pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian psikologi & kesejahteraan manusia (psitra)
Beliau dianugerahkan dengan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah daripada The University of Western Australia pada tahun 2021 dalam bidang penyelidikan yang menjurus kepada tingkahlaku keselamatan proaktif di tempat kerja dalam kalangan pekerja muda. Beliau juga seing menulis dalam jurnal-jurnal berindeks seperti Jurnal Komunikasi, Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, Frontiers in Psychology dan banyak lagi. Selain itu, beliau juga sangat aktif dalam menulis dan menerbitkan buku dan bab dalam buku oleh penerbit-penerbit tersohor seperti Penerbit Unviersiti Malaya Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang, and Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
Awarded with a Ph.D. from The University of Western Australia in 2021 and her research interest is on proactive safety behavior among young workers. She published in indexed journals such as the Malaysian Journal of Communication, Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, Frontiers in Psychology, and many more. She also published books from renowned publishers such as Penerbit Universiti Malaya, Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang, and Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
ming jie lim, nor ba`yah abdul kadir, rusyda helma mohd, noor azina ismail. (2024). fear of covid-19, resilience, urban farming motivation, and life satisfaction among urban poor post-covid-19 pandemic in malaysia: a cross-sectional study. - cogent psychology. 1-14.
siti fardaniah abdul aziz, siti nurbaya abdul aziz, rusyda helma mohd, mohd nasir selamat, nik hairi omar, daniella maryam mohamed mokhtar. (2023). the effectiveness of public health education via online training during pandemic covid-19: evident from malaysia. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1022-1036.
saodat tolibovna gulyamova, siti fardaniah abdul aziz, nik hairi omar, rusyda helma mohd. (2023). workplace-related socioeconomic issues associated with job performance and productivity among employees with various impairments: a systematic literature review. - social sciences. 1-25.
rasyidah rosli, rusyda helma mohd. (2023). pengurusan emosi dalam mendepani krisis. - . 5.
nur laila azzwa nordin, nor bayah abdul kadir, rusyda helma mohd. (2023). exploring the relationship predicting internet gaming disorder based on satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs. - the 7th international postgraduate research conference. 1.
nor ba`yah abdul kadir, rusyda helma mohamed, wan nur khairunnisa ismail, siti jamiaah abdul jalil, nurul-azza abdullah, arena che kasim, suzana mohd. hoesni, mohd rizal abdul manaf. (2022). sustaining the quality of life for university employees with obesity using mindfulness activities and work engagement: a quasi-experimental design. - sustainability. 1-13.
nor ba`yah abdul kadir; rusyda helma mohd.. (2022). developmental assets, creativity, thriving, and mental health among malaysian emerging adults. - frontiers in psychology. 1-13.
mohd helma rusyda, nor ba'yah abdul kadir, wan nur khairunnisa ismail, siti jamiaah abdul jalil, nurul-azza abdullah, arena che kasim, suzana mohd. hoesni, mohd rizal abdul manaf. (2022). identifying the psychometric properties of the malay version of the whoqol bref among employees with obesity problem. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-14.
nor ba`yah abdul kadir , wan nur khairunnisa ismail, nurul-azza abdullah, rusyda helma, siti jamiaah abdul jalil, arena che kasim, suzana mohd.hoesni, mohd. rizal abdul manaf. (2021). criterion validity and psychometric properties of a malay version of the short multidimensional inventory lifestyle evaluation-confinement (smile-c) in a sample of university staff with weight problem. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-9.
nor ba`yah abdul kadir, rusyda helma mohd.. (2021). the 5cs of positive youth development, purpose in life, hope, and well-being among emerging adults in malaysia. - frontiers in psychology. 1-10.
normaliza ab malik, rusyda helma mohd., nor ba`yah abdul kadir. (2021). knowledge, self-efficacy, and preventive behavior of covid-19 outbreak among community in malaysia. - asia-pacific journal of public health. 674-675.
ming jie lim, nor ba`yah abdul kadir, rusyda helma mohd, noor azina ismail. (2024). fear of covid-19, resilience, urban farming motivation, and life satisfaction among urban poor post-covid-19 pandemic in malaysia: a cross-sectional study. - cogent psychology. 1-14.
siti fardaniah abdul aziz, siti nurbaya abdul aziz, rusyda helma mohd, mohd nasir selamat, nik hairi omar, daniella maryam mohamed mokhtar. (2023). the effectiveness of public health education via online training during pandemic covid-19: evident from malaysia. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1022-1036.
saodat tolibovna gulyamova, siti fardaniah abdul aziz, nik hairi omar, rusyda helma mohd. (2023). workplace-related socioeconomic issues associated with job performance and productivity among employees with various impairments: a systematic literature review. - social sciences. 1-25.
nor ba`yah abdul kadir, rusyda helma mohamed, wan nur khairunnisa ismail, siti jamiaah abdul jalil, nurul-azza abdullah, arena che kasim, suzana mohd. hoesni, mohd rizal abdul manaf. (2022). sustaining the quality of life for university employees with obesity using mindfulness activities and work engagement: a quasi-experimental design. - sustainability. 1-13.
nik hairi omar, mohd haffiz hassan, siti fardaniah abdul aziz, rusyda helma mohd, mohd nasir selamat. (2022). the influence of the integrity strengthening plan (isp) on ethical behavior among officials in the public work department malaysia. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 2034-2050.
nurul-azza abdulllah, rusyda helma mohd. (2023). kualiti hidup: menuju kebahagiaan dan ketenangan minda. - . 14.
mohd nasir selamat, budiman, rusyda helma mohd, siti fardaniah abd aziz. (2023). pengurusan sumber manusia: pelaksanaan dan keberkesanan organisasi. - . 26.
mohd nasir selamat, rusyda helma mohd. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 12.
nik hairi omar, rusyda helma mohd, arena che kasim. (2020). current research in education and social studies vol. 3. - . 10.
rasyidah rosli, rusyda helma mohd. (2023). pengurusan emosi dalam mendepani krisis. - . 5.
nurul-azza abdulllah, rusyda helma mohd. (2023). kualiti hidup: menuju kebahagiaan dan ketenangan minda. - . 14.
mohd nasir selamat, budiman, rusyda helma mohd, siti fardaniah abd aziz. (2023). pengurusan sumber manusia: pelaksanaan dan keberkesanan organisasi. - . 26.
rusyda helma mohd. (2021). bias dalam penyelidikan sains sosial. - . 11.
nor ba`yah abdul kadir, rusyda helma mohd, radosveta dimitrova. (2021). handbook of positive youth development. - . 14.
puteri fadzline muhamad tamyez, rusyda helma mohd. (2022). penerapan teori pengurusan konteks penyelidikan malaysia. - . 277.
nazirah mohamad abdullah, siti mistima maat, rusyda helma mohd. (2020). teori dalam sains sosial kontemporari: kritikan dan aplikasi. - . 213.
nur laila azzwa nordin, nor bayah abdul kadir, rusyda helma mohd. (2023). exploring the relationship predicting internet gaming disorder based on satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs. - the 7th international postgraduate research conference. 1.
rusyda helma mohd,mohd nasir selamat,siti fardhaniah abd aziz,jamiah manap, arena che kasim, nik hairi omar. (2022). penilaian 3600 sebagai alternatif dalam memantapkan kualiti penilaian (penilaian dan pentaksiran alternatif/programatik. - knovasi2022. 1-12.
mohd nasir selamat, rusyda helma mohd. (2022). pemerkasaan ilmu kejuruteraan manusia untuk masyarakat melalui media penulisan popular. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2022 menginsankan pendidikan digital. 1-18.
mohd nasir selamat, rusyda helma mohd. (2022). pemerkasaan pembelajaran antropometrik kejuruteraan manusia melalui penglibatan komuniti dan masyarakat. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2022 menginsankan pendidikan digital. 1-11.
rusyda helma mohd. (2021). kes pedofilia bertambah. - keratan akhbar. 1-2.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KAJIAN PENILAIAN KEBERKESANAN INISIATIF PEMERKASAAN IBU TUNGGAL | jabatan pembangunan wanita putrajaya | 95.7% (2024-03-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
FAKTOR-FAKTOR MEMPENGARUHI KEBERKESANAN LATIHAN | train right consultation | 22.5% (2024-10-01 sehingga 2026-09-30) |