pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembangunan inklusif & lestari (sid)
Dr. Abdul Hafizh Mohd Azam is a senior lecturer at the Center for Sustainable and Inclusive
Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(UKM). He currently serves as the Head of the Postgraduate Program in Economics. Before
entering academia, Dr. Abdul Hafizh worked in the Monetary Policy Department at Bank Negara
Malaysia (BNM) as an Associate Economist, where he supported the Monetary Policy Committee
by providing analysis and conducting research to facilitate decision-making and address key
policy issues.
Dr. Abdul Hafizh holds a PhD and Master`s in Economics from UKM, with a focus on
econometrics, and a Bachelor`s degree in Mathematics and Economics (Hons) from Universiti
Sains Malaysia (USM). During his PhD, he was awarded the Best Thesis Award and the
Graduate-on-Time (GOT) Award. His contributions to academia and research have been widely
recognized. In 2024, Dr. Abdul Hafizh received the Excellent Service Award from UKM. He and
his team were recently awarded the Most Provocative Research Award by Emerald-MFAIC 2024
during the 26th International Conference of the Malaysian Finance Association. He also won the
Best Paper Award at the 2nd International Conference on Economics, Management, Accounting,
and Tourism (ICEMAT) in 2024, as well as at the 3rd International Conference on Business,
Accounting, Finance, and Economics in 2015.
Dr. Abdul Hafizh is actively involved in teaching courses such as Basic and Intermediate
Econometrics, Time Series Analysis, and Mathematics for Economics and Business. He also
conducts workshops and seminars on econometrics and statistical modeling for various academic
and professional organizations.
abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;norlin binti khalid. (2025). evolution of transmission channel of monetary policy in malaysia. - . .
raudha binti md ramli;hairunnizam bin wahid;aisyah binti abdul rahman;muhammad hakimi bin mohd shafiai;abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;abdul ghafar bin ismail. (2025). potensi kutipan zakat melalui tabungan kumpulan wang simpanan pekerja (kwsp) untuk kelestarian hasil zakat di pusat pungutan zakat wilayah persekutuan.. - . .
abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;tamat bin sarmidi. (2024). kesan faktor makroekonomi keatas ketidaksamarataan pendapatan. - . .
nurhamizah rashid, abdul hafizh mohd azam, tamat sarmidi, naziatul aziah mohd radzi. (2024). asymmetric effect of market sentiment on banking: a nonlinear ardl approach. - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 1-15.
ma hui, zulkefly abdul karim, noorasiah sulaiman, abdul hafizh mohd azam. (2023). corporate income tax incentives and r&d investment in digital companies: a new evidence from china. - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 1-10.
mohd syafiq sabri, norlin khalid, abdul hafizh mohd azam, tamat sarmidi. (2022). impact analysis of the external shocks on the prices of malaysian crude palm oil: evidence from a structural vector autoregressive model. - mathematics. 1-22.
norlee ramli, abdul hafzh mohd azam, abu hassan shaari md nor, tamat sarmidi. (2022). spillover of rubber prices volatility in asean-3 countries. - journal of rubber research. 251-263.
nurhamizah rashid, abdul hafizh mohd azam, tamat sarmidi, naziatul aziah mohd radzi. (2024). asymmetric effect of market sentiment on banking: a nonlinear ardl approach. - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 1-15.
ma hui, zulkefly abdul karim, noorasiah sulaiman, abdul hafizh mohd azam. (2023). corporate income tax incentives and r&d investment in digital companies: a new evidence from china. - jurnal ekonomi malaysia. 1-10.
mohd syafiq sabri, norlin khalid, abdul hafizh mohd azam, tamat sarmidi. (2022). impact analysis of the external shocks on the prices of malaysian crude palm oil: evidence from a structural vector autoregressive model. - mathematics. 1-22.
tamat sarmidi, abdul hafizh mohd azam, abu hassan shaari md nor, kalsom zakaria. (2022). the role of palm oil in stabilising the price of vegetable oil market: empirical evidence using mgarch approach. - journal of sustainability science and management. 19-31.
abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;norlin binti khalid. (2025). evolution of transmission channel of monetary policy in malaysia. - . .
raudha binti md ramli;hairunnizam bin wahid;aisyah binti abdul rahman;muhammad hakimi bin mohd shafiai;abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;abdul ghafar bin ismail. (2025). potensi kutipan zakat melalui tabungan kumpulan wang simpanan pekerja (kwsp) untuk kelestarian hasil zakat di pusat pungutan zakat wilayah persekutuan.. - . .
abdul hafizh bin mohd azam;tamat bin sarmidi. (2024). kesan faktor makroekonomi keatas ketidaksamarataan pendapatan. - . .
abdul hafizh mohd azam, muhammad rias k.v. zainuddin, and tamat sarmidi. (2023). malaysia blue economy: position, initiatives, and challenges. - . 4.
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