sawal hamid bin md ali;noorfazila binti kamal;mohd faisal bin ibrahim;seri mastura binti mustaza. (2025). wearable device with non-invasive contactless chewing sensor for calorie monitoring. - . .
muhammad syafiq abdul razak, sundaraja perumal a. gothandapani, noorfazila kamal, kalaivani chellappan. (2024). presenting the secure collapsible makerspace with biometric authentication. - engineering, technology & applied science research. 12880-12886.
mostafizur rahman, noorfazila kamal, nor fadzilah abdullah. (2024). edt-stack: a stacking ensemble-based decision trees algorithm for tire tread depth condition classification. - results in engineering. 1-12.
huda abdullah, aravintha ram suppiah, jion wei yu, jamal jurait, iskandar yahya, noorfazila kamal, norshafadzila mohammad naim, siti khairani bejo, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, yap wing fen, brian yuliarto, md fauzi ahmad, noraziah mohamad zin. (2023). preparation and characterization of polyanilinecuni nanocomposite thin film sensors for detection of pathogenic leptospira. - materials science & engineering b. 1-11.
mohd faisal bin ibrahim;noorfazila binti kamal;aqilah binti baseri huddin;mohd hadri hafiz bin mokhtar. (2023). pembangunan sistem pementoran digital berasaskan model sibergogi dan kepintaran buatan untuk penentuan profil gaya pembelajaran mentor-mentee secara automatik. - . .
huda abdullah, aravintha ram suppiah, jion wei yu, jamal jurait, iskandar yahya, noorfazila kamal, norshafadzila mohammad naim, siti khairani bejo, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, yap wing fen, brian yuliarto, md fauzi ahmad, noraziah mohamad zin. (2023). preparation and characterization of polyanilinecuni nanocomposite thin film sensors for detection of pathogenic leptospira. - materials science & engineering b. 1-11.
charn loong ng, mamun bin ibne reaz, sawal hamid bin md ali, maria liz crespo, andres cicuttin, muhammad enamul hoque chowdhury, serkan kiranyaz, noorfazila binti kamal. (2023). powerline interference suppression of a textile-insulated capacitive biomedical sensor using digital filters. - measurement. 1-18.
theeban raj shivaraja, rabani, noorfazila kamal, wan zaidi, wan asyraf wan zaidi & kalaivani chellappan. (2023). assessment of a 16-channel ambulatory dry electrode eeg for remote monitoring. - sensors. 1-18.
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torikul islam badal, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad arif sobhan bhuiyan, and noorfazila kamal. (2019). cmos transmitters for 2.4-ghz rf devices. - ieee microwave magazine. .
h. abdullah, savisha mahalingam, n. h. azami, siti khairani bejo, noorfazila kamal, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, brian yuliarto, iskandar yahya, abreeza manap, s. fatihah, norliza abd rahman, nor yuliana yuhana, jian xian kang. (2023). characterization of polyanilineagrgo nanocomposites for saprophytic and pathogenic leptospira bacteria detection in water. - polymer bulletin. 2713-2718.
mohamad ibrahim, p. chelvanathan, m. mottakin, ghulam muhammad, mahdi h. miraz, md. akhtaruzzaman, md. shahiduzzaman, k. sobayel, n. kamal. (2022). effect of cucl2 treatment on rf magnetronsputtered cdse thin films for potential photovoltaic usage. - japanese journal of applied physics. 1-8.
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huda abdullah, seri mastura mustaza, siti khairani bejo, iskandar yahya, noorfazila kamal, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman. (2021). identification of leptospira in water by fe-pd-doped polyaniline nanocomposite thin film. - nanomaterials and nanotechnology. 1-7.
s. kavitha, fazida hanim hashim, noorfazila kamal. (2019). a new approach of an error detecting and correcting circuit by arithmetic logic blocks. - international journal of electronics and telecommunications. 313-318.
mostafizur rahman, noorfazila kamal, nor fadzilah abdullah. (2024). edt-stack: a stacking ensemble-based decision trees algorithm for tire tread depth condition classification. - results in engineering. 1-12.
huda abdullah, aravintha ram suppiah, jion wei yu, jamal jurait, iskandar yahya, noorfazila kamal, norshafadzila mohammad naim, siti khairani bejo, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, yap wing fen, brian yuliarto, md fauzi ahmad, noraziah mohamad zin. (2023). preparation and characterization of polyanilinecuni nanocomposite thin film sensors for detection of pathogenic leptospira. - materials science & engineering b. 1-11.
theeban raj shivaraja, rabani, noorfazila kamal, wan zaidi, wan asyraf wan zaidi & kalaivani chellappan. (2023). assessment of a 16-channel ambulatory dry electrode eeg for remote monitoring. - sensors. 1-18.
charn loong ng, mamun bin ibne reaz, sawal hamid bin md ali, maria liz crespo, andres cicuttin, muhammad enamul hoque chowdhury, serkan kiranyaz, noorfazila binti kamal. (2023). powerline interference suppression of a textile-insulated capacitive biomedical sensor using digital filters. - measurement. 1-18.
mohamad ibrahim, p. chelvanathan, m. mottakin, ghulam muhammad, mahdi h. miraz, md. akhtaruzzaman, md. shahiduzzaman, k. sobayel, n. kamal. (2022). effect of cucl2 treatment on rf magnetronsputtered cdse thin films for potential photovoltaic usage. - japanese journal of applied physics. 1-8.
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masturah markom, kalaivani chellappan, haryanti mohd affandi, noorfazila kamal, muhammad syafiq abdul razak, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman. (2023). pelan strategik fakulti kejuruteraan dan alam bina universiti kebangsaan malaysia 2021-2025. - . 1-38.
norazreen binti abd aziz;noorfazila binti kamal;norhana binti arsad;sawal hamid bin md ali;noor liyana binti sukiran;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong. (2023). development of mems ultrasonic transducer for plant cell transformation applications. - . .
norhana binti arsad;shahrir bin abdullah;yushaizad yusof;noorfazila binti kamal;siti salasiah binti mokri;anuar mikdad bin muad;zambri bin harun;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;aqilah binti baseri huddin;asraf bin mohamed moubark;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;mohd. (2023). development of face recognition for an online examination. - . .
mohd faisal bin ibrahim;noorfazila binti kamal;aqilah binti baseri huddin;mohd hadri hafiz bin mokhtar. (2023). pembangunan sistem pementoran digital berasaskan model sibergogi dan kepintaran buatan untuk penentuan profil gaya pembelajaran mentor-mentee secara automatik. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
VIRTUAL DIAGNOSTIC CENTER DEVELOPMENT | sk innovation sdn bhd | 63.8% (2022-01-05 sehingga 2027-01-04) |