pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Ahmad Kamal Ariffin is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UKM. He has been with UKM for more than 30 years involved in research, teaching & learning, supervision, publication, consultation and administration. He is the recipient of prestige European Union Horizon 2020 Grant together with 5 other top universities in Europe for the large structural reliability and uncertainty research.
He is a qualified professional engineer under the Board of Engineers Malaysia and Institute of Engineers Malaysia. He is also a Fellow for Institute of Materials Malaysia. Prof. Ahmad Kamal Ariffin is the founder of Malaysia Association for Computational Mechanics, which is affiliated under the International Association for Computational Mechanics.
​He received an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE class 2017) as a recognition for being part of the global community of educators using apple technology in and out of the classroom.
saeed h. moghtaderi ; alias jedi; a. kamal ariffin; p. thamburaja. (2024). comparison of nonlocal theories in crack analysis of elastic plates. - aip conference proceeding. 1-7.
agus danish hakim agosmustaram, meor iqram meor ahmad, nur shufinah suhaimi, mohd zaki nuawi, mohd hafizi zohari, ahmad kamal ariffin, aidie zeid muhammad abdullah. (2024). monitoring for strain-based railway structure assessment approach using optical fibre sensor. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 793-799.
c.h. chin, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin, s.s.k. singh, a. arifin. (2024). a review of the wavelet transform for durability and structural health monitoring in automotive applications. - alexandria engineering journal. 204-216.
nur shufinah suhaimi, meor iqram meor ahmad, mohd zaki nuawi, mohd hafizi zohari, ahmad kamal ariffin, aidie zeid muhammad abdullah. (2024). determination of train vehicle speed using fibre bragg grating sensors for railway application. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 785-792.
mohamad syazwan zafwan mohamad suffian, syahiir kamil, ahmad kamal ariffin, abdul hadi azman, israr m. ibrahim. (2024). uncertainty factors of a finite element model using the fuzzy analysis method. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 123-132.
s.s.k. singh, l. abdullah, s. abdullah, a.h. azman, a.k. ariffin. (2024). strain-based running reliability characterisation in time-domain for risk monitoring under various load conditions. - eksploatacja i niezawodnosc - maintenance and reliability. 1-22.
c.h. chin, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin, s.s.k. singh, a. arifin. (2024). a review of the wavelet transform for durability and structural health monitoring in automotive applications. - alexandria engineering journal. 204-216.
c.h.chin, s.abdullah, s.s.k.singh, a.k.ariffin, d.schramm. (2023). fatigue life modelling of steel suspension coil springs based on wavelet vibration features using neuro-fuzzy methods. - materials. 1-30.
saeed h. moghtaderi, alias jedi, ahmad kamal ariffin. (2023). a review on nonlocal theories in fatigue assessment of solids. - materials. 1-29.
lennie abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin, syifa syuhaidah meor zainal. (2023). fatigue reliability characterisation of effective strain damage model using extreme value distribution for road load conditions. - materials. 1-22.
c. h. chin, s. abdullah, a. g. yin & a. k. ariffin. (2022). vibration fatigue analysis through frequency response function of variable amplitude loading. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 33-43.
c. h. chin, s. abdullah, s. s. k. singh, a. k. ariffin & d. schramm. (2022). probabilistic-based fatigue reliability assessment of carbon steel coil spring from random strain loading excitation. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 109-118.
c. h. chin, s. abdullah, s. s. k. singh, a. k. ariffin and d. schramm. (2021). neuro-fuzzy fatigue life assessment using the wavelet-based multifractality parameters. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 439-447.
mohammed suleman aldlemy, mohammad rasidi rasani, a. k. ariffin, t. m. y. s. tuan ya. (2020). adaptive mesh refinement immersed boundary method for simulations of laminar flows past a moving thin elastic structure. - journal of hydrodynamics. 148-160.
lennie abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, abdul hadi azman, ahmad kamal ariffin and yat sheng kong. (2020). the needs of power spectral density in fatigue life prediction of heavy vehicle leaf spring. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 2341-2346.
c.h. chin, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin, s.s.k. singh, a. arifin. (2024). a review of the wavelet transform for durability and structural health monitoring in automotive applications. - alexandria engineering journal. 204-216.
s.s.k. singh, l. abdullah, s. abdullah, a.h. azman, a.k. ariffin. (2024). strain-based running reliability characterisation in time-domain for risk monitoring under various load conditions. - eksploatacja i niezawodnosc - maintenance and reliability. 1-22.
saeed hossein moghtaderi, alias jedi, ahmad kamal ariffin, prakash thamburaja. (2024). application of machine learning in fracture analysis of edge crack semi-infinite elastic plate. - frattura ed integrità strutturale (fracture and structural integrity). 197-208.
l. abdullah , s. s. k. singh , s. abdullah, a. h. azman, a. k. ariffin. (2023). fatigue characterization under effective strain damage model on various road load conditions. - journal of failure analysis and prevention. 529-539.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, a.k. ariffin, a.z.m. abdullah. (2023). structural condition assessment based strain-stress behaviour for railway welded rail joint using rosette fibre bragg grating optical sensor. - results in engineering. 1-12.
saeed h. moghtaderi ; alias jedi; a. kamal ariffin; p. thamburaja. (2024). comparison of nonlocal theories in crack analysis of elastic plates. - aip conference proceeding. 1-7.
azli arifin, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin, nordin jamaludin, and salvinder singh karam singh. (2022). stress ratio effect on fatigue crack growth rate based on magnetic flux leakage parameters. - 20th international colloquium on mechanical fatigue of metals. 275-281.
n shieela kalib, a muchtar, v zhen yuan, m rao somalu and a kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2022). thermal investigation of solid oxide fuel cell ni-ysz anode supported with cooling system: a fem approach. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-6.
s s k singh, s abdullah, a h azman, n n m nasir, m r m yazid, h hishamuddin, w a w ghopa, a k ariffin, d a wahab, a h shahrir, a azhar and m s solah. (2020). responsibility of the bus operator in terms of safety and health: a malaysian case study. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-8.
a h azman, s abdullah, s s k singh, m r m yazid, w a w ghopa, h hisamuddin, a h shahrir, a k ariffin, d a wahab, a azhar and m s solah. (2020). assessing the safety of express bus from passengers' perspective. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-8.
setia erlila refman adrus, noorhelyna razali, ahmad kamal ariffin, alias jedi, lilia halim. (2022). kurikulum & instruksi siri 13. - . 7.
ahmad kadri junoh, zulkifli mohd nopiah, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2021). hingar : penilaian pengoptimuman dalam sektor automotif. - . 181.
mohammad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran:eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 185.
mohamamad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim wan zambri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 183.
shahrum abdullah, azli arifin, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan dan sity ainy nor mohamed. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen, model dan simulasi. - . 15.
setia erlila refman adrus, noorhelyna razali, ahmad kamal ariffin, alias jedi, lilia halim. (2022). kurikulum & instruksi siri 13. - . 7.
helmi norman, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, azmin sham rambely, rozli zulkifli. (2021). alternative assessment in higher education: a practical guide to assessing learning. - . 11.
ahmad kamal ariffin, muhammad ihsan, muhammad ridha & meor iqram meor ahmad. (2020). mekanik komputeran: ekperimen model dan simulasi. - . 12.
shahrum abdullah, azli arifin, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan dan sity ainy nor mohamed. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen, model dan simulasi. - . 15.
ja`afar sahari, syazrin aklili, dzuraidah abd wahab, ruhizan mohd yasin, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, shahrir abdullah, mohd zaidi omar, norhamidi muhamad. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . 175-189.
nurbiha abd shukor, muhammad helmi norman, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan,, nor rajaie hashim, nurul nadiah ibrahim. (2023). laporan pendigitalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan tinggi 2023. - . 342.
ahmad kadri junoh, zulkifli mohd nopiah, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2021). hingar : penilaian pengoptimuman dalam sektor automotif. - . 181.
mohammad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran:eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 185.
mohamamad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim wan zambri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 183.
mohd syuhaimi ab rahman, ahmad kamal arifin mohd ikhsan & abdul wahab mohamad. (2018). pemantapan pengurusan akademik. - . 269.
abdul hadi bin azman;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab. (2023). mechanical properties and configurations of conformal lattice structures for lightweight parts in the automotive industry . - . .
setia erlila refman adrus, noorhelyna razali, ahmad kamal ariffin, lilia halim. (2023). pendidikan perubahan iklim melalui realiti terimbuh. - impak: kluster transformati sosial & ekonomi siri 1. 50-51.
abdul hadi bin azman;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;mohd yazid bin bajuri. (2023). topology optimisation design framework for customised prostheses fabricated using additive manufacturing. - . .
salvinder singh a/l karam singh;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;azli bin arifin;abdul hadi bin azman. (2023). formulation of reliability life cycle for lattice open and closed cell structures under strain loading spectrum. - . .
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . .
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