pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian perniagaan global & ekonomi digital (globde)
Soliha Sanusi adalah Pensyarah Universiti di Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan di bawah Pusat Pengajian Perniagaan Global dan Ekonomi Digital, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau adalah Akauntan Bertauliah (CA) dari Institut Akauntan Malaysia (MIA) dan memperolehi Ph.D. dari Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia pada tahun 2019. Beliau adalah penerima biasiswa SLAB / SLAI dari Universiti Sains Malaysia untuk pengajian sarjana dan PhD. Fokus penyelidikannya adalah dalam bidang percukaian, kriminologi kewangan, perusahaan kecil sederhana, ‘mixed-method’, dan perakaunan sektor awam. Beliau telah menerbitkan dan membentangkan kertas penyelidikannya dalam pelbagai persidangan dan jurnal. Beliau juga merupakan pewasit untuk Management & Accounting Review, Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting & Finance, dan beberapa jurnal lagi.
Soliha Sanusi is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Management under the Centre of Global Business and Digital Economy studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She is a Chartered Accountant (CA) of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and obtained her Ph.D. from the Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia in 2019. She was SLAB/SLAI scholarship recipient for her MBA and PhD studies. Her research interests are in the areas of direct tax, indirect tax, financial criminology, small-medium enterprises, mixed-method, and public sector accounting. She has published and presented her research work in various conferences and journals. She is also a reviewer for Management & Accounting Review, Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting & Finance, and a few more journals.
soliha binti sanusi;ruzita binti abdul rahim;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;aziatul waznah binti ghazali. (2024). online learning satisfaction: a comparative study between malaysia, indonesia and china students during covid 19 pandemic. - . .
aziatul waznah binti ghazali;mara ridhuan bin che abdul rahman;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). digitizing the accounting education: integrating the remote learning concept and the work-integrated learning application in hei . - . .
dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;hafizah binti omar zaki;nurul atasha binti jamaludin;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). factors influencing students` behavioral intentions towards the use of e-learning in malaysia during covid-19. - . .
nur izzaty mohamad; soliha sanusi; nurshahira ibrahim. (2024). enhancing employee talents: administrative roles in training programmes. - review of integrative business and economics research. 45-59.
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
taimin li, afzal izzaz zahari, soliha sanusi. (2023). the sustainability of technological innovation in china: from the perspective of network relationships. - sustainability. 1-26.
hafizah omar zaki, dahlia fernandez, omkar dastane, aini aman, soliha sanusi. (2023). virtual reality in digital marketing: research agenda based on bibliometric reflection. - marketing intelligence and planning. 1-20.
shuifang li, aini binti aman, dahlia fernandez , soliha sanusi, shasha dong, yuqiong fan, zhenwei liao. (2024). value identification and its creation mechanism of digital transformation at enterprises. - ieee access. 55976-55997.
nur izzaty mohamad; soliha sanusi; nurshahira ibrahim. (2024). enhancing employee talents: administrative roles in training programmes. - review of integrative business and economics research. 45-59.
nur izzaty mohamad, soliha sanusi, raja rizal iskandar raja hisham. (2023). implementing change in public organisations: the effects of motivation to transfer as a mediating factor in the relationship between supervisory leadership and knowledge transfer. - academic journal of interdisciplinary studies. 187-202.
nur izzaty mohamad; ishak abd rahman; soliha sanusi; suhaila abdullah; nurshahira ibrahim. (2023). an empirical study of the relationship between leadership practice in training programs and skill development motivational climate as mediating. - tem journal. 2112-2122.
nur erma suryani mohd jamel, nadiah abd hamid, siti noor hayati mohd zawawi, soliha sanusi. (2023). indirect tax policy acceptance model: from the perspective of the public in malaysia. - review of economics and finance. 66-75.
soliha sanusi, istyakara muslichah, nik herda nik abdullah, nabilah rozzaini. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 16.
soliha sanusi, istyakara muslichah, nik herda nik abdullah, nabilah rozzaini. (2023). digital natives as a disruptive force in asian businesses and societies. - . 16.
soliha sanusi, muaz mohd zaini makhtar, aziatul waznah ghazali. (2023). microbial fuel cell (mfc) applications for sludge valorization. - . 10.
aziatul waznah ghazali, soliha sanusi, zulaikha amirah johari, muaz mohd zaini makhtar. (2023). microbial fuel cell (mfc) applications for sludge valorization. - . 253.
aziatul waznah binti ghazali;mara ridhuan bin che abdul rahman;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). digitizing the accounting education: integrating the remote learning concept and the work-integrated learning application in hei . - . .
soliha binti sanusi;ruzita binti abdul rahim;dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;aziatul waznah binti ghazali. (2024). online learning satisfaction: a comparative study between malaysia, indonesia and china students during covid 19 pandemic. - . .
dahlia fernandez bt mohd farid fernandez;hafizah binti omar zaki;nurul atasha binti jamaludin;soliha binti sanusi. (2024). factors influencing students` behavioral intentions towards the use of e-learning in malaysia during covid-19. - . .
siti fatimah abdul rashid, mohd rizal palil, rosiati ramli, noorsakinah abdul wahab, norul syuhada abu hassan, soliha sanusi. (2023). feedback on iasb exposure draft ed/2023/1 international tax reform - pillar two model rules. - . 1-3.
zuraidah mohd sanusi, nur aima shafie, aziatul waznah ghazali, yusarina mat isa, soliha sanusi, yusri huzaimi mat jusoh. (2022). integrating trustworthy framework in digital auditing: readiness of public sector accountants and auditors. - . 1-59.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INVESTIGATING THE ROLE OF AI-POWERED EDUCATIONAL GAME IN SHAPING MALAYSIAN YOUTHS INTO FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS | infusion information technology sdn bhd | 64.2% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |
PENGARUH AUTOMASI PROSES ROBOTIK (APR) TERHADAP UNIT PERAKAUNAN DAN KEWANGAN DI INDUSTRI SEKTOR AWAM | cognitive consulting sdn bhd | 81.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
BLOCKCHAIN ADOPTION FOR AML COMPLIANCE: INSIGHTS FROM MALAYSIA’S FINANCIAL SECTOR | qne optimum sdn. bhd | 12.1% (2024-12-16 sehingga 2026-12-15) |