Nurjanah is a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM. She completed her PhD at the School of Education, University of Nottingham (UK) in 2020. Her research focuses on the use of multiple representations in learning by second language speakers. She primarily uses eye-tracking methodology in her research.
khazriyati salehuddin, nurjanah mohd. jaafar. (2024). reformasi ejaan jawi untuk literasi dan revitalisasi jawi: satu kertas konsep. - gema online® journal of language studies. 117-135.
nurjanah binti mohd jaafar;khazriyati bt. salehuddin;kesumawati binti a. bakar. (2024). bilinguals` use of pictures in multimodal texts and its effects on comprehension: an eyetracking investigation. - . .
siti nurfarahin yacoob, nurjanah mohd jaafar. (2024). promoting english vocabulary acquisition among ukm's non-english majors through glosses. - persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda (sarjana) 2024. 552-560.
siti nurfarahin yacoob, nurjanah mohd jaafar. (2024). promoting english vocabulary acquisition among ukm's non-english majors through glosses. - persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda (persada 2024). 1-25.
mohd shazwan mokhtar, junaidi awang besar, muhd norizam jamian, nurjanah mohd jaafar, siti noraini hamzah, abdul muein abadi, sharifah nursyahidah syed annuar, nurhidayu rosli, nor azzatunnisak mohd khatib, daniella mokhtar, che abdullah che all. (2023). prosiding persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda 2023 (persada 2023). - prosiding persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda 2023 (persada 2023). 1-1289.
pramela krish, noraza ahmad zabidi, nurjanah mohd jaafar, kemboja ismail, nadzrah abu bakar. (2016). initiating a peer support centre for english language presentations: issues and challenges. - pertanika journal. 37-44.
siew ming thang, radha m.k. nambiar, fook fei wong, nurjanah mohd jaafar, zaini amir. (2015). a clamour for more technology in universities: what does an investigation into the ict use and learning styles of malaysian `digital natives` tell us?. - the asia-pacific education researcher. 353-361.
khazriyati salehuddin, nurjanah mohd. jaafar. (2024). reformasi ejaan jawi untuk literasi dan revitalisasi jawi: satu kertas konsep. - gema online® journal of language studies. 117-135.
warid mihat, hazita azman, nurjanah mohd jaafar. (2023). profiling cefr-basic readers at primary schools through their eye movement behaviours. - gema online® journal of language studies. 1-22.
nurjanah mohd jaafar, lay shi ng, najihah mahmud, siew ming thang, warid mihat. (2022). an investigation on the online learning engagement of malaysian secondary school students from different school types. - international journal of computer-assisted language learning and teaching. 1-20.
siew ming thang, najihah mahmud, nurjanah mohd jaafar, liz lay shi ng, noor baizura abdul aziz. (2022). online learning engagement among malaysian primary school students during the covid-19 pandemic. - international journal of innovation, creativity and change. 302-326.
izzammuddin isnin, nurjanah mohd jaafar. (2021). reading glossed passages in english to improve comprehension: an eye tracking study. - gema online® journal of language studies. 125-139.
nurjanah mohd jaafar, shaaron ainsworth, walter van heuven. (2018). learning with multi-representational texts in a second language: an eye-tracking investigation. - proceedings of international conference of the learning sciences (icls 2018). 969-972.
siew ming thang, nurjanah mohd jaafar, hong-fa ho, noor baizura abdul aziz. (2021). language learning with technology - language learning with technology. - . 12.
siti nurfarahin yacoob, nurjanah mohd jaafar. (2024). promoting english vocabulary acquisition among ukm's non-english majors through glosses. - persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda (persada 2024). 1-25.
nurjanah binti mohd jaafar;khazriyati bt. salehuddin;kesumawati binti a. bakar. (2024). bilinguals` use of pictures in multimodal texts and its effects on comprehension: an eyetracking investigation. - . .
nurjanah mohd jaafar. (2023). reading research. - . 1-52.
nurjanah mohd jaafar, huda bahrudin. (2023). the different functions of pictures in l1 & l2 multimodal learning. - the 8th international conference on social sciences and humanities. 29.
nur ehsan bin mohd said;melor binti md yunus;norhayati binti alias;nurjanah binti mohd jaafar. (2022). developing constructs of cross cultural communication coaching (c4) the corpus-driven way . - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPING “EZ-JAWI” – A COGNITIVELY LESS COMPLEX NEW JAWI SPELLING SYSTEM – FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF JAWI | bahagain penyelidikan bahasa dewan bahasa dan pustaka | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |