pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian psikologi & kesejahteraan manusia (psitra)
Nur Saadah Mohamad Aun merupakan Pensyarah Kanan dalam bidang Kerja Sosial di Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusian, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Kepakaran beliau adalah dalam bidang Kerja Sosial Kesihatan dan minat kajian beliau adalah berkaitan dengan Islam dan Kerja Sosial.
nur saadah mohamad aun. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 14.
mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, wan salwina wan ismail, norazlin kamal nor, noorlaili mohd tohit, mohammad nazir ahmad, nur saadah mohamad aun, tuti iryani mohd daud. (2024). validation of key components in designing a social skills training content using virtual reality for high functioning autism youth - a fuzzy delphi method. - plos one. 1-17.
mohd amran md ali, mohammad nazir ahmad, wan salwina wan ismail, nur saadah mohamad aun, mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, shima dyana mohd fazree, nor hidayati zakaria. (2024). a virtual reality development methodology: a review. - 8th international visual informatics conference (ivic 2023). 26-39.
mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, wan salwina wan ismail, norazlin kamal nor, noorlaili mohd tohit, farah deena abd samad, mohammad nazir ahmad, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2023). development of a social skills training module for high functioning autism spectrum disorder (hfasd) youth using video modelling and spherical video-based virtual reality (svvr). - 15th international conference on child and adolescent psychopathology. 1-72.
wan salwina wan ismail, norazlin kamal nor, noorlaili mohd tohit, mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, farah deena abd samad, mohammad nazir ahmad, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2023). formative evaluation of a social skills training module for high functioning autism spectrum disorder (hfasd) youth using video modelling and spherical video-based virtual reality (svvr).. - 15th international conference on child and adolescent psychopathology. 61.
mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, wan salwina wan ismail, norazlin kamal nor, noorlaili mohd tohit, mohammad nazir ahmad, nur saadah mohamad aun, tuti iryani mohd daud. (2024). validation of key components in designing a social skills training content using virtual reality for high functioning autism youth - a fuzzy delphi method. - plos one. 1-17.
nur saadah mohamad aun, siti marziah zakaria, abdul rahman ahmad badayai, idayu badilla idris, tuti iryani mohd daud, shima dyana mohd fazree. (2022). quality of life among mothers of high functioning autism spectrum disorder (hfasd)adolescents. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-10.
siti hajar abu bakar, richard weatherley, noralina omar, fatimah abdullah and nur saadah mohamad aun. (2014). projecting social support needs of informal caregivers in malaysia. - health and social care in the community. 22(2): 144-154.
nur saadah mohamad aun, noremy md akhir, nor ain suhaida nofiah. (2018). aplikasi konsep taawun dalam praktis kerja sosial di malaysia. - akademika. .
nurhayati mohamad, khadijah alavi, mohd suhaimi mohamad dan nur saadah mohamad aun. (2017). pengalaman sokongan sosial intergenerasi dalam kalangan warga emas di institusi kebajikan awam. - akademika. 65-74.
nur saadah m. a., siti hajar a. b. & m. rezaul islam. (2014). coping strategies among mothers of chronically ill children: a case study in malaysia. - journal of social service research. 40: 160-177.
mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, wan salwina wan ismail, norazlin kamal nor, noorlaili mohd tohit, mohammad nazir ahmad, nur saadah mohamad aun, tuti iryani mohd daud. (2024). validation of key components in designing a social skills training content using virtual reality for high functioning autism youth - a fuzzy delphi method. - plos one. 1-17.
nurul haida mohd razuan, nur saadah mohamad aun, shima dyana mohd fazree. (2023). relationship between knowledge and the level of stress among caregivers with autism spectrum disorder (asd) children. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1106-1117.
shima dyana mohd fazree, nur saadah mohamad aun, siti marziah zakaria, abdul rahman ahmad badayai, tuti iryani mohd daud, idayu badilla idris. (2023). challenges in nurturing hfasd teens: emotional crises and expectations of mothers in malaysia. - psikohumaniora: jurnal penelitian psikologi. 211-226.
siti nur balqis rose helmi; nur saadah mohamad aun. (2023). preliminary study: time management skills and stress levels among universiti kebangsaan malaysia students. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 229-242.
norulhuda sarnon, nuraimirah zainun, nursaadah mohamad aun. (2022). the roles of social workers towards the children of divorced parents and recipients of welfare assistance. - international journal of academic research in progressive education & development. 559-570.
mohd amran md ali, mohammad nazir ahmad, wan salwina wan ismail, nur saadah mohamad aun, mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, shima dyana mohd fazree, nor hidayati zakaria. (2024). a virtual reality development methodology: a review. - 8th international visual informatics conference (ivic 2023). 26-39.
mohd amran md ali, mohammad nazir ahmad, wan salwina wan ismail, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2022). virtual reality applications in autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review. - 15th international conference on ict, society and human beings, ict 2022, 19th international conference on web based communities and social media, wbc 2022 and 14th international conference on e-health, eh 2022. 1-43.
nurhayati mohamad, khadijah alavi, mohd suhaimi mohamad, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2016). intergenerational support and intergenerational social support among elderly: a short review in malaysian context. - procedia - social and behavioral sciences. 513-519.
nur saadah mohamad aun. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 14.
aizan sofia amin, najwa afiqa roshaizad, mohd nasir selamat, hilwa abdullah @ mohd nor, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun, jamiah manap, wan hirwani wan hussain, ely salwana mat surin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 7.
mohd suhaimi mohamad, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2022). isu kontemporari kekeluargaan di malaysia. - . 215.
nur saadah mohamad aun. (2022). isu kontemporari kekeluargaan di malaysia. - . 12.
nur saadah mohamad aun. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 7.
nur saadah mohamad aun. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 14.
aizan sofia amin, najwa afiqa roshaizad, mohd nasir selamat, hilwa abdullah @ mohd nor, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun, jamiah manap, wan hirwani wan hussain, ely salwana mat surin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 7.
nur saadah mohamad aun. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 7.
aizan sofia amin, mohd nasir selamat, hilwa abdullah @ mohd nor, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun, jamiah manap, wan hirwani wan hussain, ely salwana mat surin ,wan arnidawati wan abdullah, nuraimirah zainun. (2022). kebolehkerjaan belia berkeperluan khas. - . 18.
nur saadah mohamad aun. (2022). isu kontemporari kekeluargaan di malaysia. - . 12.
mohd suhaimi mohamad, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2022). isu kontemporari kekeluargaan di malaysia. - . 215.
khadijah alavi, salina nen, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2021). psikologi wanita di malaysia. - . 205.
nur saadah mohamad aun, aizan sofia amin, nor ashikin abdull razak, siti mariam sageh. (2020). pengurusan kes kerja sosial. - . 175.
mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, wan salwina wan ismail, norazlin kamal nor, noorlaili mohd tohit, farah deena abd samad, mohammad nazir ahmad, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2023). development of a social skills training module for high functioning autism spectrum disorder (hfasd) youth using video modelling and spherical video-based virtual reality (svvr). - 15th international conference on child and adolescent psychopathology. 1-72.
wan salwina wan ismail, norazlin kamal nor, noorlaili mohd tohit, mohd akif farhan ahmad basri, farah deena abd samad, mohammad nazir ahmad, nur saadah mohamad aun. (2023). formative evaluation of a social skills training module for high functioning autism spectrum disorder (hfasd) youth using video modelling and spherical video-based virtual reality (svvr).. - 15th international conference on child and adolescent psychopathology. 61.
nur saadah mohamad aun. (2023). tidak wajar letak beban kesalahan kepada ibu bapa. - berita harian. 1-3.
nur saadah mohamad aun, shima dyana mohd fazree, siti marziah zakaria, abdul rahman ahmad badayai, idayu badilla idris & tuti iryani mohd daud. (2023). qualitative study of self-determination and personal development among youth with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (hfasd). - the 8th international conference on social sciences and humanities. 1-9.
nor jana saim, nur saadah muhamad aun, norulhuda sarnon, afifah idris. (2023). modul lindungi permata johor. - . 201.
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