pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian psikologi & kesejahteraan manusia (psitra)
Noremy Md. Akhir is a Senior Lecturer of Social Work Programme at the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, UKM. She graduated in Diploma of Human Development and Bachelor Sciences of Human Development from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). She completed his MSW (Masters of Social Work) and Ph.D (Social Work) at the School of Social Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). His main research work includes social work with disaster research especially study on resilience, social support, coping mechanism and psychosocial issues and intervention. She also work on Community-Based-Disaster-Managemnet (CBDM) and currently involve in pandemic COVID-19 research. At the national level, her research has worked closely with government agencies such as Welfare Department, Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and other NGO such as Persatuan Kesejahteraan Rakyat Malaysia (PKRM).
noremy md. akhir, nur hafizah md. akhir. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 285.
nur khaleeda mohd kamil, aizan sofia amin, noremy md akhir, abdul rahman ahmad badayai, insyirah mohd zambri, rosnah sutan, khairul farhah khairuddin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2024). conceptual skills of people with intellectual disabilities for independent living. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 496-508.
siti marziah zakaria, wan nurdiyana wan yusof, asila nur adlynd mohd shukry, noremy md akhir. (2024). hubungan antara kualiti hidup dan status kesihatan mental ibu tunggal b40 di malaysia. - jurnal psikologi malaysia. 14-26.
mohd suhaimi mohamad, noremy md. akhir, aizan sofia amin. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 285.
mohd suhaimi mohamad, noremy md akhir, aizan sofia amin. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 285.
nur hasna che had, khadijah alavi, noremy md akhir, irina riyanti muhammad nur, muhammad shakir zufayri shuhaimi, hui foh foong. (2023). a scoping review of the factor associated with older adults mobility barriers. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-15.
siti marziah zakaria, norehan abdullah, noremy md. akhir, aizan sofia amin, asila nur adlynd mohd shukry, mohd radzniwan abdul rashid, wan nurdiyana wan yusof. (2022). perceptions of quality of life during the pandemic: a case study on b40 single mothers. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-10.
afifah idris, noremy md. akhir, mohd suhaimi mohamad, norulhuda sarnon. (2023). exploring the lived experience on recovery from major depressive disorder (mdd) among women survivors and five chime concepts: a qualitative study. - behavioral sciences. 1-17.
nur saadah mohamad aun, noremy md akhir, nor ain suhaida nofiah. (2018). aplikasi konsep taawun dalam praktis kerja sosial di malaysia. - akademika. .
nur khaleeda mohd kamil, aizan sofia amin, noremy md akhir, abdul rahman ahmad badayai, insyirah mohd zambri, rosnah sutan, khairul farhah khairuddin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2024). conceptual skills of people with intellectual disabilities for independent living. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 496-508.
nur khaleeda mohd kamil, aizan sofia amin, noremy mdakhir, abdul rahman ahmad badayai, insyirah mohd zambri, rosnah sutan, khairul farhah khairuddin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2023). independent living skills needed by students with special educational needs (sen) towards inclusive education: a systematic literature review. - specialusis ugdymas / special education. 610-623.
nur hasna che had, khadijah alavi, noremy md akhir, irina riyanti muhammad nur, muhammad shakir zufayri shuhaimi, hui foh foong. (2023). a scoping review of the factor associated with older adults mobility barriers. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-15.
insyirah mohd zambri, aizan sofia amin, nur khaleeda mohd kamil, noremy md akhir, rosnah sutan, khairul farhah khairuddin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2023). factor affecting independent living of persons with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 623-644.
afifah idris, noremy md. akhir, mohd suhaimi mohamad, norulhuda sarnon. (2023). exploring the lived experience on recovery from major depressive disorder (mdd) among women survivors and five chime concepts: a qualitative study. - behavioral sciences. 1-17.
noremy md. akhir, nur hafizah md. akhir. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 285.
nur khaleeda mohd kamil, aizan sofia amin, hammad mohd saidi, noremy md. akhir, insyirah mohd zambri, rosnah sutan, khairul farhah khairuddin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2023). pemerkasaan orang kurang upaya (oku) di malaysia. - . 20.
norulhuda sarnon, fauziah ibrahim, noremy md akhir, salinan nen, hilwa abdullah. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 10.
fauziah ibrahim, salina nen, norulhuda sarnon, hilwa abdullah @ mohd nor, noremy md. akhir. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 7.
siti marziah zakaria, noremy md. akhir, nurul shafini shafurdin. (2022). pembangunan dan pemerkasaan wanita : kesejahteraan kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial. - . 11.
noremy md. akhir, nur hafizah md. akhir. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 285.
mohd suhaimi mohamad, noremy md. akhir, aizan sofia amin. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 285.
noremy md. akhir, ezarina zakaria. (2023). penyelidikan kualitatif: prosedur, praktis dan aplikasi. - . 27.
nur khaleeda mohd kamil, aizan sofia amin, hammad mohd saidi, noremy md. akhir, insyirah mohd zambri, rosnah sutan, khairul farhah khairuddin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2023). pemerkasaan orang kurang upaya (oku) di malaysia. - . 20.
norulhuda sarnon, fauziah ibrahim, noremy md akhir, salinan nen, hilwa abdullah. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 10.
mohd suhaimi mohamad, noremy md akhir, aizan sofia amin. (2024). teori asas dalam praktis kerja sosial. - . 285.
aizan sofia amin, noremy md. akhir, abdul rahman ahmad badayai. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 118.
mohammad rahim kamaluddin, noremy md akhir. (2020). gejala sosial remaja. - . 113.
noremy md akhir, azlinda azman. (2018). daya tahan mangsa banjir di kelantan. - . 116.
afifah idris, noremy md akhir. (2023). wanita dan kemurungan: perbincangan berdasarkan kerangka pemulihan diri chime. - the 7th international postgraduate research conference. 1-27.
muhammad azlan mohamad azhar, noremy md. akhir, mohd suhaimi mohamad, azlinda azman, fauziah ibrahim, aizan sofia amin,siti marziah zakaria. (2022). a review on community empowerment in disaster management: social work perspective. - conference book abstracts, world islamic social science congress ( wissc 2021 ). 1-94.
noremy binti md akhir;fauziah binti ibrahim;nazirah binti hassan. (2022). intervensi psikososial kepada mangsa bencana jabatan kebajikan masyarakat (jkm) berdasarkan praktis kerja sosial. - . .
siti marziah zakaria, asila nur adlynd mohd shukry, wan nurdiyana wan yusof, noremy md akhir, aizan sofia amin.. (2022). persepsi terhadap kualiti hidup semasa pandemik: kajian kes ibu tunggal b40. - 4th international conference on multidisciplinary research 2022. 1-10.
noremy md. akhir. (2022). bencana banjir: kemahiran dan etika kesukarelawam. - . 1-36.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
GENERASI MUDA BERINOVASI MELALUI MODUL ARDUINO | elvira system sdn bhd | 93.8% (2023-04-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |