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jabatan perkhidmatan makmal diagnostik
cheah fook choe;azlin binti ithnin;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;norunaluwar binti jalil;goon jo aan;tan jen kit. (2025). characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations. - . .
jocyln priscilla jipun, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, farah azima abdul muttlib, norunaluwar jalil. (2023). molecular characterization of beta thalassaemia using mlpa probe amplification assay. - 20th malaysian society of haematology, annual scientific meeting. 1.
mohamed afiq hidayat z, raja zahratul azma rs, darnina aj, azlin i, najiah-ajlaa a, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, alina mf, fook choe cheah, lee sim lim, nazarudin s, malisa moh y, ainoon o. (2023). evaluation of quantitative point-of-care test for measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 31-41.
cheah fook choe, ainoon othman, azlin ithnin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, norunaluwar jalil, goon jo aan, tan jen kit, armindo salvador. (2023). characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations.. - . 1-7.
ahmad zulhimi, raja zahratul azma, ziqrill izapri, norunaluwar jalil, azlin ithnin, rafeah tumian. (2023). calreticulin mutations in myeloproliferative neoplasms patients diagnosed in ukm medical centre. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 48-54.
bin hashim halim-fikri,...norunaluwar jalil, norafiza mohd yasin,...,raja-zahratul-azma raja-sabudin,...zarina abdul latiff, bin alwi zilfalil and the global globin network(ggn). (2022). global globin network consensus paper: classification and stratified roadmaps for improved thalassaemia care and prevention in 32 countries. - journal of personalized medicine. 1-23.
petros kountouris,bin alwi zilfalil,on behalf of the international hemoglobinopathy research network(inherent),raja zahratul azma,zarina abdul latiff,norunaluwar jalil,sie chong doris lau,nor rafeah tumian,hafiza alauddin,loh ckhai. (2021). the international hemoglobinopathy research network (inherent): an international initiative to study the role of genetic modifiers in hemoglobinopathies. - american journal of hematology. E416-E420.
m. f. alina, r. z. azma, j. norunaluwar, i. azlin, a. j. darnina, f. c. cheah, a. r. noor-farisah, a. a. siti-hawa, x. r. k.danny, noor-fadzilah zulkifli , o. ainoon. (2020). genotyping of malaysian g6pd-deficient neonates by reverse dot blot flow-through hybridisation.. - journal of human genetics. 263-270.
mohamed afiq hidayat z, raja zahratul azma rs, darnina aj, azlin i, najiah-ajlaa a, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, alina mf, fook choe cheah, lee sim lim, nazarudin s, malisa moh y, ainoon o. (2023). evaluation of quantitative point-of-care test for measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 31-41.
ying ying wong, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin , azlin ithnin , norunaluwar jalil , zarina abdul latiff , c-khai loh , hamidah alias , ainoon othman. (2021). siriraj i gy(aydb)0-thalassaemia causing severe thalassaemia intermedia in compound heterozygous state with ivs1-1(g-t) mutation. - the malaysian journal of pathology. 95-100.
nor syazana jamali, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, nor rafeah tumian, norunaluwar jalil, rinie awai, siti hawa abu amis, salwati shuib. (2021). h396p mutation in chronic myeloid leukaemia patient on nilotinib - a case report. - the malaysian journal of pathology. 63-68.
jalil norunaluwar, raja zahratul azma, hafiza alauddin, azlin ithnin, zarina abdul latiff, hamidah alias, nor rafeah tumian, malisa mohd yusoff, syahzuwan hassan & ainoon othman. (2019). application of molecular diagnostics in detection of b-thalassemia and hemoglobin variants at hospital canselor tuanku muhriz ukm, kuala lumpur, malaysia. - hemoglobin. 351.
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, alina md fauzi, darnina abdul jalil, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, cheah fook-choe, najiah-ajlaa ayub, moh yusuf malisa, jalil norunaluwar & othman ainoon. (2019). updates on laboratory tests for diagnosis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in malaysia. - hemoglobin. 312.
mohamed afiq hidayat z, raja zahratul azma rs, darnina aj, azlin i, najiah-ajlaa a, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, alina mf, fook choe cheah, lee sim lim, nazarudin s, malisa moh y, ainoon o. (2023). evaluation of quantitative point-of-care test for measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 31-41.
ahmad zulhimi, raja zahratul azma, ziqrill izapri, norunaluwar jalil, azlin ithnin, rafeah tumian. (2023). calreticulin mutations in myeloproliferative neoplasms patients diagnosed in ukm medical centre. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 48-54.
bin hashim halim-fikri,...norunaluwar jalil, norafiza mohd yasin,...,raja-zahratul-azma raja-sabudin,...zarina abdul latiff, bin alwi zilfalil and the global globin network(ggn). (2022). global globin network consensus paper: classification and stratified roadmaps for improved thalassaemia care and prevention in 32 countries. - journal of personalized medicine. 1-23.
petros kountouris,bin alwi zilfalil,on behalf of the international hemoglobinopathy research network(inherent),raja zahratul azma,zarina abdul latiff,norunaluwar jalil,sie chong doris lau,nor rafeah tumian,hafiza alauddin,loh ckhai. (2021). the international hemoglobinopathy research network (inherent): an international initiative to study the role of genetic modifiers in hemoglobinopathies. - american journal of hematology. E416-E420.
ying ying wong, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin , azlin ithnin , norunaluwar jalil , zarina abdul latiff , c-khai loh , hamidah alias , ainoon othman. (2021). siriraj i gy(aydb)0-thalassaemia causing severe thalassaemia intermedia in compound heterozygous state with ivs1-1(g-t) mutation. - the malaysian journal of pathology. 95-100.
cheah fook choe;azlin binti ithnin;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;norunaluwar binti jalil;goon jo aan;tan jen kit. (2025). characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations. - . .
fc cheah, s merasa, jk tan, ja goon, n jalil, a ithnin, rz azma, a othman, a salvador. (2023). discovery and identification of novel glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutations in malaysia. - 14th international congress of human genetics (ichg2023). 443.
jocyln priscilla jipun, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, farah azima abdul muttlib, norunaluwar jalil. (2023). molecular characterization of beta thalassaemia using mlpa probe amplification assay. - 20th malaysian society of haematology, annual scientific meeting. 1.
cheah fook choe, ainoon othman, azlin ithnin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, norunaluwar jalil, goon jo aan, tan jen kit, armindo salvador. (2023). characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations.. - . 1-7.
joclyn priscilla jipun, alia suzana asri, farah azima abdul muttlib, wan ahmad syukri wan abdul aziz, rinie awai albert, muhammad ziqrill mohd zapri, norunaluwar jalil, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2021). molecular characterisation of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies amomg orang asli proto malay communities in peninsular malaysia. - . 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
THE ROLE OF GENETIC MODIFIERS IN HAEMOGLOBINOPATHIES: A GLOBAL INITIATIVE THROUGH INHERENT | international hemoglobinopathy research network (inherent) | 88.6% (2021-08-21 sehingga 2025-08-20) |