pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian toksikologi & risiko kesihatan (core)
norhafizah karim, rozita hod, muhammad ikram a wahab, norfazilah ahmad. (2024). projecting non-communicable diseases attributable to air pollution in the climate change era: a systematic review. - bmj open. 1-15.
siti shahara zulfakar. muhammad ikram a. wahab & norhafizah karim. (2023). inheriting a sustainable world: succeeding the climate change. - . 17.
norhafizah karim, rozita hod, muhammad ikram a wahab, norfazilah ahmad. (2023). impact of global warming 1.5°c-2.0°c on the burden of disease (bod) of ncds attributable to air pollution in kelantan and kedah. - 23rd national public health colloquium-beyond borders: ncd prevention. 61.
huzaifah a wahab, s nidzwani mohamad mahdi, munirah othman, m ikram a wahab, azarinah izaham, rufinah teo, cn yeoh. (2023). the efficacy of biobase biological isolation chamber in containing and evacuating aerosolized particles during transport of covid-19 patients: a simulation study. - malaysian society of anaesthesiologists & college of anaesthesiologists,amm annual scientific congress 2023. 1.
huzaifah a wahab, siti nidzwani mohamad mahdi, munira othman, m ikram a wahab, azarinah izaham, rufinah teo, yeoh chih nie. (2023). the effectiveness of biobase biological isolation chamber in containing and evacuating aerosolized particles during transport of covid-19 patients: a simulation study. - malaysian journal of anaesthesiology. 54-55.
norhafizah karim, rozita hod, muhammad ikram a wahab, norfazilah ahmad. (2024). projecting non-communicable diseases attributable to air pollution in the climate change era: a systematic review. - bmj open. 1-15.
soo chen kwan, sazalina binti zakaria, mohd faiz ibrahim, wan rozita wan mahiyuddin, nurzawani md sofwan, muhammad ikram a wahab, radin diana r. ahmad, ahmad rosly abbas, wei kian woon, mazrura sahani. (2023). health impacts from traps and carbon emissions in the projected electric vehicle growth and energy generation mix scenarios in malaysia. - environmental research. 1-10.
norhafizah karim, hidayatulfathi othman, zul izzat ikhwan zaini, yanti rosli, muhammad ikram a wahab, al mumin al kanta, syamimi omar, mazrura sahani. (2022). climate change and environmental education: stance from science teachers. - sustainability. 1-18.
didi erwandi mohamad harona, minoru yoneda, rafidah hod, muhammad ikram a. wahab, and mohd yusmaidie aziz. (2022). perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, bisphenol and paraben compounds in dust collected from residential homes in klang valley, malaysia. - human and ecological risk assessment: an international journal. 827-843.
mazrura sahani [and eighteen others]. (2022). impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on children in malaysia. - frontiers in public health. 1-21.
siti shahara zulfakar, farah natasha haezam, mohd sham othman, nur faizah abu bakar, muhammad ikram a. wahab. (2020). evaluation of edible bird's nest processing plant wastewater quality:a factory case study. - arabian journal of geosciences. 1-8.
alias, n.h.m., halim, a.a., wahab, m.i.a.. (2011). penyingkiran boron daripada larutan akuas menggunakan penjerap komposit berasaskan karbon-mineral. - sains malaysiana. 40(11):1271-1276.
nor hasleda mamat @ alias, azhar abdul halim, muhammad ikram a wahab. (2011). penyingkiran boron dari larutan akuas menggunakan penjerap komposit berasaskan karbon-mineral. - sains malaysiana. 40(11):1271-1276.
norhafizah karim, rozita hod, muhammad ikram a wahab, norfazilah ahmad. (2024). projecting non-communicable diseases attributable to air pollution in the climate change era: a systematic review. - bmj open. 1-15.
soo chen kwan, sazalina binti zakaria, mohd faiz ibrahim, wan rozita wan mahiyuddin, nurzawani md sofwan, muhammad ikram a wahab, radin diana r. ahmad, ahmad rosly abbas, wei kian woon, mazrura sahani. (2023). health impacts from traps and carbon emissions in the projected electric vehicle growth and energy generation mix scenarios in malaysia. - environmental research. 1-10.
mazrura sahani [and eighteen others]. (2022). impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on children in malaysia. - frontiers in public health. 1-21.
murnira othman, mohd talib latif, nur nadrah mohd naim, sharifah mazrah sayed mohamed zain, md firoz khan, mazrura sahani, muhammad ikram a wahab, nurzawani md sofwan, haris hafizal abd hamid, ahmad fariz mohamed. (2022). children's exposure to pm2.5 and its chemical constituents in indoor and outdoor schools urban environment. - atmospheric environment. 1-11.
didi erwandi mohamad harona, minoru yoneda, rafidah hod, muhammad ikram a. wahab, and mohd yusmaidie aziz. (2022). perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, bisphenol and paraben compounds in dust collected from residential homes in klang valley, malaysia. - human and ecological risk assessment: an international journal. 827-843.
muhammad ikram a wahab, hidayatulfathi othman, mohd sham othman, nur faizah abu bakar, yanti rosli. (2023). inheriting a sustainable world: succeeding the climate change. - . 22.
muhammad ikram a wahab, muhammad salman iskandar, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, nur izzah abdul shukor. (2023). kelestarian kesihatan persekitaran dan pekerjaan: isu dan cabaran. - . 29.
farah diyana ariffin, normah awang, siti shahara zulfakar & muhammad ikram a. wahab. (2023). kelestarian kesihatan persekitaran dan pekerjaan: isu dan cabaran. - . 5.
siti shahara zulfakar. muhammad ikram a. wahab & norhafizah karim. (2023). inheriting a sustainable world: succeeding the climate change. - . 17.
muhammad ikram bin a wahab. (2021). environmental sustainability - preparing for tomorrow. - . 22.
siti shahara zulfakar. muhammad ikram a. wahab & norhafizah karim. (2023). inheriting a sustainable world: succeeding the climate change. - . 17.
muhammad ikram a wahab, hidayatulfathi othman, mohd sham othman, nur faizah abu bakar, yanti rosli. (2023). inheriting a sustainable world: succeeding the climate change. - . 22.
norhanisha robert, nurul izzatul husna abdul razak, muhammad amirul mohd kamil, aini syazwani khairul anuar, nur hidayah hasrin, muhammad ikram a. wahab & siti shahara zulfakar. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
muhammad ikram a wahab, muhammad salman iskandar, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, nur izzah abdul shukor. (2023). kelestarian kesihatan persekitaran dan pekerjaan: isu dan cabaran. - . 29.
farah diyana ariffin, normah awang, siti shahara zulfakar & muhammad ikram a. wahab. (2023). kelestarian kesihatan persekitaran dan pekerjaan: isu dan cabaran. - . 5.
nur zakiah mohd saat, muhammad ikram abd wahab, nor malia abd warif. (2021). pengurusan sisa pasca banjir: pengalaman bersama komuniti dan pelaksana. - . 70.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
huzaifah a wahab, s nidzwani mohamad mahdi, munirah othman, m ikram a wahab, azarinah izaham, rufinah teo, cn yeoh. (2023). the efficacy of biobase biological isolation chamber in containing and evacuating aerosolized particles during transport of covid-19 patients: a simulation study. - malaysian society of anaesthesiologists & college of anaesthesiologists,amm annual scientific congress 2023. 1.
norhafizah karim, rozita hod, muhammad ikram a wahab, norfazilah ahmad. (2023). impact of global warming 1.5°c-2.0°c on the burden of disease (bod) of ncds attributable to air pollution in kelantan and kedah. - 23rd national public health colloquium-beyond borders: ncd prevention. 61.
yanti rosli, mazrura sahani, hidayathulfathi othman, siti shahara zulfakar, muhammad ikram a wahab, mohd sham othman, nurul hidayat ab razak, kwan so0 chen, norhafizah karim, ng soo boon, nennie trianna rosli, naima kadir. (2022). the impact of climate change in the young children's wellbeing and development in asia pacific region. - . 1-120.
mazrura sahani, hidayatulfathi othman, yanti rosli, kwan soo chen, siti nur hanis mamood, nur faizah abu bakar, siti shahara zulfakar, muhd ikram a wahab, syamimi omar, norhafizah karim, ramzah dambul, abd latif lai che ching, zul izzat ikhwan zaini. (2021). impact of climate change on children: a malaysian perspective. - . 1-345.
yanti rosli mazrura sahani hidayathul fathi othman siti shahara zulfaqar muhammad ikram a wahab mohd sham othman nurul hidayat ab razak kwan soo chen norhafizah karim ng soo boon nennie trianna rosli naima kadir. (2021). the impact of climate change on young children's wellbeing and development in asia pacific region: a desk review. - . 1-231.
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