prof. dr. mohammad tariqul islam

pensyarah universiti

jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • MOHAMMAD TARIQUL ISLAM (Senior Member, IEEE) is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and a Visiting Professor with the Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan. He is the author and coauthor of about 500 research journal articles, nearly 175 conference articles, and a few book chapters on various topics related to antennas, metamaterials, and microwave imaging with 22 inventory patents filed. Thus far, his publications have been cited 6200 times and his H-index is 38 (Source: Scopus). His Google scholar citation is 9200 and H-index is 45. He was a recipient of more than 40 research grants from the Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Education, UKM research grant, international research grants from Japan and Saudi Arabia. His research interests include communication antenna design, metamaterial, satellite antennas, and microwave imaging. Dr. Islam has been serving as an Executive Committee member for IEEE AP/MTT/EMC Malaysia Chapter, since 2018, the Chartered Professional Engineer (CEng), a fellow of IET, U.K., and a Senior Member of IEICE, Japan. He received several International Gold Medal awards, a Best Invention in Telecommunication Award for his research and innovation, and best researcher awards at UKM, in 2010 and 2011. He was a recipient of 2018 and 2019 IEEE AP/MTT/EMC Malaysia Chapter, Excellent Award. He also won the best innovation award, in 2011, and the Best Research Group in ICT niche by UKM, in 2014. He was a recipient of Publication Award from Malaysian Space Agency, in 2014, 2013, 2010, and 2009, and the Best Paper Presentation Award, in 2012, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2012) at Nagoya, Japan, and in 2015 in IconSpace. He has supervised about 30 Ph.D. theses, 20 M.Sc. theses, and has mentored more than 10 postdocs and Visiting scholars. He was an Associate Editor of IET Electronics Letter. He also serves as the Guest Editor, Sensors journal, a

  • badariah binti bais;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran.  (2025).  geometrically congruent meta atom for nanoantenna efficiency enhancement in rf energy scavenging.  -


    md bakey billa, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, saleh albadran, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s alshammari, haitham alsaif, md shabiul islam, mohamed s soliman.  (2024).  high quality factor double negative metamaterial for textile fabric and fabric moisture sensing applications.  - journal of industrial textiles.  1-23. 


    rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren.  (2024).  srr inspired inversion symmetry shaped left handed metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio for asr and wlan applications.  - heliyon.  1-17. 


    morphological, optical, and electrical properties of coxca (0.90-x) ni0. 10fe2o4 based flexible metamaterial substrate for industrial chemical contamination sensing.  (2024).  morphological, optical, and electrical properties of coxca (0.90-x) ni0. 10fe2o4 based flexible metamaterial substrate for industrial chemical contamination sensing.  - journal of science: advanced materials and devices.  1-15. 


    md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren.  (2024).  a coding based metasurface absorber with triple circular ring resonator for broadband rcs reduction and high emi shielding effectiveness.  - results in engineering.  1-12. 


    md bakey billa, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, saleh albadran, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s alshammari, haitham alsaif, md shabiul islam, mohamed s soliman.  (2024).  high quality factor double negative metamaterial for textile fabric and fabric moisture sensing applications.  - journal of industrial textiles.  1-23. 


    rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren.  (2024).  srr inspired inversion symmetry shaped left handed metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio for asr and wlan applications.  - heliyon.  1-17. 


    morphological, optical, and electrical properties of coxca (0.90-x) ni0. 10fe2o4 based flexible metamaterial substrate for industrial chemical contamination sensing.  (2024).  morphological, optical, and electrical properties of coxca (0.90-x) ni0. 10fe2o4 based flexible metamaterial substrate for industrial chemical contamination sensing.  - journal of science: advanced materials and devices.  1-15. 


    ahmad musa, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  modified hilbert resonator-based transmission line sensor for moisture level estimation of soil.  - ieee sensors journal.  1183-1189. 


    md afzalur rahman, samir salem al-bawri, wazie m. abdulkawi, khaled aljaloud, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  a unique swb multi-slotted four-port highly isolated mimo antenna loaded with metasurface for iot applications-based machine learning verification.  - engineering science and technology, an international journal.  1-14. 


    nurul arbaatun adawiah, samir salem al-bawri, norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep s.j. singh.  (2024).  tuneable double negative (dng) tri-hexagonal split ring resonator metamaterial for 5g application.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-12. 


    alya ali musaed, samir salem al-bawri, khaled aljaloud, wazie m. abdulkawi , mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, zaini sakawi, husam hamid ibrahim.  (2024).  a symmetric t-h shape wideband negative index metamaterial for 28-ghz millimeter-wave applications.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-14. 


    r. azim, m. s. mia, a. k. m. ariful haque siddique, m. mottahir alam, m. tariqul islam.  (2024).  cpw-fed band-notch ultra-wideband antenna with cyrillic ghe-shaped parasitic slit.  - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials.  228-235. 


    muntasir m. sheikh, faiza amin shompa, afsana aziz, tanveer ahsan, mohammed shamsul alam, abdul kadar muhammad masum, touhidul alam, rabah w. aldhaheri, khalid h. alharbi, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  design and analysis of a circular polarized s-band antenna for cubesat communication system.  - optoelectronics and advanced materials rapid communications.  73-77. 


    md salah uddin afsar, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, md bellal hossain, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  srr inspired modified psi shaped perfect metamaterial absorber for c-band application.  - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.  1-12. 


    md bakey billa, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, saleh albadran, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s alshammari, haitham alsaif, md shabiul islam, mohamed s soliman.  (2024).  high quality factor double negative metamaterial for textile fabric and fabric moisture sensing applications.  - journal of industrial textiles.  1-23. 


    rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren.  (2024).  srr inspired inversion symmetry shaped left handed metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio for asr and wlan applications.  - heliyon.  1-17. 


    morphological, optical, and electrical properties of coxca (0.90-x) ni0. 10fe2o4 based flexible metamaterial substrate for industrial chemical contamination sensing.  (2024).  morphological, optical, and electrical properties of coxca (0.90-x) ni0. 10fe2o4 based flexible metamaterial substrate for industrial chemical contamination sensing.  - journal of science: advanced materials and devices.  1-15. 


    md bellal hossain, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, sabirin abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren.  (2024).  a coding based metasurface absorber with triple circular ring resonator for broadband rcs reduction and high emi shielding effectiveness.  - results in engineering.  1-12. 


    ahmad musa, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2024).  modified hilbert resonator-based transmission line sensor for moisture level estimation of soil.  - ieee sensors journal.  1183-1189. 


    md afzalur rahman, samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, dipon saha, md ashraful haque.  (2024).  a compact multiband microstrip antenna design for 5g iot and satellite communication applications.  - proceedings of the 8th international conference on space science and communication.  125-132. 


    md afzalur rahman, samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh, md asifur rahman.  (2024).  a novel compact ultrawideband microstrip patch antenna for satellite communications system.  - proceedings of the 8th international conference on space science and communication.  243-251. 


    ahasanul hoque, ali f. almutairi, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2023).  triple-band modified v-shape with a u-shape ring resonator metamaterial absorber for c- and x-band sensing applications.  - 2023 3rd international conference on innovative research in applied science, engineering and technology (iraset).  1-5. 


    samir salem al-bawri, mohammad tariqul islam, mandeep jit singh.  (2023).  analysis of a tuneable nzri metamaterial unit cell for satellite applications.  - international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim).  1-8. 


    md. kutub uddin, shawon hossen, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, mohammed shamsul alam, mohammad lutful hakim.  (2023).  triple band antenna using superstate with double substrate for wireless applications.  - 26th international conference on computer and information technology (iccit).  1-5. 


    simranjit singh, gurpreet kaur, mohammad tariqul islam, r.s. kaler.  (2022).  broadband connectivity in 5g and beyond.  - 1-191. 


    mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam, ng yun yann.  (2022).  rain rate in malaysia : impact & climate diversity.  - 159. 


    md samsuzzaman, norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  small satellite circularly polarized patch antenna.  - 188. 


    mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad shahidul islam.  (2022).  metamaterial antenna: electromagnetic head imaging system.  - 180. 


    arshad selamat, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor dan mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  antena tatasusun pantulan terintegrasi sel suria.  - 112. 


    mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque.  (2023).  metamaterial for microwave applications.  - 296. 


    mohammad tariqul islam, ahasanul hoque.  (2023).  metamaterial for microwave applications.  - 296. 


    muhammad e.h. chowdhury, tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, nabil ibtehaz, aftab ullah khan, muhammad salman khan, nasser al-emadi, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad tariqul islam and sawal hamid md. ali.  (2021).  technology in agriculture.  - 17. 


    mandeep singh, simranjit singh, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2021).  emerging trends in terahertz engineering and system technologies.  - 14. 


    muhammad e.h. chowdhury, amith khandakar, yazan qiblawey, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad tariqul islam and farid touati.  (2020).  sports science and human health - different approaches.  - 22. 


    siti hafizah yusop, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  antena tatasusun pantulan bagi penerima satelit.  - 154. 


    simranjit singh, gurpreet kaur, mohammad tariqul islam, r.s. kaler.  (2022).  broadband connectivity in 5g and beyond.  - 1-191. 


    mohammad tariqul islam, mohammad shahidul islam.  (2022).  metamaterial antenna: electromagnetic head imaging system.  - 180. 


    mandeep singh jit singh, mohammad tariqul islam, ng yun yann.  (2022).  rain rate in malaysia : impact & climate diversity.  - 159. 


    md samsuzzaman, norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam.  (2022).  small satellite circularly polarized patch antenna.  - 188. 


    badariah binti bais;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran.  (2025).  geometrically congruent meta atom for nanoantenna efficiency enhancement in rf energy scavenging.  -


    touhidul alam;mohammad tariqul islam;gan kok beng;norsuzlin binti mohd sahar.  (2024).  oval shaped metasurface for body protection from harmful electromagnetic radiation.  -


    gan kok beng;noorazah binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam;rosmina jaafar.  (2024).  tumor detection technique using multitier assessment classification approach in microwave head imaging.  -


    mohammad tariqul islam;noorazah binti abd aziz;iskandar bin yahya;mandeep singh a/l jit singh.  (2024).  non-invasive stroke detection by microwave imaging system with compact unidirectional antenna.  -


    norsuzlin binti mohd sahar;mohammad tariqul islam;mandeep singh a/l jit singh;ahasanul hoque.  (2024).  implantable antenna using superstrate thickness for biotelemetry communication.  -