pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian keutuhan tadbir urus & akauntabiliti (grace)
Shifa holds a BBA (Honors) from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), earned in 2004. She subsequently pursued her Master’s Degree in Islamic Banking, Management, and Finance at Loughborough University, graduating with distinction in 2006. Continuing her academic journey, Shifa obtained her PhD from Durham University in 2012.
Throughout her academic and professional career, Shifa`s research has predominantly focused on socioeconomic development, particularly in areas such as corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, social banking, ethics, Islamic moral economy, and Islamic social finance. Keeping pace with current trends in digital transformation and fintech, Dr. Shifa has expanded her research to include the digitalization of zakat, blockchain technology, and crowdfunding.
As a new member of the Malaysia Association for Social Impact Assessment, Dr. Shifa initially engaged in social impact assessment and socio-economic impact assessment activities. Her involvement in these areas underscores her commitment to understanding and addressing the broader implications of various projects, policies, and initiatives on society and the economy.
johan ariff jafri, syajarul imna mohd amin, aisyah abdul rahman, shifa mohd nor, khaira amalia fachrudin. (2024). determinants of consumers' intention to use mobile banking in malaysia: the moderating role of education. - malaysian journal of consumer and family economics. 550-573.
johan ariff jafri, syajarul imna mohd amin, aisyah abdul rahman, shifa mohd nor. (2024). a systematic literature review of the role of trust and security on fintech adoption in banking. - heliyon. 1-20.
mohamat sabri bin hassan;norlin binti khalid;shifa binti mohd nor;rafidah binti abdul aziz. (2024). pembentukan kerangka kerja konseptual modul nilai diri graduan: menangani isu kebolehpasaran graduan fep.. - . .
aisyah binti abdul rahman;salmy edawati binti yaacob;shifa binti mohd nor. (2024). cabaran dan pembangunan sistem permohonan zakat dalam talian: kajian kes di lembaga zakat negeri kedah (lznk). - . .
aisyah abdul-rahman, shifa mohd nor, salmy edawati yaacob. (2023). technological integration within zakat institutions: a comprehensive review and prospective research directions. - international journal of islamic thought. 31-43.
johan ariff jafri, syajarul imna mohd amin, aisyah abdul rahman, shifa mohd nor. (2024). a systematic literature review of the role of trust and security on fintech adoption in banking. - heliyon. 1-20.
norlin khalid, mohd helmi ali, nur hilfa awatif mohamad ridzuan, minglang tseng, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, shifa md nor. (2023). symmetric and asymmetric impacts of the palm oil industry on carbon dioxide emissions in malaysia based on linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag models. - clean technologies and environmental policy. 173-194.
md. nur ealam siddique, shifa mohd nor, zizah che senik, nor asiah omar. (2023). corporate social responsibility as the pathway to sustainable banking: a systematic literature review. - sustainability. 1-19.
abu h. ayob, shifa mohd nor. (2022). individual religiosity and career choice: does cultural religiosity moderate the relationship?. - cross-cultural research. 323-344.
shifa mohd nor, mohd helmi ali, aisyah abdul-rahman, nurun najihah subakir. (2019). exploring csr in halal industry: insights from malaysia. - international journal of economics, management and accounting. 423-443.
syajarul imna mohd amin, shifa mohd nor. (2019). board diversity and firm performance in the construction, manufacturing, and trading/services industries. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 1-13.
khairul akmaliah adham, huong ha,shifa mohd nor, zaleha yazid. (2018). learning to complete the phd thesis. - issues in educational research. .
rafidah mohd azli, mohd rizal palil, shifa mohd nor, mohamad abdul hamid and zainudin awang. (2017). the role of ar-rahnu's benefits - sacrifice exchange towards relationship between customer and islamic financial institutions. - pertanika journal of social sciences & humanities. .
johan ariff jafri, syajarul imna mohd amin, aisyah abdul rahman, shifa mohd nor. (2024). a systematic literature review of the role of trust and security on fintech adoption in banking. - heliyon. 1-20.
aisyah abdul-rahman, shifa mohd nor, salmy edawati yaacob. (2023). technological integration within zakat institutions: a comprehensive review and prospective research directions. - international journal of islamic thought. 31-43.
md. nur ealam siddique, shifa mohd nor, zizah che senik, nor asiah omar. (2023). corporate social responsibility as the pathway to sustainable banking: a systematic literature review. - sustainability. 1-19.
tamader alsalami, low soo wah, shifa mohd nor, awatif hodaed alsheikh. (2023). corporate social responsibility practices and enterprise risk management of the gcc islamic banks. - international journal of management and sustainability. 619-634.
shofiyyah moidin, aisyah abdul-rahman, shifa mohd nor. (2023). crowdfunding for islamic banking and finance research: model and potential research interests. - international journal of academic research in economics and management sciences. 1-12.
nurul nadhirah atan, siti sattariah shihemmi, shifa mohd nor. (2023). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 225.
nur zahirah iqlimaa mohd ali, nurul amirah ramli, shifa mohd nor. (2023). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 225.
nurul hafizah zulfadhli, shifa mohd nor, mohd helmi ali. (2022). pengurusan kelestarian minyak sawit malaysia. - . 16.
hanisah mohd sobre, mariani abdul-majid, shifa mohd nor. (2021). bank performance and financial technology: towards financial inclusiveness. - . 133.
shifa mohd nor, mehmet asutay. (2021). corporate social responsibility: an islamic economic approach. - . 99.
nurul nadhirah atan, siti sattariah shihemmi, shifa mohd nor. (2023). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 225.
nur zahirah iqlimaa mohd ali, nurul amirah ramli, shifa mohd nor. (2023). sosioekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia. - . 225.
samsinar sulaiman, shifa mohd nor, suhaili alma'amun. (2022). islamic philanthropy: exploring zakat, waqf, and sadaqah in islamic finance and economics. - exploring zakat, waqf, and sadaqah in islamic finance and economics. 16.
shifa mohd nor. (2022). institutional islamic economics and finance. - . 163.
nurul hafizah zulfadhli, shifa mohd nor, mohd helmi ali. (2022). pengurusan kelestarian minyak sawit malaysia. - . 16.
zafir mohd makhbul, noriham nipah, shifa mohd nor. (2022). kepimpinan dan pembangunan modal insan. - . 103.
shifa mohd nor, rahmatina awaliah kasri, syajarul imna mohd amin. (2022). non-banking islamic financial institutions and models report: indonesia-malaysia. - . 50.
shifa mohd nor, mehmet asutay. (2021). corporate social responsibility: an islamic economic approach. - . 99.
mohd fadzli salmat, aisyah abdul-rahman, shifa mohd nor. (2018). pembiayaan musyarakah pengaplikasian strategi modal teroka. - . 70.
mohamat sabri bin hassan;norlin binti khalid;shifa binti mohd nor;rafidah binti abdul aziz. (2024). pembentukan kerangka kerja konseptual modul nilai diri graduan: menangani isu kebolehpasaran graduan fep.. - . .
aisyah binti abdul rahman;salmy edawati binti yaacob;shifa binti mohd nor. (2024). cabaran dan pembangunan sistem permohonan zakat dalam talian: kajian kes di lembaga zakat negeri kedah (lznk). - . .
shifa binti mohd nor;aisyah binti abdul rahman;mohd hasimi bin yaacob;hazrul izuan bin shahiri;amirul hafiz bin mohd nasir. (2023). enhancing social inclusion post covid-19 pandemic trough blockchain technology in zakah institution. - . .
shifa binti mohd nor;sharina binti abdul halim;nur sa`adah binti muhamad. (2023). sustainable community development in malaysia palm oil industry. - . .
nor liza abdullah, mohd hasimi yaacob, wye chung khain, shifa mohd nor, abu hanifah ayob, hazrul izuan shahiri. (2023). program mutiara fep: pembangunan holistik pelajar menerusi keterlibatan dan 52 penilaian berterusan. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2023 - inovasi idea dalam pendidikan tanpa sempadan. 52-54.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
MEMPERKASA USAHAWAN KOMUNITI: KAJIAN KES ADAB GROCER SDN BHD | adab grocer sdn bhd | 64.2% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |