prof. dr. salawati binti mat basir

pensyarah universiti

pusat kajian undang-undang antarabangsa & siyar (cilas)

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Assoc Prof Dr Salawati Mat Basir is the Legal Advisor at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). Prior to joining UKM, Dr Salawati held several professional positions including practising Advocate & Solicitor, legal officer at a multinational company and post conflict officer with United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD). Dr Salawati held LLB, LLM and PhD from the National University of Malaysia (UKM). Dr Salawati’s interests include Public International Law, International Development Law, and Migration and Refugee Law. Her research focuses on globalisation and international development law in Malaysia and the Third World, and the right to development in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and human rights especially for immigrants and marginalise groups. In particular, she writes on international development and human rights, refugee and migration issues in Asia Pacific, financing for development, SDGs and sustainable development.

  • zarina @ zairina binti othman;salawati binti mat basir.  (2025).  pengurusan pelarian di negara anggota asean.  -


    muhammad amin bujang, mohammad rahim kamaluddin, salawati mat basir, shalini munusamy, hee jhee jiow.  (2024).  impacts of workplace culture on deviant workplace behavior: a systematic review.  - sage open.  1-20. 


    salawati mat basir.  (2023).  malaysia madani jadi perhatian antarabangsa.  - sinar harian.  1. 


    salawati mat bsir.  (2023).  noh, kj tebal berjiwa umno, sukar sesuai dengan parti lain-penganalisis.  - malaysiapost.  11-1. 


    salawati mat basir.  (2023).  umno, bn tak wajar bertanding solo prn 6 negeri-penganalisis.  - malaysiapost.  1. 


    muhammad amin bujang, mohammad rahim kamaluddin, salawati mat basir, shalini munusamy, hee jhee jiow.  (2024).  impacts of workplace culture on deviant workplace behavior: a systematic review.  - sage open.  1-20. 


    haniff ahamat, salawati mat basir, saidatul nadia abd aziz, mohd hisham mohd kamal.  (2023).  chinas south china sea claims, the historic rights debate and the middle approach of islamic international law.  - journal of international studies.  265-299. 


    anowar zahid, md habib alam, hasani mohd ali, salawati mat basir, mariani abd majid.  (2018).  in quest of a case law e-repository for asean economic community with particular reference to legal harmonization of electronic commerce.  - international journal of business and society. 


    saidatul nadia abd aziz, salawati mat basir.  (2018).  asean economic community 2015: restrictions on malaysian foreign investment law and policy in realizing asean comprehensive investment agreement (acia).  - international journal of business and society. 


    muhammad amin bujang, mohammad rahim kamaluddin, salawati mat basir, shalini munusamy, hee jhee jiow.  (2024).  impacts of workplace culture on deviant workplace behavior: a systematic review.  - sage open.  1-20. 


    abdullah muqdad fadhil, salawati mat basir, saidatul nadia abd aziz.  (2023).  review of patterns of experiences among civilians in conflict zones.  - dirasat :human and social sciences.  48-54. 


    haniff ahamat, salawati mat basir, saidatul nadia abd aziz, mohd hisham mohd kamal.  (2023).  chinas south china sea claims, the historic rights debate and the middle approach of islamic international law.  - journal of international studies.  265-299. 


    abdullah muqdad fadhil, salawati mat basir, saidatul nadia abd aziz.  (2023).  factors impacting law enforcement in iraq during the period 2014-2017.  - russian law journal.  233-239. 


    nurul hidayat ab rahman, salawati mat basir, mohd zamre mohd zahir.  (2022).  discrimination of street childrens rights to development and sustainable development goals 2030 (sdg 2030).  - res militaris.  7041-7056. 


    salawati mat basir, kho feng ming.  (2019).  saving the environment and the dilemma of finding the right solution.  - the european proceedings of social & behavioural sciences.  103-115. 


    salawati mat basir.  (2012).  evolution of society and energy issues: malaysian perspectives on nuclear energy.  - international conference on social science & humanities, universiti kebangsaan malaysia. 


    nurul hidayat ab rahman, salawati mat basir.  (2022).  pengenalan kepada konsep pembangunan lestari.  - 129. 


    nur ain nabilah abd majid, rohani abdul rahim, salawati mat basir.  (2021).  ikatan hutang dalam pemerdagangan orang di malaysia.  - 119. 


    salawati mat basir, saidatul nadia abd aziz.  (2020).  peace and justice towards sustainable development.  - 8. 


    loo hui wen, salawati mat basir.  (2019).  perundangan dan kawalan migrasi di malaysia.  - 19. 


    tan kai jo, salawati mat basir.  (2019).  perundangan dan kawalan migrasi di malaysia.  - 10. 


    salawati mat basir, saidatul nadia abd aziz.  (2020).  peace and justice towards sustainable development.  - 8. 


    saidatul nadia abd aziz, salawati mat basir.  (2019).  the evolution of the asean : human rights mechanism institutional and thematic issues within.  - 43. 


    loo hui wen, salawati mat basir.  (2019).  perundangan dan kawalan migrasi di malaysia.  - 19. 


    tan kai jo, salawati mat basir.  (2019).  perundangan dan kawalan migrasi di malaysia.  - 10. 


    umar siratang, salawati mat basir & rohani abdul rahim.  (2018).  perundangan buruh malaysia-indonesia dan cabaran asean.  - 27. 


    nurul hidayat ab rahman, salawati mat basir.  (2022).  pengenalan kepada konsep pembangunan lestari.  - 129. 


    nur ain nabilah abd majid, rohani abdul rahim, salawati mat basir.  (2021).  ikatan hutang dalam pemerdagangan orang di malaysia.  - 119. 


    mohammad naji shah mohammadi, salawati mat basir.  (2019).  the role of economic cooperation organization on illegal drug trafficking activities: legal and social challenges.  - 211. 


    leyla shirazi, salawati mat basir.  (2018).  domestic violence against women: a legal perspective.  - 271. 


    saidatul nadia abd aziz, salawati mat basir.  (2018).  the asean community: legal issues.  - 97. 


    zarina @ zairina binti othman;salawati binti mat basir.  (2025).  pengurusan pelarian di negara anggota asean.  -


    salawati mat basir.  (2023).  awani live.  - fokus minggu depan: nasib palestin pasca veto ke atas resolusi damai. 


    salawati mat basir.  (2023).  malaysia madani jadi perhatian antarabangsa.  - sinar harian.  1. 


    salawati mat bsir.  (2023).  noh, kj tebal berjiwa umno, sukar sesuai dengan parti lain-penganalisis.  - malaysiapost.  11-1. 


    salawati mat basir.  (2023).  umno, bn tak wajar bertanding solo prn 6 negeri-penganalisis.  - malaysiapost.  1.