mohd rozi umor, aznan fazli ismail. (2024). the rare earth elements (ree) exploration at proposed site in sungai muntoh, jelebu, negeri sembilan. - . 1-38.
mohd rozi umor. (2024). the resistivity survey to detect seepage occurencess at the tasik subang dam, selangor. - . 1-31.
azhar ahmad nazri, mohd rozi umor, nur syarienna razmi, mohammad anuri ghazali, mohd hariri arifin, nor shahidah mohd nadzir, norbert simon. (2024). penentuan zon sesar di ulu bendul negeri sembilan menggunakan kaedah keberintangan geoeletrik dan mikrostruktur batuan. - sains malaysiana. 759-768.
mohd rozi umor. (2024). laporan geologi dan geofizik untuk kebenaran merancang di atas lot 80193, jalan pemurah ks08, johan setia, mukim klang, selangor darul ehsan untuk tetuan junas jaya corporation sdn bhd. - . 1-25.
mohd rozi umor, suraya hilmi hazim. (2024). the xrf and xrd analysis of one sample to determine the geochemical and mineral content for tasek soil & material lab sdn bhd. - . 1-17.
hussein ahmed hasan zaid, mohd hariri arifin, nor shahidah mohd nazer, suraya hilmi hazim, mohd rozi umor, mohd akhmal bin muhamad sidek, abdul manan abdullah, john stephen kayode. (2023). geophysical investigation for engineering construction assessment in karst area. - physics and chemistry of the earth. 1-22.
pavithran batumalai, nor shahidah mohd nazer, norbert simon, norasiah sulaiman, mohd rozi umor, mohamad anuri ghazali. (2023). soil detachment rate of a rainfall-induced landslide soil. - water mdpi. 1-17.
sheila rozalia abdul rashid, wan zuhairi wan yaacob, mohd rozi umor. (2023). assessments of heavy metals accumulation, bioavailability, mobility, and toxicity in serpentine soils. - sustainability. 1-21.
john stephen kayode, mohd hariri arifin, mohd idham mansor, nurul nadia abdul malek, roziah che musa, sabrina shahri, nur hazwani izehar, mohd rozi umor. (2023). hydrogeophysical modeling of the groundwater aquifer units under climate variability in parts of peninsular malaysia: a case study of the climate-water nexus approach to sustainability. - heliyon. 1-16.
longxiang quek, yu-ming lai, azman a. ghani, muhammad hatta roselee, hao-yang lee, yoshiyuki iizuka, mohd rozi umor, mark pecha, yu-ling lin, rezal rahmat, azmiah jamil. (2021). peninsular malaysia transitional geodynamic process from gondwana to pangaea: new constraints from 500 to 200 ma magmatic zircon u-pb ages and hf isotopic compositions. - gondwana research. 56-72.
azhar ahmad nazri, mohd rozi umor, nur syarienna razmi, mohammad anuri ghazali, mohd hariri arifin, nor shahidah mohd nadzir, norbert simon. (2024). penentuan zon sesar di ulu bendul negeri sembilan menggunakan kaedah keberintangan geoeletrik dan mikrostruktur batuan. - sains malaysiana. 759-768.
nur syarienna razmi, mohd rozi umor, mohd hariri arifin, norbert simon, norasiah sulaiman, nor shahidah mohd nazer. (2024). pencirian geohazad tanah runtuh pendam lama di kawasan bukit fraser, pahang. - sains malaysiana. 995-1007.
hussein ahmed hasan zaid, mohd hariri arifin, mohd basril iswadi basori,mohd rozi umor, john stephen kayode, suraya hilmi hazim. (2023). application of 2-d electrical resistivity imaging, and induced polarization methods for delineating gold mineralization at felda chiku 3, kelantan, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 305-320.
mohamad anuri ghazali, mohd rozi umor, abdul ghani md rafek. (2023). pemetaan geobahaya berdasarkan kaedah faktor penilaian tanah runtuh (lhef) di empangan sultan mahmud, tasik kenyir, kuala berang, terengganu. - sains malaysiana. 1889-1900.
nor shahidah mohd nazer, ahmed mohamed kotb shahin, azlan shah nerwan shah, goh thian lai, mohd rozi umor, mohamad anuri ghazali. (2023). the prediction of landslide slip surface based on the correlation between relative density and dynamic cone penetration test. - sains malaysiana. 2645-2655.
azhar ahmad nazri, mohd rozi umor, nur syarienna razmi, mohammad anuri ghazali, mohd hariri arifin, nor shahidah mohd nadzir, norbert simon. (2024). penentuan zon sesar di ulu bendul negeri sembilan menggunakan kaedah keberintangan geoeletrik dan mikrostruktur batuan. - sains malaysiana. 759-768.
nur syarienna razmi, mohd rozi umor, mohd hariri arifin, norbert simon, norasiah sulaiman, nor shahidah mohd nazer. (2024). pencirian geohazad tanah runtuh pendam lama di kawasan bukit fraser, pahang. - sains malaysiana. 995-1007.
hussein ahmed hasan zaid, mohd hariri arifin, nor shahidah mohd nazer, suraya hilmi hazim, mohd rozi umor, mohd akhmal bin muhamad sidek, abdul manan abdullah, john stephen kayode. (2023). geophysical investigation for engineering construction assessment in karst area. - physics and chemistry of the earth. 1-22.
hussein ahmed hasan zaid, mohd hariri arifin, mohd basril iswadi basori,mohd rozi umor, john stephen kayode, suraya hilmi hazim. (2023). application of 2-d electrical resistivity imaging, and induced polarization methods for delineating gold mineralization at felda chiku 3, kelantan, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 305-320.
john stephen kayode, mohd hariri arifin, mohd idham mansor, nurul nadia abdul malek, roziah che musa, sabrina shahri, nur hazwani izehar, mohd rozi umor. (2023). hydrogeophysical modeling of the groundwater aquifer units under climate variability in parts of peninsular malaysia: a case study of the climate-water nexus approach to sustainability. - heliyon. 1-16.
mohamad anuri ghazali, mohd rozi umor, khairul ikhwan mazlan. (2019). determination of slope class at stesen janakuasa sultan mahmud, kuala berang, terengganu using geological terrain mapping metho. - aip conference proceedings. 1-9.
muhammad hatta roselee, mohd rozi umor, azman abdul ghani, muhamad hafifi badruldin & long xiang quek. (2018). petrographic and geochemical characteristic of volcanic rocks from tasik kenyir and kampung awah, east malaya block, peninsular malaysia. - aip conference proceeding. .
norashikin ramli, nora muda dan mohd rozi umor. (2014). a nonlinear model of gold production in malaysia. - aip conference proceedings - 3rd international conference on mathematical sciences. .
khairil izam selamat din and mohd rozi umor. (2013). geochemical study of palong pluton at negeri sembilan- pahang border. - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
nora muda, nasihah rasyiqah ainuddeen, hamizun ismail, mohd rozi umor. (2013). modeling of gold production in malaysia. - aip conference proceedings (20th national symposium on mathematical sciences) / aip publishing. .
mohd rozi umor, suraya hilmi hazim. (2024). the xrf and xrd analysis of one sample to determine the geochemical and mineral content for tasek soil & material lab sdn bhd. - . 1-17.
mohd rozi umor, aznan fazli ismail. (2024). the rare earth elements (ree) exploration at proposed site in sungai muntoh, jelebu, negeri sembilan. - . 1-38.
mohd rozi umor. (2024). laporan geologi dan geofizik untuk kebenaran merancang di atas lot 80193, jalan pemurah ks08, johan setia, mukim klang, selangor darul ehsan untuk tetuan junas jaya corporation sdn bhd. - . 1-25.
mohd rozi umor. (2024). the resistivity survey to detect seepage occurencess at the tasik subang dam, selangor. - . 1-31.
nurul syafiyya muhamad sukri, mohd rozi umor, suraya hilmi hazim. (2024). geologi am dan petrologi batu laterit di kota supai, melaka. - seminar ahli geologi muda 2024. 47.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EXPLORATION FOR GEOTHERMAL: WAY FORWARD AFTER ULU SLIM PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY | terrain resources sdn bhd | 26.3% (2024-09-01 sehingga 2026-08-31) |