pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembudayaan stem
Siti Nur Diyana Mahmud is a senior lecturer at the STEM Enculturation Research Center within the Faculty of Education at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her journey in academia began with an outstanding achievement, graduating with first-class honors in Bachelor of Education (Biology) from UKM. Her passion for educational excellence led her to pursue a Master`s in Science Education, also from UKM. Furthering her academic pursuits, Siti Nur Diyana Mahmud earned her Ph.D. in Environmental Education from the University of Queensland, Australia. Her esearch interests encompass a wide range of vital educational topics. She is particularly dedicated to advancing teaching and learning innovation in the fields of science and environmental education. Her work also delves into the application of systems thinking in education, a holistic approach to problem-solving and understanding complex issues, which has the potential to revolutionize educational strategies. Moreover, her expertise extends to the critical domain of science teacher education, ensuring that the next generation of educators is well-prepared to inspire and educate young minds in the sciences.
shuo ban, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2024). a systematic review of the top-50 most-cited articles on socio-scientific issues in k-12 education. - eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education. 2425.
shafiah abdul rashid, khadijah abdul razak, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2024). the influence of science knowledge and moral sensitivity on socioscientific reasoning among form four students. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2277-2288.
hairunnisa hussim, roslinda rosli, nurul aisya zahira mohd nor, siti istima maat, muhammad sofwan mahmud, zanaton iksan, azmin sham rambely, siti nurdiyana mahmud, lilia halim, kamisah osman, ah nam lay. (2024). a systematic literature review of informal stem learning. - european journal of stem education. 1-10.
suhaida subran, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2024). augmented reality (ar) technology in biology and life science education: a systematic literature review (slr). - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 768-792.
mohamad zulkifli mohd nor, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2024). empowering scientific literacy of science teachers: systematic literature review (slr). - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 676-697.
shuo ban, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2023). research and trends in socio-scientific issues education: a content analysis of journal publications from 2004 to 2022. - sustainability. 1-20.
najibah suhaimi, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2022). a bibliometric analysis of climate change literacy between 2001 and 2021. - sustainability. 1-13.
siit nur diyana mahmud, hazrati husnin, tuan mastura tuan soh. (2020). teaching presence in online gamified education for sustainability learning. - sustainability. 1-17.
lilia halim, nurfaradilla mohamad nasri, hazrati husnin, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2020). mitigating the covid 19 pandemic a snapshot from malaysia into the coping strategies for pre service teachers education. - journal of education for teaching. 1-8.
arifah abdullah, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2024). applying tpack in stem education towards 21- st century: systematic literature review. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 1014-1032.
mohamad zulkifli mohd nor, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2024). empowering scientific literacy of science teachers: systematic literature review (slr). - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 676-697.
hairunnisa hussim, roslinda rosli, nurul aisya zahira mohd nor, siti istima maat, muhammad sofwan mahmud, zanaton iksan, azmin sham rambely, siti nurdiyana mahmud, lilia halim, kamisah osman, ah nam lay. (2024). a systematic literature review of informal stem learning. - european journal of stem education. 1-10.
shuo ban, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2024). a systematic review of the top-50 most-cited articles on socio-scientific issues in k-12 education. - eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education. 2425.
suhaida subran, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2024). augmented reality (ar) technology in biology and life science education: a systematic literature review (slr). - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 768-792.
siti nur diyana mahmud, noor rosida ariffin. (2022). systemic design thinking in urban farming i-stem teaching and learning module. - the 2nd sea-stem international conference 2021. 34-37.
nurazidawati mohamad arsad, nurfaradilla mohamad nasri, tuan mastura tuan soh, siti nur diyana mahmud, mohamad asyraf abd talib, lilia halim. (2020). a systematic review on culturally relevant science teaching: trends and insights. - aip conference proceedings. 1-6.
siti nur diyana mahmud. (2023). culturally responsive science pedagogy in asia: status and challenges for malaysia, indonesi and japan. - . 13.
lay ah nam, nur atiqah jalaludin, norazlinda mohd norzainih jasmin jamin, nadia che idris, nur hudawiyah abdullah, siti nuraisyah zulkifli, norhidayah selamat, muhd muaz, noor ain, wan nor fadzilah, zanaton hj iksan, siti nur diyana, mohd sattar. (2021). modul bitara stem (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) komuniti pintar sains (science of smart communities) edisi kedua. - . 499.
siti nur diyana mahmud. (2023). culturally responsive science pedagogy in asia: status and challenges for malaysia, indonesi and japan. - . 13.
nurazidawati mohamad arsad, nurfaradilla mohamad nasri, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2022). culturally responsive science pedagogy in asia: status and challenges for malaysia, indonesia and japan. - . 8.
siti nur diyana mahmud, hazrati husnin. (2022). learning and technology. - . 8.
hazrati husnin, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2022). learning and technology. - . 7.
lay ah nam, nur atiqah jalaludin, norazlinda mohd norzainih jasmin jamin, nadia che idris, nur hudawiyah abdullah, siti nuraisyah zulkifli, norhidayah selamat, muhd muaz, noor ain, wan nor fadzilah, zanaton hj iksan, siti nur diyana, mohd sattar. (2021). modul bitara stem (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) komuniti pintar sains (science of smart communities) edisi kedua. - . 499.
mohd jasmy abd rahman, fariza khalid, mohd khalid mohamad nasir, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2020). lensa bio akademik vol 3. - . 238.
mohd jasmy abd rahman, fariza khalid, mohd khalid mohamad nasir, siti nur diyana mahmud. (2019). lensa bio akademik. - . 905.
mohd jasmy abd rahman, fariza khalid, mohd khalid mohamad nasir, siti nur diyana mahmud & norazani md zain. (2017). lensa dekan. - . 328.
siti nur diyana mahmud (mamadee). (2016). masakan thai. - . 55.
siti nur diyana mahmud (mamadee). (2016). masakan pantai timur. - . 56.
kamisah bt. osman;lilia bt. halim;siti nur diyana binti mahmud. (2023). literasi kelestarian alam sekitar dalam kalangan pelajar dan komuniti perladangan kelapa sawit: perbandingan antara malaysia dan indonesia.. - . .
nurfaradilla binti mohamad nasri;norizan binti abd razak;siti nur diyana binti mahmud. (2023). exploring gender-responsive dimensions for stem teachers: towards developing a fundamental gender-responsive framework. - . .
siti nur diyana binti mahmud;lilia bt. halim;kamisah bt. osman;zanaton binti h iksan;hazrati binti husnin;tuan mastura binti tuan soh;mohamad sattar bin rasul. (2022). systems thinking and design thinking hybridization in the e-stem module development . - . .
zanaton h. iksan, siti nur diyana mahmud & sayyidah nusaibah mohd salehudin. (2018). stem system thinking lesson study. - the 9th international conference of lesson study. .
mohamad sattar rasul. (2018). national conference on the 4th industrial revolution skills development. - sustainability in educati. .
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