pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian keutuhan tadbir urus & akauntabiliti (grace)
saifuddin hasan; rina fadhilah ismail; haslinda yusoff; hamezah md nor. (2023). the effect of board attributes on firm performance: evidence from post-mccg 2007 and post-mccg 2012 in malaysia. - review of economics and finance. 124-135.
hamezah binti md nor;harlina bt. mohamed on;khairul naziya binti kasim. (2023). impak dan faktor kejayaan kritikal pelaksanaan latihan industri semasa pandemik covid-19 dari perspektif pelajar perakaunan dan hos organisasi. - . .
mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor, intan maiza abd rahman, amirul hafiz mohd nasir. (2023). auditor-client relationship, audit firm reputation, and trends of key audit matters disclosure. - . 1-5.
nor shaqira nashri, rina fadhilah ismail, hamezah md nor, javier aguilera-caracuel. (2023). do board composition attributes lead to better environmental, social and governance performance in malaysia?. - asian journal of accounting & governance. 1-12.
yu jiannan, mohamat sabri hassan, maizatulakma binti abdullah, hamezah binti md nor. (2023). the effects of ifrs 9: a systematic literature review. - the 15th asian academy of management international conference 2023 creating a sustainable future: powering innovation and accelerating transformation. 1-14.
hamezah md nor, intan maiza abd. rahman. (2019). the effects of independent directors' financial knowledge and external directorships on firm performance. - asian journal of accounting and governance. 107-118.
saifuddin hasan; rina fadhilah ismail; haslinda yusoff; hamezah md nor. (2023). the effect of board attributes on firm performance: evidence from post-mccg 2007 and post-mccg 2012 in malaysia. - review of economics and finance. 124-135.
mohd fairuz adnan, rina fadhilah ismail, norfitrah che mat, hamezah md nor. (2022). does anti-corruption information disclosure affect government linked companies' financial performance?. - international journal of innovation, creativity and change. 225-242.
rina fadhilah ismail, engku zaidah engku abdul rahman, saunah zainon, hamezah md nor. (2022). the effective use of performance measurement for value-based intermediation adoption among islamic banking institutions. - corporate & business strategy review. 76-85.
hamezah md nor dan ku nor izah ku ismail. (2017). the moderating effects of independent directors` human capital on the relationship between related party transactions and firm performance: evidence from malaysia. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-27.
hamezah md nor, norman mohd saleh, romlah jaffar and zaleha abdul shukor. (2010). corporate governance and r&d reporting in malaysian mesdaq market. - international journal of economics and management. 4(2):350-372.
intan maiza abd rahman, mohamat sabri hassan, noradiva hamzah, hamezah md nor. (2022). pembangunan dan pemerkasaan wanita: kesejahteraan kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial. - . 10.
romlah jaffar, hamezah md nor. (2022). pelaporan sosial dan alam sekitar: isu akauntabiliti dan cabaran masa depan. - . 999.
zaleha abdul shukor, hamezah md nor, muhd kamil ibrahim, jagjit kaur. (2009). financial reporting in malaysia further evidence. - . 263-290 (Bab 13).
intan maiza abd rahman, mohamat sabri hassan, noradiva hamzah, hamezah md nor. (2022). pembangunan dan pemerkasaan wanita: kesejahteraan kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial. - . 10.
zaleha abdul shukor, sofiah md auzair, mohamat sabri hassan, selamat kundari, hamezah md nor. (2014). teaching and learning in law and economics: a way forward. - . 7, 87-97.
zaleha abdul shukor, hamezah md nor, muhd kamil ibrahim, jagjit kaur. (2009). financial reporting in malaysia further evidence. - . 263-290 (Bab 13).
romlah jaffar, hamezah md nor. (2022). pelaporan sosial dan alam sekitar: isu akauntabiliti dan cabaran masa depan. - . 999.
hamezah binti md nor;harlina bt. mohamed on;khairul naziya binti kasim. (2023). impak dan faktor kejayaan kritikal pelaksanaan latihan industri semasa pandemik covid-19 dari perspektif pelajar perakaunan dan hos organisasi. - . .
mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor, intan maiza abd rahman, amirul hafiz mohd nasir. (2023). auditor-client relationship, audit firm reputation, and trends of key audit matters disclosure. - . 1-5.
yu jiannan, mohamat sabri hassan, maizatulakma binti abdullah, hamezah binti md nor. (2023). the effects of ifrs 9: a systematic literature review. - the 15th asian academy of management international conference 2023 creating a sustainable future: powering innovation and accelerating transformation. 1-14.
nor suhaila ghazali, mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor. (2022). related party transactions complexity and audit fees: the important of auditor reappointment tenure. - bengkel bedah artikel grace siri 1/2022. 1-17.
nor suhaila ghazali, mohd mohid rahmat, hamezah md nor. (2022). related party transactions complexity and audit fees: influence of auditor reappointment tenure. - . 1-8.