pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian bahasa & linguistik (pbl)
Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, is an Associate Professor at the Center of Research for Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia (UKM). She received her Ph.D degree in Applied Linguistics from University of Malaya and Master degree in English for Specific Purpose from the University of Warwick, U.K. Her Bachelor (Hons) degree is in Modern English Language and Education, from the University of Lancaster, U.K. Nor Fariza is actively involved in research. Her main research includes work in media discourse and critical discourse studies, such as work on the Malaysian Hansard corpus, newspaper and social media corpus. She has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers, books, books chapters, technical reports and serves as peer reviewer for high impact journals, such as PLOS ONE, SAGE Open and Taylor & Francis. As a project leader, she has received several international and national grants from various funding agencies with a total amount of more that RM 350,000. She is currently conducting several researches with a strong interest in media linguistics and AI in teaching and learning. Her research in media linguistics integrates corpus linguistics and word embedding approach to capture deep semantic meanings of words and their associations via a modelling approach. Her research aims is to link language to SDG goals that can contribute to the society.
zhao yali, nor fariza mohd nor, khazriyati salehuddin. (2024). metaphorical and metonymical conceptualizations of the term ocean (yang) in chinese idioms. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 181-196.
wan fatimah solihah wan abdul halim, intan safinaz zainudin, nor fariza mohd nor, badriyah yusof. (2024). promoting medical tourism: a multimodal communicative framework in private hospitals from an intercultural perspective. - gema onlineŽ journal of language studies. 54-75.
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 138.
nor fariza mohd nor, azhar jaludin, tasha erina taufek. (2023). sentiment analysis of public perceptions on climate change. - aila 2023 - 20th anniversary congress lyon edition. 1-13.
nor fariza mohd nor, azhar jaludin, tasha erina taufek. (2023). climate of opinion: media discourse of public opinion on climate change. - 2023 2nd international conference on social sciences and humanities and arts (ssha 2023). 1-37.
nor fariza mohd nor, afendi hamat, mohamed amin embi. (2012). patterns of discourse in online interaction: seeking evidence of the collaborative learning process. - computer assisted language learning. 25(3):237-256.
nor fariza mohd nor, anis nadiah che abdul rahman, azhar jaluddin, imran ho abdullah, sabrina tiun. (2019). a corpus driven analysis of representations around the word 'ekonomi' in malaysian hansard corpus. - gema onlineŽ journal of language studies. 66-94.
norzanita othman, nor fariza mohd nor, noraini ibrahim. (2019). linguistic representation of violence in judicial opinions in malaysia. - gema onlineŽ journal of language studies. 82-98.
mohd muzhafar idrus, nor fariza mohd nor, ruzy suliza hashim, raihanah mohd mydin. (2018). advice-giving roles and strategies in selected faculty member-graduate student advising. - gema onlineŽ journal of language studies. .
ruhil amal azmuddin, nor fariza mohd nor, afendi hamat. (2017). metacognitive online reading and navigational strategies by science and technology university students. - gema online journal of language studies. 18-36.
nor fariza mohd nor, harith faruqi sidek, raja noor azri raja noor afandi, mohd hanafiah omar, hazelina ghazaly, mohd yazid abzal khan, zulhaidi amil. (2017). kajian jati diri kakitangan dalam organisasi universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - gema online journal of language studies. 293-309.
wan fatimah solihah wan abdul halim, intan safinaz zainudin, nor fariza mohd nor, badriyah yusof. (2024). promoting medical tourism: a multimodal communicative framework in private hospitals from an intercultural perspective. - gema onlineŽ journal of language studies. 54-75.
zhao yali, nor fariza mohd nor, khazriyati salehuddin. (2024). metaphorical and metonymical conceptualizations of the term ocean (yang) in chinese idioms. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 181-196.
nor fariza mohd nor, tasha erina taufek, azhar jaludin, jamaluddin aziz, lam kuok choy, sabrina tiun. (2023). a corpus assisted discourse analysis case study of public opinion on climate change in malaysia. - gema onlineŽ journal of language studies. 34-55.
nuria haristiani, amelya septiana, nor fariza mohd. nor, nagata ryota. (2023). the politeness of criticism speech acts in japanese and minangkabau films. - indonesian journal of applied linguistics. 134-151.
yali zhao, nor fariza mohd nor, imran ho abdullah. (2023). the metaphorical and metonymical conceptualizations of the term sea (hai) in the four character chinese idioms. - languages. 1-17.
sabrina tiun, nor fariza mohd nor , azhar jalaludin, anis nadiah che abdul rahman. (2020). word embedding for small and domain-specific malay corpus. - 6th international conference on computational science and technology. 435-443.
hazita azman, nor fariza mohd nor, afendi hamat dan hnan omar. (2014). investigating supervisory feedback practices and their impact on international research student`s thesis development : a case study. - 4th world conference on learning teaching and educational leadership (wclta-2013). 152-159.
tenku putri norishah tengku shariman, norizan abdul razak, nor fariza mohd nor. (2013). the multimodal literacy practices of marginalized youths in a digital environment. - 4th world conference on learning, teaching and educational leadership. 1-6.
nor fariza mohd nor, norizan abdul razak, jalaluddin abdul malek. (2011). developing and transforming telecenters as e-learning training centers for the community: the malaysian experience. - proceedings of the 10th wseas international conference on e-activities (e-activities `11). .
mohd nor, n.f. , abdul razak, n., abdullah, m.y., salman, a., abdul malek, j., hussin, s.. (2011). empowering the community through ict innovation. - 2011 ieee 10th malaysia international conference on communications, micc 2011. .
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 15.
nor fariza mohd nor, anis nadiah che abdul rahman, azhar jaludin, imran ho abdullah, sabrina tiun. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 13.
jamaluddin aziz, nor fariza mohd nor. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 17.
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 138.
melissa shamini perry, raihanah mohd mydin, nor fariza mohd nor, usha archendran. (2021). managing sustainable socio-economic palm oil. - . 12.
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 15.
nor fariza mohd nor, anis nadiah che abdul rahman, azhar jaludin, imran ho abdullah, sabrina tiun. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 13.
jamaluddin aziz, nor fariza mohd nor. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 17.
melissa shamini perry, raihanah mohd mydin, nor fariza mohd nor, usha archendran. (2021). managing sustainable socio-economic palm oil. - . 12.
nor fariza mohd nor, nur ain jantan anua jah. (2018). pembangunan usahawan sosial di malaysia. - . 13.
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 138.
radha m k nambiar, nor fariza mohd nor, ruzy suliza hashim & noraini ibrahim. (2017). undergraduate research in the social sciences : practices and perceptions. - . 120.
radha m.k. nambiar, nor fariza mohd nor & mohamed zain sulaiman. (2016). action research : a window to new experiences in teaching and learning. - . 212.
norsimah mat awal, harishon radzi, fazal mohamed mohamed sultan & nor fariza mohd. nor. (2011). linguistics issues in multicultural contexts. - . 138.
nor fariza mohd nor. (2023). ipoh to host malaysia first nft driven festival in august targets over 450000 visitors. - malay mail. 1.
nor fariza mohd nor, azhar jaludin, tasha erina taufek. (2023). sentiment analysis of public perceptions on climate change. - aila 2023 - 20th anniversary congress lyon edition. 1-13.
nor fariza mohd nor. (2023). modul penulisan iklan efektif (copywriting). - . 1-22.
azianura hani binti shaari;nor fariza binti mohd nor;er ah choy;siti norul huda bt. sheikh abdullah;noorazean binti mohd ali;norhana binti arsad;nazatul aini binti abd majid. (2023). pembangunan modul pembelajaran industri sawit berbentuk transmedia storytelling serta aplikasi dalam talian celiksawit:satu pendedahan awal tentang industri perkebunan kelapa sawit malaysia terhadap remaja dan kanak-kanak melalui kaedah pembelajaran atas. - . .
nor fariza mohd nor, azhar jaludin, tasha erina taufek. (2023). climate of opinion: media discourse of public opinion on climate change. - 2023 2nd international conference on social sciences and humanities and arts (ssha 2023). 1-37.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
MULTILINGUALISM IN CYBERSPACE: LANGUAGE USE, CHOICE, ATTITUDES, AND CONFLICTS AMONG MALAYSIAN AND INDONESIAN UNDERGRADUATES | fakultas perguruan dan ilmiah , untan, indonesia | 84.7% (2023-06-09 sehingga 2025-07-08) |
CONSTRUCTING RIDA-RESPONSIVE SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES FOR ISLAMIC ECOTOURISM IN SARAWAK | kementerian pelancongan, seni dan budaya (motac) | 19.8% (2025-01-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |