pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem
Asraf Mohamed Moubark earned his Ph.D. from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom, in 2019. He began his academic career at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2008, where he served as a Tutor, progressing to Lecturer in 2013 and Senior Lecturer in 2019 with the School of Electrical, Electronic, and Systems Engineering. Dr. Asraf has an H-index of 10 and has published extensively in high-impact Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) journals, as well as conference proceedings and book chapters. He has secured more than 19 research grants, including funding from the Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, the Ministry of Education, and UKM`s internal research programs. He teaches a wide range of subjects, including Signal and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Electronics, Intel Microprocessor x86 Architecture and Assembly Programming, Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL), and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) design. Dr. Asraf’s primary research interests include ultrasound imaging, beamforming, digital signal processing, FPGA-based system design and AI in medical imaging.
md bakey billa, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, md shabiul islam, asraf mohamed moubark, haitham alsaif, saleh albadran, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s alshammari. (2024). structural, morphological, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties of aluminum-doped coxca nio 10fe2o4 flexible substrate for visible to nir spectra applications. - apl materials. 1-16.
asraf bin mohamed moubark;sawal hamid bin md ali;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley. (2024). optimizing lateral step for filtered-delay multiply and sum beamforming technique to improve segmentation in ultrasound ultrafast imaging. - . .
md. golam rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, saeed alamri, abdullah al mahfazur rahman, asraf mohamed moubark, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman. (2024). dumbbell shaped structure loaded modifed circular ring resonator based perfect metamaterial absorber for s, x and ku band microwave sensing applications. - scientific reports. 1-21.
mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;mohd marzuki bin mustafa;mohd faisal bin ibrahim;asraf bin mohamed moubark. (2023). fault detection and diagnosis of dual arm robot using data-driven and model-based approach. - . .
asraf mohamed moubark, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd hafiz baharuddin. (2023). assembly language programming for microprocessor 8086 lab manual. - . 1-4.
md bakey billa, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, md shabiul islam, asraf mohamed moubark, haitham alsaif, saleh albadran, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s alshammari. (2024). structural, morphological, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties of aluminum-doped coxca nio 10fe2o4 flexible substrate for visible to nir spectra applications. - apl materials. 1-16.
md. golam rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, saeed alamri, abdullah al mahfazur rahman, asraf mohamed moubark, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman. (2024). dumbbell shaped structure loaded modifed circular ring resonator based perfect metamaterial absorber for s, x and ku band microwave sensing applications. - scientific reports. 1-21.
asraf mohamed moubark, luzhen nie, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd asyraf zulkifley, mohd hafiz baharuddin, zainab alomari, steven freear. (2023). enhancement of ultrasound b-mode image quality using nonlinear filtered-multiply-and-sum compounding for improved carotid artery segmentation.. - diagnostics. 1-27.
mohammad j. m. zedan ,mohd asyraf zulkifley, ahmad asrul ibrahim, asraf mohamed moubark, nor azwan mohamed kamari, siti raihanah abdani. (2023). automated glaucoma screening and diagnosis based on retinal fundus images using deep learning approaches: a comprehensive review. - diagnostics. 1-33.
mohd asyraf zulkifley, asraf mohamed moubark, adhi harmoko saputro, siti raihanah abdani. (2022). automated apple recognition system using semantic segmentation networks with group and shuffle operators. - agriculture. 1-15.
ismail hossain, asraf mohamed moubark, mohammad tariqul islam, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, mohamed s. soliman, md samsuzzaman. (2023). tunable cross-coupled metallic elements loaded epsilon negative and near-zero index characteristics based metamaterial. - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 1-10.
md bakey billa, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, md shabiul islam, asraf mohamed moubark, haitham alsaif, saleh albadran, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s alshammari. (2024). structural, morphological, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties of aluminum-doped coxca nio 10fe2o4 flexible substrate for visible to nir spectra applications. - apl materials. 1-16.
md. golam rabbani, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, saeed alamri, abdullah al mahfazur rahman, asraf mohamed moubark, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman. (2024). dumbbell shaped structure loaded modifed circular ring resonator based perfect metamaterial absorber for s, x and ku band microwave sensing applications. - scientific reports. 1-21.
asraf mohamed moubark, luzhen nie, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd asyraf zulkifley, mohd hafiz baharuddin, zainab alomari, steven freear. (2023). enhancement of ultrasound b-mode image quality using nonlinear filtered-multiply-and-sum compounding for improved carotid artery segmentation.. - diagnostics. 1-27.
ismail hossain, asraf mohamed moubark, mohammad tariqul islam, norsuzlin binti mohd sahar, mohamed s. soliman, md samsuzzaman. (2023). tunable cross-coupled metallic elements loaded epsilon negative and near-zero index characteristics based metamaterial. - journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 1-10.
ilham amani rozaini, nurul emylia natasya ahmad zakey, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd faisal ibrahim, seri mastura mustaza, asraf mohamed moubark. (2023). bilateral teleoperation with a shared design of master and slave devices for robotic excavators in agricultural applications. - international journal of experimental research and review. 119-127.
koo sie min, mohd asyraf zulkifley, nor azwan mohamed kamari, asraf mohamed mourbark. (2022). analysis of feed-forward connections for apex frame spotting. - proceedings of the 6th international conference on electrical, control and computer engineering. 905-912.
marzuraikah mohd stofa, mohd asyraf zulkifley, muhammad ammirrul atiqi mohd zainuri, asraf mohamed moubark. (2022). densenet with atrous spatial pyramid pooling for skin lesion classification. - proceedings of the 11th international conference on robotics, vision, signal processing and power applications. 827-833.
syukri zamri, mohd hairi mohd zaman, asraf mohamed moubark, ahmad asrul ibrahim, mohd hafiz baharuddin. (2022). phase margin estimation of linear voltage regulator using noninvasive stability measurement and optimized regression. - 2022 ieee 18th international colloquium on signal processing & applications (cspa 2022). 316-319.
siti raihanah abdani, mohd asyraf zulkifley, nor azwan mohamed kamari, asraf mohamed moubark. (2022). optimal selection of parallel atrous convolutions for mobilenet v3. - proceedings of the 11th international conference on robotics, vision, signal processing and power applications. 985-990.
mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd faisal ibrahim, asraf mohamed moubark. (2021). dimensional optimization of 4-dof robot manipulator using artificial bee colony algorithm. - 2021 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei). 1-4.
asraf mohamed moubark, hilmi sanusi, sawal hamid md ali, mohd alauddin mohd ali.. (2020). future wireless communication with sample based demodulator. - . 102.
asraf mohamed moubark, hilmi sanusi, sawal hamid md ali, mohd alauddin mohd ali.. (2020). future wireless communication with sample based demodulator. - . 102.
asraf bin mohamed moubark;sawal hamid bin md ali;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley. (2024). optimizing lateral step for filtered-delay multiply and sum beamforming technique to improve segmentation in ultrasound ultrafast imaging. - . .
norhana binti arsad;shahrir bin abdullah;yushaizad yusof;noorfazila binti kamal;siti salasiah binti mokri;anuar mikdad bin muad;zambri bin harun;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;aqilah binti baseri huddin;asraf bin mohamed moubark;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;mohd. (2023). development of face recognition for an online examination. - . .
mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;mohd marzuki bin mustafa;mohd faisal bin ibrahim;asraf bin mohamed moubark. (2023). fault detection and diagnosis of dual arm robot using data-driven and model-based approach. - . .
mohd hairi mohd zaman, asraf mohamed moubark, mohd hafiz baharuddin. (2023). stepper motor interface with microprocessor 8086 lab manual. - . 1-10.
mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;mohd marzuki bin mustafa;aini binti hussain;mohd faisal bin ibrahim;asraf bin mohamed moubark. (2023). pengoptimuman anggaran rantau kegagalan sistem penukar kuasa berkonsepkan kaedah penderiaan maya. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
METAMATERIAL SURFACE BASED MASSIVE MIMO ANTENNAS FOR 6G COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY | raytel dynamics sdn bhd. | 81.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |