha ali othman, azuraliza abu bakar, nur arzuar abdul rahim. (2022). an interrelated decision-making model for an intelligent decision support system in healthcare. - ieee access. 31660-31676.
rosmayati mohemad, nazratul naziah mohd muhait, noor maizura mohamad noor & zulaiha ali othman. (2020). unstructured malay text analytics model in crime. - the 6th international conference on software engineering & computer systems. 1-7.
noraini ismail, zulaiha ali othman. (2019). improved ozone pollution prediction using extreme learning machine with tribas regularization activation function. - 2nd international conference on intelligent and interactive computing 2018. 151-165.
yusri hakim bin yeop, zulaiha ali othman, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, umi asma mokhtar, wan fariza paizi@ fauzi. (2019). key factors to implement byod in schools. - cyber resilience conference 2018. 1-4.
zulaiha ali othman, noraini ismail, roliana ibrahim, and hamidah jantan. (2019). publication model for academic talent based on apriori technique. - 2nd international conference on intelligent and interactive computing 2018 (iic 2018) lecture notes in networks and systems. 127-140.
omar fitian rashid, zulaiha ali othman, suhaila zainudin. (2019). features selection for intrusion detection system based on dna encoding. - 2nd international conference on intelligent and interactive computing 2018 (iic 2018). 323-335.
omar fitian rashid al-rawi, suhaila zainudin, zulaiha ali othman. (2023). anomaly intrusion detection system with dna encoding. - . 228.
nor samsiah mohd sani, zulaiha ali othman, mariah abdul rahman. (2021). kajian sains data dalam analitik kesejahteraan rakyat. - . 46.
nur shazila mohamed, suhaila zainudin, zulaiha ali othman. (2021). ramalan pintar tindak balas ubat. - . 155.
zulaiha ali othman, hafiz mohd sarim. (2018). sains data penerokaan pengetahuan dari data raya. - . 26.
zulaiha ali othman, norshahidayu othman, nurul hashimah jaffar & zurina muda. (2017). pendidikan bersepadu ke arah bakat insan kelas pertama. - . 18.
nor samsiah mohd sani, zulaiha ali othman, mariah abdul rahman. (2021). kajian sains data dalam analitik kesejahteraan rakyat. - . 46.
zulaiha ali othman, hafiz mohd sarim. (2018). sains data penerokaan pengetahuan dari data raya. - . 26.
zulaiha ali othman, norshahidayu othman, nurul hashimah jaffar & zurina muda. (2017). pendidikan bersepadu ke arah bakat insan kelas pertama. - . 18.
azuraliza abu bakar & zulaiha ali othman. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 5.
zulaiha ali othman, roslan ahmad, umi nadrah ali othman, nurul hashimah jaffar & noor harzun hashbullah. (2017). pendidikan bersepadu ke arah bakat insan kelas pertama. - . 13.
omar fitian rashid al-rawi, suhaila zainudin, zulaiha ali othman. (2023). anomaly intrusion detection system with dna encoding. - . 228.
zulaiha ali othman, hafiz mohd sarim, nor samsiah sani. (2021). data analytics and optimization seminar 2021. - . 125.
nur shazila mohamed, suhaila zainudin, zulaiha ali othman. (2021). ramalan pintar tindak balas ubat. - . 155.
asmawati desa, zulaiha ali othman, roslan ahmad, abd rashid abd rahman. (2012). pelestarian modal insan menangani cabaran global. - . 118.
asmawati desa, zulaiha ali othman dan rosmila senik. (2009). menjana modal insan cemerlang. - . 210.
zulaiha binti ali othman;masri binti ayob;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). a deep learning prune based algorithm with compression to optimise iot capability and communication.. - . .
shahrina shahrani, suhaila zainuddin, kauthar mohd daud, zulaiha ali othman. (2023). fun cybersafe : perkongsian isu siber secara interaktif kepada remaja. - advancing knowledge for success (akses). 80-81.
nor samsiah binti sani;zulaiha binti ali othman;fariza binti khalid;hazrati binti husnin;abdul hadi bin abd rahman. (2023). ramalan penglibatan pelajar dalam sistem ukmfolio dan kesannya terhadap keputusan penilaian akhir berasaskan pembelajaran mesin . - . .
nor samsiah binti sani;zulaiha binti ali othman;azuraliza binti abu bakar;afzan binti adam;abdul hadi bin abd rahman. (2023). analitik prestasi dan tingkah laku pelajar b40 di pendidikan tinggi malaysia berasaskan teknik penyatuan pembelajaran mesin. - . .
finlyson anak ludan, zulaiha ali othman. (2022). towards an information security policy compliance model for federal public sector in malaysia. - laporan teknikal ftsm. 1-10.
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