pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi
Suk Ling Wee is passionate about tiny creatures that have crawled on the face of the earth before mankind existed - insects. She has been looking at how insects communicate amongst themselves since her student days. She investigates the roles of semiochemicals (chemicals derived from plants and insects) in mediating plant-insect, insect-insect and insect-predator relationship. Her current research includes insects as pests and pollinators, with focus on their behavioural ecology, chemical ecology and biology (fundamental) as well as area-wide insect control and sterile insect technique (applied entomology). She also look into insect diversity, particularly Tephritidae and negrophagous flies.
suk ling wee, shwu bing tan, sue han tan, bernard kok bang lee. (2024). bud development, fower phenology and life history of holoparasitic rafesia cantleyi. - journal of plant research. 423-443.
wee suk ling, ong poh teck. (2023). malaysia insights: functional roles of insects. - . 18.
wee suk ling. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 28.
pablo deschepper, sam vanbergen, yue zhang, zhihong li, issa mze hassani, nausheen azhaar patel, henriette rasolofoarivao, sandeep singh, suk ling wee, marc de meyer, massimiliano virgilio, hélène delatte. (2023). bactrocera dorsalis in the indian ocean: a tale of two invasions. - evolutionary applications. 48-61.
wee suk ling, siti munirah mat yunoh, nur hayati abd. karim, shamsul khamis. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 22.
suk ling wee, shwu bing tan, sue han tan, bernard kok bang lee. (2024). bud development, fower phenology and life history of holoparasitic rafesia cantleyi. - journal of plant research. 423-443.
yue zhang; shanlin liu; marc de meyer; zuxing liao; yan zhao; massimiliano virgilio; shiqian feng; yujia qin; sandeep singh; suk ling wee; fan jiang; shaokun guo; hu li; pablo deschepper; sam vanbergen; hélène delatte; zhihong li; et. al. (2023). genomes of the cosmopolitan fruit pest bactrocera dorsalis (diptera: tephritidae) reveal its global invasion history and thermal adaptation. - journal of advanced research. 61-74.
pablo deschepper, sam vanbergen, yue zhang, zhihong li, issa mze hassani, nausheen azhaar patel, henriette rasolofoarivao, sandeep singh, suk ling wee, marc de meyer, massimiliano virgilio, hélène delatte. (2023). bactrocera dorsalis in the indian ocean: a tale of two invasions. - evolutionary applications. 48-61.
pingshin lee, tianyi he, minhui dong, qiang huang, xiang zhou, jun liao, xiaochun chen, xiaobing wu, suk-ling wee, jinmin chen. (2023). comparative study on blowfly-derived dna and camera trapping in assessing mammalian diversity in subtropical forests. - forests. 1-13.
hee alvin kah wei, wee suk ling, ono hajime, nishida ritsuo, tan keng hong. (2021). current knowledge of taxonomy, physiology and chemical ecology about bactrocera dorsalis and its related species with comments to wu et al.. - molecular phylogenetics and evolution. 1-3.
ping shin lee, min hui dong, xin lei yan, tian yi he, shang fei yu, suk ling wee, john james wilson. (2023). determination of dispersal activity and flight range of tropical blowflies. - biodiversity data journal. 1-14.
keng-hong tan, suk-ling wee, ritsuo nishida, todd e. shelly. (2021). attraction of feral bactrocera dorsalis males (diptera: tephritidae) to natural versus commercial sources of methyl eugenol. - journal of asia-pacific entomology. 1095-1100.
wei wei hiap, suk ling wee, keng hong tan, alvin kah wei hee. (2019). phenylpropanoid sex pheromone component in hemolymph of male carambola fruit fly, bactrocera carambolae (diptera: tephritidae). - chemoecology. .
nakahira masataka, hajime ono, wee suk ling, tan keng hong & ritsuo nishida. (2018). floral synomone diversification of bulbophyllum sibling species (orchidaceae) in attracting fruit fly pollinators. - biochemical systematics and ecology. .
anna chieng chui-ting, alvin hee kah-wei, wee suk-ling. (2018). involvement of the antennal and maxillary palp structures in detection and response to methyl eugenol by male bactrocera dorsalis (diptera: tephritidae). - journal of insect science. .
suk ling wee, shwu bing tan, sue han tan, bernard kok bang lee. (2024). bud development, fower phenology and life history of holoparasitic rafesia cantleyi. - journal of plant research. 423-443.
pingshin lee, tianyi he, minhui dong, qiang huang, xiang zhou, jun liao, xiaochun chen, xiaobing wu, suk-ling wee, jinmin chen. (2023). comparative study on blowfly-derived dna and camera trapping in assessing mammalian diversity in subtropical forests. - forests. 1-13.
ping shin lee, min hui dong, xin lei yan, tian yi he, shang fei yu, suk ling wee, john james wilson. (2023). determination of dispersal activity and flight range of tropical blowflies. - biodiversity data journal. 1-14.
yue zhang; shanlin liu; marc de meyer; zuxing liao; yan zhao; massimiliano virgilio; shiqian feng; yujia qin; sandeep singh; suk ling wee; fan jiang; shaokun guo; hu li; pablo deschepper; sam vanbergen; hélène delatte; zhihong li; et. al. (2023). genomes of the cosmopolitan fruit pest bactrocera dorsalis (diptera: tephritidae) reveal its global invasion history and thermal adaptation. - journal of advanced research. 61-74.
pablo deschepper, sam vanbergen, yue zhang, zhihong li, issa mze hassani, nausheen azhaar patel, henriette rasolofoarivao, sandeep singh, suk ling wee, marc de meyer, massimiliano virgilio, hélène delatte. (2023). bactrocera dorsalis in the indian ocean: a tale of two invasions. - evolutionary applications. 48-61.
ganaswary aruchunnan, ng yong foo, wee suk ling, & izfa riza hazmi. (2015). diversity and abundance of dung beetles attracted to different ages of cow dung at tasik chini biosphere reserve, pahang. - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 020005(1-7).
abdul munir hj. abdul murad, choong chee yen, eddie shahril ismail, mohamad yusof maskat, mohd salmi md noorani, nazlina ibrahim, nurul huda bt abdul karim, redzuan yahya, rozida mohd khalid, wan r. (2013). the 2013 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. - proceedings of the universiti kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2013 postgraduate colloquium/aip publishing. .
wee suk ling. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 28.
wee suk ling, siti munirah mat yunoh, nur hayati abd. karim, shamsul khamis. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 22.
wee suk ling, hiromu kurahashi. (2020). bukit fraser: kepelbagaian biologi dan persekitaran fizikal. - . 6.
wee suk ling, har sau kheng. (2020). pensampelan lalat buah tephritidae. - . 76.
tan, shwu bing, wee, suk ling. (2018). kepelbagaian flora dan fauna gunung bujang melaka, kampar, perak, malaysia. - . 5.
wee suk ling. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 28.
wee suk ling, ong poh teck. (2023). malaysia insights: functional roles of insects. - . 18.
wee suk ling, siti munirah mat yunoh, nur hayati abd. karim, shamsul khamis. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 22.
wee suk ling, hiromu kurahashi. (2020). bukit fraser: kepelbagaian biologi dan persekitaran fizikal. - . 6.
choong chee yen, ng yong foo, wee suk ling, izfa riza hazmi, nurul wahida othman, salmah yaakop, norela sulaiman, maimon abdullah. (2019). biodiversity in oil palm plantation malaysia. - . 37.
wee suk ling, har sau kheng. (2020). pensampelan lalat buah tephritidae. - . 76.
wee suk ling. (2023). live tv show by 8tv, living delight with the topic: bedbug. - bedbug. .
wee suk ling. (2023). rove beetles, causing skin fester?. - 8tv program: living delight. .
wee suk ling. (2022). technical progress report 2022 (mal-23170/r2). - . 1-15.
wee suk ling. (2022). possible incipient speciation between bactrocera dorsalis and four closely related but geographically isolated sibling species . - . .
nurul `ain binti ab jalil;hassan basri;zawawi samba bin mohamed;noor ezlin bt. ahmad basri;irfana binti kabir ahmad;wee suk ling. (2021). rawatan sisa organik menggunakan larva lalat tentera hitam. hermetia illucens (diptera:stratiomyidae). - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INSECTS DIVERSITY STUDY IN BORNEAN SIME DARBY PLANTATION FOR CONSERVATION STUDY (SARAWAK) | sime darby plantantion research sdn bhd | 44.9% (2024-04-19 sehingga 2026-04-18) |
INSECTS DIVERSITY STUDY IN BORNEAN SIME DARBY PLANTATION FOR CONSERVATION STUDY (SABAH) | sime darby plantantion research sdn bhd | 44.9% (2024-04-19 sehingga 2026-04-18) |