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Abu H Ayob ialah seorang profesor madya di Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Beliau memperolehi Sarjana Muda Teknologi (ICT) daripada Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Sarjana Sains dalam Pengurusan daripada Toulouse Business School, dan PhD dalam Sains Pengurusan daripada Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Perancis. Seterusnya, beliau menjadi ahli akademik pelawat di School of Management, Universiti Boston sebelum mengikuti program pasca doktoral di Copenhagen Business School dan Toulouse Business School. Minat penyelidikannya memberi tumpuan kepada pelbagai aspek keusahawanan termasuk pendidikan, pengantarabangsaan, dan impak sosial.
Abu H Ayob is an associate professor at Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Malaysia. He earned his Bachelor Technology (ICT) from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Master Science in Management from Toulouse Business School, and PhD in Management Science from Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, France. Upon completion, he went to School of Management, Boston University as a visiting academic before pursuing his postdoctoral at Copenhagen Business School and Toulouse Business School. His research interest focuses on various aspects of entrepreneurship including education, internationalization, and social impact.
zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;zaleha binti yazid;abu hanifah bin ayob. (2025). pembentukan model niat untuk berhenti kerja berdasarkan faktor keterikatan kerja dan sumber stres kerja. - . .
nor hafizah ibrahim, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, abu hanifah ayob, anitawati mohd lokman. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 9.
zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;janette m @ nur atiqah abdullah;abu hanifah bin ayob. (2024). pembentukan model asas prestasi keselamatan pekerja dalam organisasi berdaya saing. - . .
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;abu hanifah bin ayob. (2024). exploring effects of multiple work events, emotions, and religiosity on employees’ counterproductive work behaviour. - . .
hamizah abd hamid, robert j. pidduck, alexander newman, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek. (2023). intercultural resource arbitrageurs: a review and extension of the literature on transnational entrepreneurs. - journal of business research. 1-14.
abu h. ayob. (2021). entrepreneurship education, institutions and student entrepreneurship: a cross-country analysis. - compare: a journal of comparative and international education. 745-763.
muhamad azrin nazri, nor asiah omar, aini aman, abu hanifah ayob, nur ainna ramli. (2020). corporate social responsibility and business performance in takaful agencies: the moderating role of objective environment. - sustainability. 1-18.
abu h ayob, jonathan a morell. (2016). the historical path of evaluation as reflected in the content of evaluation and program planning. - evaluation of program planning. 20-27.
abu h. ayob, joan freixanet. (2014). insights into public export promotion programs in an emerging economy: the case of malaysian smes. - evaluation and program planning. 46:38-46.
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
abu h. ayob, shifa mohd nor. (2022). individual religiosity and career choice: does cultural religiosity moderate the relationship?. - cross-cultural research. 323-344.
abu h ayob, hamizah abd hamid, farhana sidek. (2022). individual values and career choice: does cultural context condition the relationship?. - analyses of social issues and public policy. 560-581.
abu h. ayob. (2021). institutions and student entrepreneurship: the effects of economic conditions, culture and education. - educational studies. 661-679.
abu hanifah ayob, abrar ali saiyed. (2020). islam, institutions and entrepreneurship: evidence from muslim populations across nations. - international journal of islamic and middle eastern finance and management. 635-653.
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
syed shah alam, mohammad masukujjaman, md shohel sayeed, nor asiah omar, abu hanifah ayob, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain. (2023). modeling consumers usage intention of augmented reality in online buying context: empirical setting with measurement development. - journal of global marketing. 1-24.
nor hafizah ibrahim, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, abu hanifah ayob, anitawati mohd lokman. (2023). the development of kansei-based work events scale. - the south east asian journal of management. 75-97.
rico saktiawan jang jaya, abu hanifah ayob, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain. (2023). a systematic literature review of individual predictors on internet entrepreneurial ventures among academics. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-15.
abu h. ayob, joan freixanet, hazrul shahiri. (2023). innovation, trade barriers and exports: evidence from manufacturing firms in asean countries. - journal of asia business studies. 203-223.
nor hafizah ibrahim, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, abu hanifah ayob, anitawati mohd lokman. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 9.
nor hafizah ibrahim, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, abu hanifah ayob, anitawati mohd lokman. (2023). dinamika penyelidikan: menggagas pendekatan multidisiplin. - . 16.
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob. (2022). world scientific encyclopedia of business sustainability, ethics and entrepreneurship. volume3: spirituality, entrepreneurship and social change. - . 18.
zafir mohd makhbul, nor liza abdullah, fazilah mohamad hasun. (2020). impak covid-19 terhadap insan. - . 14.
nor hafizah ibrahim, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, abu hanifah ayob, anitawati mohd lokman. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 9.
nor hafizah ibrahim, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, abu hanifah ayob, anitawati mohd lokman. (2023). dinamika penyelidikan: menggagas pendekatan multidisiplin. - . 16.
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob. (2022). world scientific encyclopedia of business sustainability, ethics and entrepreneurship. volume3: spirituality, entrepreneurship and social change. - . 18.
zafir mohd makhbul, nor liza abdullah, fazilah mohamad hasun. (2020). impak covid-19 terhadap insan. - . 14.
zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;zaleha binti yazid;abu hanifah bin ayob. (2025). pembentukan model niat untuk berhenti kerja berdasarkan faktor keterikatan kerja dan sumber stres kerja. - . .
zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;janette m @ nur atiqah abdullah;abu hanifah bin ayob. (2024). pembentukan model asas prestasi keselamatan pekerja dalam organisasi berdaya saing. - . .
zafir khan bin mohamed makhbul;abu hanifah bin ayob. (2024). exploring effects of multiple work events, emotions, and religiosity on employees’ counterproductive work behaviour. - . .
abu hanifah bin ayob;wan mohd hirwani bin wan hussain;hamizah binti abd hamid. (2023). kajian kelestarian perusahaan sosial di malaysia: perspektif pasca pandemik covid-19. - . .
hamizah binti abd hamid;ruzita binti abdul rahim;abu hanifah bin ayob;kew si roei;tee lain tze. (2023). developing a model of understanding image-identity of palm oil in malaysia . - . .
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