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jabatan kejuruteraan kimia & proses
Dr. Teow is currently an Associate Professor at UKM. She completed her undergraduate and obtained Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Chemical Engineering from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2010. She continued her Ph.D study and graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia in 2014. She has been involved in membrane technology for more than 10 years. Her research activities are principally dedicated in the fields of membrane synthesis and characterization, membrane application for water purification and wastewater treatment, membrane fouling, integration of nanoparticle technology and membrane technology for mixed-matrix membrane synthesis, water disinfection technology, and adsorption. She has authored several publications and has collaborated with companies such as Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd., Infineon Technologies (Kulim) Sdn. Bhd., and Sime Darby Research Sdn. Bhd. in applying membrane for wastewater treatment, reclamation, and reuse.
abdul wahab mohammad, teow yeit haan, nidal hilal. (2024). nanofiltration for sustainability: reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 369.
maha mohammad al-rajabi, teow yeit haan. (2024). sustainable approaches in pharmaceutical sciences. - . 26.
yogadevan vijayan, yeit haan teow, maha mohammad al-rajabi & s. ranil wikramasinghe. (2023). a sustainable development approach of silica recovery and treatment of semiconductor-industry wastewater using ceramic membranes. - separation science and technology. 1133-1144.
kah chun ho, jin heng lim, aida isma mohd idris, yeit haan teow, nii chien ng. (2023). effect of diameter of carbon nanotubes in nanocomposite membrane for methyl orange dye removal. - journal applied membrane science & technology. 47-61.
nor naimah rosyadah ahmad, abdul wahab mohammad, wei lun ang and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 17.
zhen hong chang, leow hui ting lyly, yeit haan teow, swee pin yeap, jing yao sum. (2023). insight into polydopamine coating on microfiltration membrane with controlled surface pore size for enhanced membrane rejection. - polymer. 1-10.
maha mohammad al-rajabi, yeit haan teow. (2023). synthesis of thermoresponsive composite hydrogel from pluronic f127 reinforced by oil palm empty fruit bunches-extracted cellulose for silver sulfadiazine drug delivery. - sustainable chemistry and pharmacy. 1-18.
nur ameera rosli, yeit haan teow, ebrahim mahmoudi. (2023). optimisation for the synthesis of uniformly dispersed antimicrobial ag/go nanohybrid latex film. - journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. 149-168.
lyly leow hui ting, yeit haan teow, ebrahim mahmoudi, boon seng ooi. (2023). development and optimization of low surface free energy of rgo-pvdf mixed matrix membrane for membrane distillation. - separation and purification technology. 1-13.
maha mohammad al-rajabi, yeit haan teow. (2023). temperature-responsive hydrogel for silver sulfadiazine drug delivery: optimized design and in vitro/in vivo evaluation. - gels. 1-23.
yeit haan teow, ernie zulkifli, s. ranil wikramasinghe. (2023). performance and resilience of the polyceraŽ titan membrane for industrial wastewater treatment. - water science and technology. 1056-1071.
yogadevan vijayan, yeit haan teow, maha mohammad al-rajabi & s. ranil wikramasinghe. (2023). a sustainable development approach of silica recovery and treatment of semiconductor-industry wastewater using ceramic membranes. - separation science and technology. 1133-1144.
huey ling tan, amirah syafiqah ahmad arifin, yeit haan teow, ying pei lim. (2022). rubber glove wastewater treatment by integrated fixed-film activated sludge using polyvinyl alcohol gel beads: effect of hydraulic retention time and percent of biomass carriers. - desalination and water treatment. 213-219.
lyly leow hui ting, teow yeit haan. (2022). functional nanomaterial based membrane in membrane distillation for water reclamation. - desalination and water treatment. 14-30.
yeit haan teow, meng teck chong, kah chun ho, abdul wahab mohammad. (2021). comparative environmental impact evaluation using life cycle assessment approach: a case study of integrated membrane-filtration system for the treatment of aerobically-digested palm oil mill effluent. - sustainable environment research. 1-14.
zhen hong chang, leow hui ting lyly, yeit haan teow, swee pin yeap, jing yao sum. (2023). insight into polydopamine coating on microfiltration membrane with controlled surface pore size for enhanced membrane rejection. - polymer. 1-10.
yeit haan teow, ernie zulkifli, s. ranil wikramasinghe. (2023). performance and resilience of the polyceraŽ titan membrane for industrial wastewater treatment. - water science and technology. 1056-1071.
yogadevan vijayan, yeit haan teow, maha mohammad al-rajabi & s. ranil wikramasinghe. (2023). a sustainable development approach of silica recovery and treatment of semiconductor-industry wastewater using ceramic membranes. - separation science and technology. 1133-1144.
maha mohammad al-rajabi, yeit haan teow. (2023). synthesis of thermoresponsive composite hydrogel from pluronic f127 reinforced by oil palm empty fruit bunches-extracted cellulose for silver sulfadiazine drug delivery. - sustainable chemistry and pharmacy. 1-18.
lyly leow hui ting, yeit haan teow, ebrahim mahmoudi, boon seng ooi. (2023). development and optimization of low surface free energy of rgo-pvdf mixed matrix membrane for membrane distillation. - separation and purification technology. 1-13.
maha mohammad al-rajabi, teow yeit haan. (2021). influence of vertical diffusion cell set-up on in vitro silver sulfadiazine drug release from thermo-responsive cellulose hydrogel. - materials science forum. 19-26.
y. h. teow, m. i. solihuddin. (2020). process synthesis and optimization of sio2/pvdf mixedmatrix membrane for oil-water emulsion separation. - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-8.
maha mohammad al-rajabi, teow yeit haan. (2024). sustainable approaches in pharmaceutical sciences. - . 26.
nur ameera rosli, teow yeit haan, ebrahim mahmoudi. (2023). silver-graphene nanohybrod: antimicrobial action and mechanical enhancement in rubber. - . 158.
nor naimah rosyadah ahmad, abdul wahab mohammad, wei lun ang and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 17.
teow yeit haan, ho kah chun, chien hwa chong. (2023). genomics approach to bioremediation: principles, tools, and emerging technologies. - . 560.
wei lun ang, abdul wahab mohammad, nor naimah rosyadah ahmad and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 13.
maha mohammad al-rajabi, teow yeit haan. (2024). sustainable approaches in pharmaceutical sciences. - . 26.
teow yeit haan, ho kah chun, chien hwa chong. (2023). genomics approach to bioremediation: principles, tools, and emerging technologies. - . 560.
wei lun ang, abdul wahab mohammad, nor naimah rosyadah ahmad and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 13.
nor naimah rosyadah ahmad, abdul wahab mohammad, wei lun ang and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 17.
teow yeit haan, ho kah chun, sumith ranil wickramasinghe, mahmood gheni jebur, chang zhen hong. (2022). integrated environmental technologies for wastewater treatment and sustainable development. - . 31.
abdul wahab mohammad, teow yeit haan, nidal hilal. (2024). nanofiltration for sustainability: reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 369.
nur ameera rosli, teow yeit haan, ebrahim mahmoudi. (2023). silver-graphene nanohybrod: antimicrobial action and mechanical enhancement in rubber. - . 158.
ho kah chun, teow yeit haan, abdul wahab mohammad. (2020). agro-industrial wastewater: treatment using active antifouling carbon nano-membrane. - . 196.
teow yeit haan, noorini izzati mohamad mazuki, abdul wahab mohammad. (2020). choosing disinfection alternatives for bio-effluent treatment: a summary of existing and emerging technologies. - . 172.
teow yeit haan;abdul wahab bin mohammad. (2022). development of a compact integrated solution multifunctional adsorption-membranes system for sustainable wastewater reclamation from domestic sewage. - . .
teow yeit haan;abdul wahab bin mohammad;ebrahim mahmoudi. (2022). fouling behavior of ceramic membrane filtration system for semiconductor-industry wastewater treatment. - . .
abdul wahab bin mohammad;teow yeit haan;siti hajar binti mohammad. (2021). development and surface interaction study of low-fouling nanofiltration membranes for desalination. - . .
abdul wahab bin mohammad;teow yeit haan;ang wei lun;mahmoudi ebrahim. (2021). green synthesis of multifunctional silver-graphene-silica composite from waste cooking oil feedstock for wastewater treatment. - . .
teow yeit haan;abdul wahab bin mohammad;mohd sobri bin takriff;hamidun bin bunawan;nazlina haiza binti mohd yasin. (2021). nanobiotechnology approach to remediate eco-symbiosis for the conservation of catchment lake at ukm. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
REDUCED GRAPHENE OXIDE/POLYANILINE POLYMER MATRIX WITH ENHANCED ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY | yakin splendour global holding berhad | 72.5% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |