pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian teknologi kecerdasan buatan (cait)
Mohammad Faidzul Nasrudin, seorang profesor madya di Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), adalah seorang penyelidik di Pusat Teknologi Kecerdasan Buatan (CAIT), UKM. Beliau memperoleh ijazah Sarjanamuda Pentadbiran Perniagaan dalam Sistem Maklumat Komputer dari Universiti Western Michigan, Amerika Syarikat, dan melanjutkan pengajiannya dengan ijazah sarjana dari UKM. Dr. Nasrudin juga memegang ijazah doktor dalam Kecerdasan Buatan dari Program Doktor Falsafah Malaysia-Imperial College London. Dengan portfolionya yang mengandungi buku-buku bersama dan lebih daripada 60 kertas konferensi dan jurnal, penyelidikan terkininya merangkumi analisis dokumen, pengiktirafan, pengoptimuman metaheuristik, dan aplikasi pembelajaran mesin.
Mohammad Faidzul Nasrudin, an associate professor at the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), is a researcher at the Center for Artificial Intelligence Technology (CAIT), UKM. He earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Computer Information Systems from Western Michigan University, USA, and furthered his education with a master’s degree from UKM. Dr. Nasrudin holds a doctorate in Artificial Intelligence from the Malaysia-Imperial College London Doctoral Programme. With a portfolio comprising co-authored books and over 60 conference and journal papers, his current research encompasses document analysis, recognition, metaheuristic optimization, and machine learning applications.
shahrina shahrani, masura rahmat, rohizah abd rahman, noor faridatul ainun zainal, azura ishak, mohammad faidzul nasrudin. (2024). didik sawit : pendedahan industri sawit kepada pelajar sekolah. - advancing knowledge for success (akses). 76-77.
shahrina binti shahrani;mohammad faidzul bin nasrudin;azura binti ishak;noor faridatul ainun binti zainal;masura binti rahmat;rohizah binti abd. rahman. (2024). ‘didik sawit’ berasaskan web bagi pembelajaran pengenalan industri sawit kepada pelajar sekolah menengah. - . .
zhihao su, afzan adam, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, anton satria prabuwono. (2024). proposal-free fully convolutional network: object detection based on a box map. - sensors. 3529.
ansam a. abdulhussien, mohammad f. nasrudin, saad m. darwish, zaid a. alyasseri. (2024). improving arabic signature authentication with quantum inspired evolutionary feature selection. - multimedia tools and applications. 1-30.
ansam a. abdulhussien, mohammad f. nasrudin, saad m. darwish, zaid abdi alkareem alyasseri. (2023). feature selection method based on quantum inspired genetic algorithm for arabic signature verification. - journal of king saud university - computer and information sciences. 141-156.
zhihao su, afzan adam, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, anton satria prabuwono. (2024). proposal-free fully convolutional network: object detection based on a box map. - sensors. 3529.
ansam a. abdulhussien, mohammad f. nasrudin, saad m. darwish, zaid a. alyasseri. (2024). improving arabic signature authentication with quantum inspired evolutionary feature selection. - multimedia tools and applications. 1-30.
ansam a. abdulhussien, mohammad f. nasrudin, saad m. darwish, zaid a. alyasseri. (2023). one-class arabic signature verification: a progressive fusion of optimal features. - cmc-computers materials & continua. 219-242.
ansam a. abdulhussien, mohammad f. nasrudin, saad m. darwish, zaid abdi alkareem alyasseri. (2023). feature selection method based on quantum inspired genetic algorithm for arabic signature verification. - journal of king saud university - computer and information sciences. 141-156.
su, zhihao, afzan adam, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, masri ayob, and gauthamen punganan. (2023). skeletal fracture detection with deep learning: a comprehensive review. - diagnostics. 3245.
m. n. sudin, s. n. h. sheikh abdullah, m. f. nasudin. (2019). humanoid localization on robocup field using corner intersection and geometric distance estimation. - international journal of interactive multimedia and artificial intelligence. 50-56.
alaa sulaiman, khairuddin omar, mohammad f. nasrudin. (2019). degraded historical document binarization: a review on issues, challenges, techniques and future directions. - journal of imaging. 1-25.
omar wahdan, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, and khairuddin omar. (2017). shearing invariant texture descriptor from a local binary pattern and its application in paper fingerprinting. - international arab journal of information technology. 402-412.
fereshteh nayyeri, mohammad faidzul nasrudin. (2013). image matching using dimensionally reduced embedded earth mover`s distance. - journal of applied mathematics. 2013:Article ID 749429.
nasrudin, mf; omar, k; liong, cy; zakaria, ms. (2010). jawi character recognition using the trace transform. - sains malaysiana. 39(2):291-297.
zhihao su, afzan adam, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, anton satria prabuwono. (2024). proposal-free fully convolutional network: object detection based on a box map. - sensors. 3529.
ansam a. abdulhussien, mohammad f. nasrudin, saad m. darwish, zaid a. alyasseri. (2024). improving arabic signature authentication with quantum inspired evolutionary feature selection. - multimedia tools and applications. 1-30.
ansam a. abdulhussien, mohammad f. nasrudin, saad m. darwish and zaid abdi alkareem alyasseri. (2023). a genetic algorithm-based one-class support vector machine model for arabic skilled forgery signature verification. - journal of imaging. 1-26.
ansam a. abdulhussien, mohammad f. nasrudin, saad m. darwish, zaid a. alyasseri. (2023). one-class arabic signature verification: a progressive fusion of optimal features. - cmc-computers materials & continua. 219-242.
su, zhihao, afzan adam, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, masri ayob, and gauthamen punganan. (2023). skeletal fracture detection with deep learning: a comprehensive review. - diagnostics. 3245.
shihab hamad khaleefah; salama a. mostafa; aida mustapha; rozanawati daraman; mohammad faidzul nasrudin; shahrinaz ismail. (2021). exploring the roles of agents and multi-agent in image feature extraction. - 2021 4th international symposium on agents, multi-agent systems and robotics (isamsr). 76-83.
izwan azmi, mohamad syazwan shafei, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, nor samsiah sani, abdul hadi abd rahman. (2019). arucorsv: robot localisation using artificial marker. - the 6th international conference for robotics intelligence and applications (rita 2018). 189-198.
alaa sulaiman, khairuddin omar, mohammad f. nasrudin. (2017). a database for degraded arabic historical manuscripts. - 6th international conference on electrical engineering and informatics. 1-6.
ariff n.a.m., abdullah a., nasrudin m.f.. (2016). multi spatial resolution for image spam filtering. - lecture notes in electrical engineering. 1209-1217.
shihab hamad khaleefah, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, salama a. mostafa. (2015). fingerprinting of deformed paper images acquired by scanners. - 2015 ieee student conference on research and development (scored). 393-397.
nahla shatnawi, shahnorbanun sahran, mohamad faidzul nasrudin. (2023). intelligent production and manufacturing optimisation the bees algorithm approach. - . 17.
jabril ramdan, khairuddin omar & mohammad faidzul nasrudin. (2017). computational intelligence for data science application. - . 7.
abdul hadi abd rahman, shahnorbanun sahran, khairul akram zainol ariffin, salwani abdullah, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, azizi abdullah, lailatul qadri zakaria, nazatul aini abd majid & sabrina tiun abdullah. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 7.
yonhendri, khairuddin omar, faidzul nasruddin, mohd zamri murah, anton heryanto. (2013). pengecaman pola. - . 115-128.
khairuddin omar, md jan nordin, prahlad vadakkepat, anton satria prabuwono, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, jacky baltes, shamsudin mohd amin, wan zuha wan hassan, mohammad faidzul nasrudin. (2013). intelligent robotics systems: inspiring the next. - . 466.
nahla shatnawi, shahnorbanun sahran, mohamad faidzul nasrudin. (2023). intelligent production and manufacturing optimisation the bees algorithm approach. - . 17.
jabril ramdan, khairuddin omar & mohammad faidzul nasrudin. (2017). computational intelligence for data science application. - . 7.
abdul hadi abd rahman, shahnorbanun sahran, khairul akram zainol ariffin, salwani abdullah, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, azizi abdullah, lailatul qadri zakaria, nazatul aini abd majid & sabrina tiun abdullah. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 7.
noor faridatul ainun zainal, mohammad faidzul nasruddin, khairuddin omar. (2013). pengecaman pola teori & aplikasi. - . 280 -296 (12).
anton heryanto, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, & khairuddin omar. (2013). pengecaman pola teori & aplikasi. - . 11.
sarani zakaria, andanastuti muchtar, aisyah abdul rahman, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, babul airianah othman, norazlin hassim, abdul munir abd. murad,. (2021). peraturan-peraturan universiti kebangsaan malaysia (pengajian siswazah) 2021. - . 57.
fereshteh nayyerri & mohammad faidzul nasrudin. (2015). similarity comparison of images based on earth movers distance. - . 108.
khairuddin omar, md jan nordin, prahlad vadakkepat, anton satria prabuwono, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, jacky baltes, shamsudin mohd amin, wan zuha wan hassan, mohammad faidzul nasrudin. (2013). intelligent robotics systems: inspiring the next. - . 466.
abdul razak hamdan, mohd zakree ahmad nazri, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, hafiz mohd sarim, mohd shanudin zakaria, yazrina yahya dan mohd zamri murah. (2004). teknologi maklumat & komunikasi. - . 384.
mohd juzaiddin ab. aziz, zulkarnain md. ali, mohammad faidzul bin nasrudin. (2004). cbvp2103 pengaturcaraan visual. - . 169.
shahrina shahrani, masura rahmat, rohizah abd rahman, noor faridatul ainun zainal, azura ishak, mohammad faidzul nasrudin. (2024). didik sawit : pendedahan industri sawit kepada pelajar sekolah. - advancing knowledge for success (akses). 76-77.
shahrina binti shahrani;mohammad faidzul bin nasrudin;azura binti ishak;noor faridatul ainun binti zainal;masura binti rahmat;rohizah binti abd. rahman. (2024). ‘didik sawit’ berasaskan web bagi pembelajaran pengenalan industri sawit kepada pelajar sekolah menengah. - . .
shahrina shahrani, noor faridatul ainun zainal, masura rahmat, rohizah abd rahman, azura ishak, mohamad faidzul nasrudin, nik aznizan nik ibrahim. (2023). didik sawit : inovasi pembelajaran pengenalan industri sawit kepada pelajar sekolah. - knovasi ukm 2023. 1-11.
mohammad faidzul bin nasrudin;salwani binti abdullah;hafiz bin mohd sarim. (2023). plunge diving seabirds inspired optimization algorithm in polar coordinates. - . .
abdul satar bin ab samad, mohammad faidzul. (2022). inventory system. - . 1-14.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
LIBQUEST: SISTEM PENGURUSAN PERPUSTAKAAN BERSEPADU | perpustakaan tun seri lanang ukm | 92.2% (2024-09-01 sehingga 2025-02-28) |
LIBQUEST: SISTEM PENGURUSAN PERPUSTAKAAN BERSEPADU | pusat teknologi maklumat | 92.2% (2024-09-01 sehingga 2025-02-28) |
DEVELOPMENT OF AI-BASED OBJECT DETECTION SYSTEM IN FGV R&D | fgv r&d sdn bhd | 2.4% (2025-02-01 sehingga 2026-07-31) |