pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
My primary research interest is in the area of psycho-oncology support development
modules for radiation therapists. I envision my future research to span across some
interrelated sub-areas of healthcare professional collaboration with an emphasis on
the structure and dynamics of expanding and extending professional roles for radiation
therapists. Additionally, I have an interest to work in the area that studies the application of
artificial intelligence in digital education. The main motivation here is to explore the
underlying properties of these AI networks and exploit them for improved performance,
reliability and effectiveness in teaching & learning.
muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil;nor aniza binti azmi;akmal bin sabarudin. (2024). tld-100 dosimetry system for postal audits of megavoltage photon beams with irregular multileaf collimator fields in malaysian radiotherapy facilities. - . .
nor aniza azmi, wan ismawati ismail, amelyna roseda idayu, siti khadijah hamsan, noraini ahmad wahid & nani adilah suhaimi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 7.
nor aniza azmi , hamidah hamzah ,rozilawati ahmad , rosmizan ahmadrazali. (2023). perception of radiation therapists on psychosocial and supportive care in cancer patient care: a preliminary study. - sinaran: newsletter 2023. 9-11.
sarah mohd ashhar , siti salasiah mokri , ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni , aqilah baseri huddin , noraishikin zulkarnain , nor aniza azmi , thanuja mahaletchumy. (2023). comparison of deep learning convolutional neural network (cnn) architectures for ct lung cancer classification. - 2020 3rd international conference on recent advances in engineering, computing and applied sciences (raecas 2020). 1-17.
ahmad syahmiuddin shamsuddin, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, noorazrul yahya, nani adilah suhaimi, noraini ahmad wahid & muhammad fairuz abdul hadi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 9.
caryn mei hsien chan, ching sin siau, jyh eiin wong, noorazrul yahya, nor aniza azmi, shin ying chu, mahadir ahmad, agnes shu sze chong, lei hum wee, and jo pei tan. (2023). characterizing employees with primary and secondary caregiving responsibilities: informal care provision in malaysia. - healthcare. 1-12.
wun chin leong, nor aniza azmi, lei hum wee, harenthri devy alagir rajah, caryn mei hsien chan. (2021). validation and reliability of the bahasa malaysia language version of the acceptance of illness scale among malaysian patients with cancer. - plos one. 1-11.
ghulam murtaza, liyana shuib, ainuddin wahid abdul wahab, ghulam mujtaba, ghulam mujtaba, henry friday nweke, mohammed ali al-garadi, fariha zulfiqar, ghulam raza, nor aniza azmi. (2020). deep learning-based breast cancer classification through medical imaging modalities: state of the art and research challenges. - artificial intelligence review. 1655-1720.
noorazrul yahya, nur khalis sukiman, nani adilah suhaimi, nor aniza azmi, hanani a. manan. (2019). how many roads must a malaysian walk down? mapping the accessibility of radiotherapy facilities in malaysia. - plos one. .
balqis mohd azman, saiful izzuan hussain, nor aniza azmi, muhammad zahin athir abd ghani, nor irfan danial norlen. (2022). prediction of distant recurrence in breast cancer using a deep neural network. - revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo y diseño en ingeniería / international journal of numerical methods for calculation and design in engineering (rimni). 1-11.
nor aniza azmi, hairil rashmizal abdul razak, sobhan vinjamuri. (2019). pet-ct in esophageal cancer management: a cost effectiveness analysis study. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences (mjfas). 121-124.
abdul razak, h. r., azmi, n. a., vinjamuri, s.. (2018). utilisation of pet ct in oesophageal cancer management: a clinicians perspective. - pertanika journal of science & technology. .
zul iskandar johari, nor aniza azmi, nur fa izah ab muin, rukiah a latiff, muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, rosmizan ahmad razali. (2023). two-dimensional and three-dimensional image-guided evaluation of patient positioning for intensity-modulated radiation therapy of head and neck cancer. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 915-926.
kayun farni zunaide,johari zul iskandar,yaakob mohd amin,azmi nor aniza, saifuddin sarene chu,mohd kamari mohd nathir. (2023). improving the acceptance rate of quality assurance program (qap) annual reports for radiotherapy services indicators in malaysia. - journal of medical imaging and radiationsciences. S34-S35.
azmi nor aniza, mohd sukri nur afiqah, lee xi zuan, som khid al som chit,yahya noorazrul azmie, ahmad wahid noraini, hussin saiful izzuan, shuib liyana. (2023). game on! a prototype of a virtual clinical radiotherapy learning application. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S34.
nor aniza azmi , caryn chan mei hsien , nur fa'izah ab muin , mimi syaqirah , ahmad syahmiuddin shamsuddin , afiqah shukri. (2023). development of psychosocial and supportive cancer patient care module for therapy radiographer in malaysia: student version. - journal of medical imaging and radiationsciences. S15.
nor aniza azmi , caryn chan mei hsien , nur fa'izah ab muin , ahmad syahmiuddin shamsuddin , mohd sukri nur afiqah , ab razak mimi syaqirah. (2023). development of a psychosocial and supportive cancer care module for therapy radiographers in malaysia: a systematic approach. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S15.
nurullainy mat rashid, liyana shuib, christopher ifeanyi eke, nor aniza azmi. (2022). detecting covid-19 in chest x-ray images with convolutional neural network. - 2nd international conference on computer science and engineering (ic2se). 1-10.
kinersh gopalakrishnan, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, wan nordiana wan abdul rahman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2022). development of a mobile augmented reality system for radiotherapy practitioner training. - 6th kuala lumpur international conference on biomedical engineering 2021. 471-477.
muhammad akmal ahmad, seri mastura mustaza, siti salasiah mokri, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, rizauddin ramli, wan nordiana w abd rahman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2021). development of a 3d printed motion mechanism for a 4d respiratory motion phantom. - 2020 ieee-embs conference on biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes). 132-135.
a. a. abd. rahni, s. m. mustaza, s. s. mokri, n. a. azmi, r. ahmad, r. ramli, w. n. wan abdul rahman. (2021). design of a 3d printed respiratory motion thoracic phantom. - ieee nuclear science symposium/medical imaging conference. -.
ahmad syahmiuddin shamsuddin, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, noorazrul yahya, nani adilah suhaimi, noraini ahmad wahid & muhammad fairuz abdul hadi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 9.
nor aniza azmi, wan ismawati ismail, amelyna roseda idayu, siti khadijah hamsan, noraini ahmad wahid & nani adilah suhaimi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 7.
ahmad nazlim yusof, zul iskandar johari, nor aniza azmi & mohd ariff mohamed hanifa. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 4.
muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil;nor aniza binti azmi;akmal bin sabarudin. (2024). tld-100 dosimetry system for postal audits of megavoltage photon beams with irregular multileaf collimator fields in malaysian radiotherapy facilities. - . .
ashrani aizzuddin bin abd rahni;mohd marzuki bin mustafa;fuad bin ismail;rozilawati binti ahmad;siti salasiah binti mokri;nor aniza binti azmi;hanani binti abdul manan. (2023). deep learning based 4d respiratory motion estimation for lung cancer radiotherapy treatment delivery: a simulation study. - . .
nor aniza binti azmi;norjana binti abdul rahman;rozilawati binti ahmad;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;nani adilah binti suhaimi;saiful izzuan bin hussain;nurul husna binti nor mohammad;noraini binti ahmad wahid;muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil. (2023). modul simulasi klinikal pesakit maya untuk pengajaran radioterapi (scimort). - . .
siti salasiah binti mokri;ashrani aizzuddin bin abd rahni;nor aniza binti azmi;thanuja a/p mahaletchumy;aqilah binti baseri huddin;noraishikin binti zulkarnain. (2023). conjoining generative adversarial network (gan) and convolutional neural network (cnn) for effective lung lesions classification of pet/ct images. - . .
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). scimort: revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype. - 24th asia-australasia conference of radiological technologists (aacrt) 2023. 1-9.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |