pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian keselamatan siber (cyber)
Khairul Akram earned his Bachelor`s and Master`s degrees with First Class Honours in System Engineering with Computer Engineering from the University of Warwick, the United Kingdom in 2008, and 2009 respectively. He later joined Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in 2010 to pursue his journey towards academic research and teaching courses to earn his Ph.D. in
Information System. During his time in UTP, a number of journal articles and conference papers have been produced and published internationally. Then, he was appointed as Researcher in Digital Forensic Department, CyberSecurity Malaysia, and had been entrusted with the research on embedded systems and live forensic. Currently, he a member of
Technology and Information Science Faculty of the National University of Malaysia to pursue his passion in research towards cybersecurity, digital forensics, algorithms, and embedded system. He is GCFA certified and member for both IEEE and IET.
siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, khairul akram zainol ariffin, umi asma mokhtar, salwani abdullah, amelia natasya abd, shafiza mohd shariff, madihah mohd saudi, monaliza sahri, azril hanafi abdullah sharwani, noridayu adnan, nelson budin. (2024). dasar perkongsian data selangor 2023. - . 39.
mohammad kamrul hasan, md. sarwar hosain, md. kawsar ahmed, shayla islam, arwa n. aledaily, safia yasmeen, khairul akram zainul ariffin. (2024). encrypted images in a v-blast assisted sc-fdma wireless communication system. - transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies. 1-16.
zhang liwen, faizan qamar, mahrukh liaqat, mhd nour hindia, khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2024). towards efficient 6g iot networks: a perspective on resource optimization strategies, challenges, and future directions. - ieee access. 76606-76633.
abdul ghafar jaafar, saiful adli ismail, abdul habir, khairul akram zainol ariffin, othman mohd yusop. (2024). a raise of security concern in iot devices: measuring iot security through penetration testing framework. - (ijacsa) international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 676-690.
hiba a. tarish, rosilah hassan, khairol akram zainol ariffin, mustafa musa jaber. (2024). network security framework for internet of medical things applications: a survey. - journal of intelligent system. 1-20.
zhang liwen, faizan qamar, mahrukh liaqat, mhd nour hindia, khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2024). towards efficient 6g iot networks: a perspective on resource optimization strategies, challenges, and future directions. - ieee access. 76606-76633.
rana m. abdul haseeb-ur-rehman, azana hafizah mohd aman, mohammad kamrul hasan, khairul akram zainol ariffin,, abdallah namoun, ali tufail and ki-hyung kim. (2023). high-speed network ddos attack detection: a survey. - sensors. 1-25.
dyala ibrahim, rami sihwail, khairul akram zainol arrifin, ala abuthawabeh and manar mizher. (2023). a novel color visual cryptography approach based on harris hawks optimization algorithm. - symmetry basel. 1-17.
salah eddin sihwail, r., said solaiman, o., akram zainol ariffin, k.. (2022). new robust hybrid jarratt-butterfly optimization algorithm for nonlinear models. - journal of king saud university - computer and information sciences. 8207-8220.
maziana abd majid, khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2021). model for successful development and implementation of cyber security operations centre (soc). - plos one. 1-24.
mohammad kamrul hasan, md. sarwar hosain, md. kawsar ahmed, shayla islam, arwa n. aledaily, safia yasmeen, khairul akram zainul ariffin. (2024). encrypted images in a v-blast assisted sc-fdma wireless communication system. - transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies. 1-16.
sarah k. taylor, steve ho-yong kim, khairul akram zainol ariffin, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah. (2022). a comprehensive forensic preservation methodology for crypto wallets. - forensic science international- digital investigation. 1-17.
imran memon, riaz ahmed shaikh, mohammad kamrul hasan, rosilah hassan, amin ul haq, khairul akram zainol. (2020). protect mobile travelers information in sensitive region based on fuzzy logic in iot technology. - security and communication networks. 1-12.
rami sihwail, khairuddin omar, khairul akram zainol ariffin, sanad al afghani. (2019). malware detection approach based on artifacts in memory image and dynamic analysis. - applied sciences basel. 1-12.
siti norul huda sheikh abdullah,mohammed hasan abdulameer,nazri ahmad zamani,fasly rahim, khairul akram zainol ariffin,zulaiha othman,mohd zakree ahmad nazri. (2017). 2.5 d facial analysis via bio-inspired active appearance model and support vector machine for forensic application. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 371-375.
hiba a. tarish, rosilah hassan, khairol akram zainol ariffin, mustafa musa jaber. (2024). network security framework for internet of medical things applications: a survey. - journal of intelligent system. 1-20.
zhang liwen, faizan qamar, mahrukh liaqat, mhd nour hindia, khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2024). towards efficient 6g iot networks: a perspective on resource optimization strategies, challenges, and future directions. - ieee access. 76606-76633.
abdul ghafar jaafar, saiful adli ismail, abdul habir, khairul akram zainol ariffin, othman mohd yusop. (2024). a raise of security concern in iot devices: measuring iot security through penetration testing framework. - (ijacsa) international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 676-690.
mohammad kamrul hasan, md. sarwar hosain, md. kawsar ahmed, shayla islam, arwa n. aledaily, safia yasmeen, khairul akram zainul ariffin. (2024). encrypted images in a v-blast assisted sc-fdma wireless communication system. - transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies. 1-16.
rana m. abdul haseeb-ur-rehman, azana hafizah mohd aman, mohammad kamrul hasan, khairul akram zainol ariffin,, abdallah namoun, ali tufail and ki-hyung kim. (2023). high-speed network ddos attack detection: a survey. - sensors. 1-25.
ali lamjid, khairul akram zainol ariffin, mohd juzaiddin ab aziz, nor samsiah sani. (2023). determine the optimal hidden layers and neurons in the generative adversarial networks topology for the intrusion detection systems. - 2022 international conference on cyber resilience (iccr). 1-7.
muhammad haziq mohd zainudin, khairul akram zainol ariffin, dahlia asyiqin ahmad zainaddin, ahmad tarmizi abdul ghani, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah. (2022). cloud-based data extraction from mobile devices: a preliminary analysis. - international conference on cyber resilience (iccr). 1-5.
sarah k. taylor, m. sharizuan m. omar, nooraiman noorashid, aswami ariffin, khairul akram zainol ariffin, s. n. huda s. abdullah. (2021). people, process and technology for cryptocurrencies forensics: a malaysia case study. - second international conference. aces 2020, penang, malaysia, december 8-9, 2020. 297-312.
abbas salimi zaini;siti norul huda sheikh abdullah;khairul akram zainol ariffin;meng chun lam;rusdi abd rashid;zainudin muhamad. (2021). health monitoring framework for drug addict rehab in cure & care service centre malaysia. - 2021 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei). 1-6.
ahmad mustafa mohamad al-aboosi;samar kamil;siti norul huda sheikh abdullah;khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2021). lightweight cryptography for resource constraint devices: challenges and recommendation. - 2021 3rd international cyber resilience conference (crc). 44-49.
siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, khairul akram zainol arifin & kok ven jyn. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 10.
abdul hadi abd rahman, shahnorbanun sahran, khairul akram zainol ariffin, salwani abdullah, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, azizi abdullah, lailatul qadri zakaria, nazatul aini abd majid & sabrina tiun abdullah. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 7.
siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, khairul akram zainol arifin & kok ven jyn. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 10.
abdul hadi abd rahman, shahnorbanun sahran, khairul akram zainol ariffin, salwani abdullah, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, azizi abdullah, lailatul qadri zakaria, nazatul aini abd majid & sabrina tiun abdullah. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 7.
siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, khairul akram zainol ariffin, umi asma mokhtar, salwani abdullah, amelia natasya abd, shafiza mohd shariff, madihah mohd saudi, monaliza sahri, azril hanafi abdullah sharwani, noridayu adnan, nelson budin. (2024). dasar perkongsian data selangor 2023. - . 39.
amelia natasya abdul wahab, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, monaliza sahri, khairul akram zainol ariffin, umi asma mokhtar, salwani abdullah, madihah mohd saudi, shafiza mohd shariff, bakar jamili ghazali, ismail che ani. (2023). pembangunan dasar perkongsian data bagi kerajaan selangor melalui seigdx. - . 1-19.
monaliza sahri, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, madihah mohd saudi, azah anir norman, kamsuriah ahmad, hasimi salehhudin, khairul akram zainol ariffin, umi asma' mokhtar, mohd haziq hairul nizam, aznul nizam bin nasir, novolin jou, nik rafizal. (2023). pembangunan rangka kerja perkongsian data bagi sektor awam melalui mygdx. - . 1-35.
zarina shukur, umi asma' mokhtar, khairul akram zainol ariffin, masnizah mohd ,amelia natasya abdul wahab. (2023). blueprint: pusat kecemerlangan keselamatan siber. - blueprint: pusat kecemerlangan keselamatan siber. 1-62.
nurrita shuhada mohammed shafri, khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2023). aplikasi mudah alih perbandingan harga barangan atas talian dengan pengkomputeran awan (pricestige). - . 1-23.
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