dr. asfarina binti zanudin

pensyarah universiti

pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • ina Zanudin, PhD, mempunyai lebih daripada 15 tahun pengalaman penyelidikan dan pendidikan dalam bidang fisioterapi dan rehabilitasi. Beliau telah menerbitkan dan membentangkan sejumlah makalah dalam bidang fisioterapi pediatrik di kalangan kanak-kanak berisiko tinggi dan kondisi neuromuskuskeletal. Sepanjang 5 tahun yang lalu, penyelidikan tertumpu kepada intervensi senaman dan penggunaan realiti maya di kalangan pesakit cerebral palsy. Beliau adalah penyelidik di Pusat Kajian Rehabilitasi & Keperluan Khas (iCaRehab), dan merupakan pensyarah kanan di Program Fisioterapi, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, UKM.
    Asfarina Zanudin, PhD, has more than 15 years of research and education experience in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. She has published and presented a number of papers in the field of pediatric physiotherapy among children who are high risk and with neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Over the past 5 years, her work has also included exercise interventions and the use of virtual reality among cerebral palsy. She is a researcher at the Rehabilitation & Special Needs Research Center (iCaRehab), and is a senior lecturer at the Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM.

  • dayang anita binti abdul aziz;zarina binti abdul latiff;sharifa ezat wan puteh;faizah binti mohd zaki;safinaz binti mohd khialdin;suzaily binti wahab;asfarina binti zanudin;hana binti azhari;mohammad rahim bin kamaluddin.  (2025).  impact of unintended cyber-distraction-therapy on physical and behavioural development in early childhood.  -


    kusuma ridzky berliana, joewono hermanto tri, zanudin asfarina.  (2023).  pregnancy behavior induce changes in glia cells rattus norvegicus offspring brain through prenatal stimulation of holy quran.  - biomolecular and health science journal.  128-134. 


    asfarina binti zanudin;nor azizah binti mohamad;nor azlin binti mohd nordin;norshita binti mat nayan.  (2023).  development of mobile application for screening of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in malaysia.  -


    asfarina zanudin, siti nur akma kamaruddin & zainura abdul karim.  (2023).  analisis program mobiliti pelajar secara maya di antara mahasiswa universiti kebangsaan malaysia dan bunkyo-gakuin university, jepun, pasca-pandemik covid-19.  - jurnal personalia pelajar.  19-26. 


    asfarina binti zanudin.  (2023).  a pragmatic community exercise programme in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy .  -


    nimale supramaniam, asfarina zanudin, nor azura azmi.  (2023).  body mass index, physical activity, cardiorespiratory endurance and quality of life among children with physical disabilities.  - children.  1-12. 


    estu meilani, asfarina zanudin,nor azlin mohd nordin.  (2022).  psychometric properties of quality of life questionnaires for patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema: a systematic review.  - international journal of environmental research and public health.  1-37. 


    estu meilani, asfarina zanudin, nor azlin mohd nordin.  (2020).  psychometric properties of quality of life questionnaires for patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema: a protocol for a systematic review.  - medicine.  1-6. 


    nor azlin mohd nordin, eyu hui shan, asfarin zanudin.  (2019).  the unmet needs of parents of highly dependent children with cerebral palsy.  - international journal of environmental research and public health.  1-11. 


    asfarina zanudin, thomas h mercer, kavi c jagadamma, marietta l van der linden.  (2017).  psychometric properties of measures of gait quality and walking performance in young people with cerebral palsy : a systematic review.  - gait and posture.  30-40. 


    huda aliah mohd iqbal, wei sheng ho, asfarina zanudin, hafifi hisham, nor azlin mohd nordin.  (2023).  effects of video game-based therapy in an adolescent with cerebral palsy: a case report.  - world journal of clinical cases.  8595-8602. 


    asfarina zanudin, yvonne burns, peter gray, marcella danks, leith poulsen, pauline watter.  (2013).  perinatal events and motor performance of children born with elbw and nondisabled.  - pediatric physical therapy.  30-35. 


    asfarina zanudin, peter h gray, yvonne burns, marcella danks, pauline watter, leith poulsen.  (2013).  perinatal factors in non-disabled elbw school children and later performance.  - journal of pediatrics and child health.  49(1):E62-E67. 


    rachel priyasheny thomas, asfarina zanudin, yasmin adlena hazrin.  (2023).  validity of mobile application scoscreen for early screening of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.  - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences.  152-159. 


    huda aliah mohd iqbal, wei sheng ho, asfarina zanudin, hafifi hisham, nor azlin mohd nordin.  (2023).  effects of video game-based therapy in an adolescent with cerebral palsy: a case report.  - world journal of clinical cases.  8595-8602. 


    nimale supramaniam, asfarina zanudin, nor azura azmi.  (2023).  body mass index, physical activity, cardiorespiratory endurance and quality of life among children with physical disabilities.  - children.  1-12. 


    estu meilani, asfarina zanudin,nor azlin mohd nordin.  (2022).  psychometric properties of quality of life questionnaires for patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema: a systematic review.  - international journal of environmental research and public health.  1-37. 


    nor azura azmi, nur tasnim ahmad zaki, mun chun kong, nor najwatul akmal ab rahman and asfarina zanudin.  (2021).  correlation of physical activity level with physical fitness and respiratory function amongst undergraduates.  - trends in sciences.  1-9. 


    asfarina zanudin.  (2021).  inspiring a stewardship's persona: how to impact and influence others with your charisma.  - 10. 


    asfarina zanudin, marietta van der linden.  (2021).  pragmatic exercise programme for young people with cerebral palsy.  - 173. 


    mohd harimi abd rahman,hidayatulfathi othman,hing hiang lian,izatus shima taib,sumithira narayanasamy,nor afifi razaob@razab,sameeha mohd jamil,nurul huda razalli,asfarina zanudin,noor hazfalinda hamzah,ponnusamy subramaniam,siti munirah haris,siti munira.  (2020).  buku panduan & buku log :latihan industri.  - 39. 


    dayang anita binti abdul aziz;zarina binti abdul latiff;sharifa ezat wan puteh;faizah binti mohd zaki;safinaz binti mohd khialdin;suzaily binti wahab;asfarina binti zanudin;hana binti azhari;mohammad rahim bin kamaluddin.  (2025).  impact of unintended cyber-distraction-therapy on physical and behavioural development in early childhood.  -


    asfarina zanudin, ho wei sheng, huda aliah mohd iqbal.  (2023).  the effects of video game-based therapy on physical functions and quality of life in adolescents with cerebral palsy: a case study.  - 13th pan-pacific conference on rehabilitation.  66. 


    asfarina binti zanudin.  (2023).  a pragmatic community exercise programme in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy .  -


    asfarina binti zanudin;nor azizah binti mohamad;nor azlin binti mohd nordin;norshita binti mat nayan.  (2023).  development of mobile application for screening of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in malaysia.  -


    ho wei sheng, asfarina zanudin.  (2022).  effect of virtual reality-based therapy on physical functions and quality of life in adolescents with cerebral palsy: a case study.  - e- seminar penyelidikan prasiswazah fisioterapi.  1-19.