pensyarah universiti
institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)
Kim S Siow ialah Profesor Madya/ Felo Penyelidik di IMEN (2013-sekarang). Bidang penyelidikan beliau adalah berkaitan dengan modifikasi permukaan plasma, pensinteran logam nanopartikel (perak dan tembaga), dan inovasi paten TRIZ. Beliau juga pernah bekerja sebagai jurutera bahan di Infineon Technologies , ON Semiconductor dan Universiti Kebangsaan Singapura (NUS), di samping mengurus teknologi di pusat pemindahan teknologi A*STAR Singapura.
A/Prof Dr Kim S Siow (LLM) is an Associate Professor/ Senior Research Fellow at IMEN . His multi-disciplinary research interests are related to plasma surface modification, sintered metal (silver and copper) bonding, and TRIZ-patent innovation. In addition, he has worked as materials engineer in Infineon Technologies , ON Semiconductor and National University of Singapore, besides working in technology transfer officer at A*STAR Singapore.
a mackie, e costello, sk bhogaraju, s carney, s chada, kim siow, g duttt, md hasnine, a kane, jk kennedy, j lauffer, j mageraa, j b marke, r parthasarathy, l schneider, i swensen, u wetzel. (2024). ipc requirements for sintering materials for electrical and thermal interconnects. - . 1-14.
naeem ahmed, asad masood, rubab mumtaz, m. f. mohd razip wee, kok meng chan, anuttam patra; kim s. siow. (2024). quad-atmospheric pressure plasma jet (q-appj) treatment of chilli seeds to stimulate germination. - plasma chemistry and plasma processing. 509-522.
kim s. siow; wen shi; behnam akhavan. (2024). editorial: industrialization and commercialization in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: 2022/2023. - frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. 1-2.
siow kim shyong;mohd farhanulhakim bin mohd razip wee. (2023). reconciling the mechanisms of seed germination and sterilisation by atmospheric plasma treatment from bio-plasma physics perspective. - . .
doyeop namgoong, yeongjung kim, kim s. siow, jong-hyun lee. (2023). superior sinterability of copper oxalate-coated cu particles in a double reductant system and rapid compression sinter-bonding characteristics between cu finishes. - journal of materials research and technology-jmr&t. 2332-2345.
kim s. siow; wen shi; behnam akhavan. (2024). editorial: industrialization and commercialization in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: 2022/2023. - frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. 1-2.
naeem ahmed, asad masood, rubab mumtaz, m. f. mohd razip wee, kok meng chan, anuttam patra; kim s. siow. (2024). quad-atmospheric pressure plasma jet (q-appj) treatment of chilli seeds to stimulate germination. - plasma chemistry and plasma processing. 509-522.
xu long, ying guo, yutai su, kim s. siow, chuantong chen. (2023). a new unified creep-plasticity constitutive model coupled with damage for viscoplastic materials subjected to fatigue loading. - fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures. 1413-1425.
doyeop namgoong; kim s. siow; jong hyun lee. (2023). improvement of bondability by addition of carboxylic acid to the sinter bonding paste containing bimodal sized cu particles and rapid bonding in air. - metals and materials international. 457-466.
xu long, ying guo, yutai su, kim s. siow, chuantong chen. (2023). unveiling the damage evolution of sac305 during fatigue by entropy generation. - international journal of mechanical sciencess. 1-12.
asad masood, naeem ahmed, mohd farhanulhakim mohd razip wee, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, ebrahim mahmoudi, anuttam patra, kim s siow. (2023). pulsed plasma polymerisation of carvone: characterisations and antibacterial properties. - surface innovations. 339-351.
xu long, ying guo, yutai su, kim s. siow, chuantong chen. (2022). constitutive creep and fatigue behavior of sintered ag for finite element simulation of mechanical reliability a critical review. - journal of materials science-materials in electronics. 2293-2309.
yanliang shan, yunhui mei,, meiyu wang, xin li, yanhong tian, gang chen, siow kim shyong. (2021). ratcheting behavior of sintered copper joints for electronic packaging. - ieee transactions on components, packaging and manufacturing technology. 983-989.
siow kim shyong, arifah rahman, amnani aminuddin, pei yuen ng. (2021). effect of sulfur on nitrogen containing plasma polymers in promoting osteogenic differentiation of wharton jelly mesenchymal stem cells. - sains malaysiana. 3499-3510.
a. suhaimi, e. mahmoudi, k.s. siow, m.f. mohd razip wee. (2020). surface modification of polyamide ultrafiltration membrane by plasma polymerisation of acrylic acid. - sains malaysiana. 3097-3104.
kim s. siow; wen shi; behnam akhavan. (2024). editorial: industrialization and commercialization in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: 2022/2023. - frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. 1-2.
naeem ahmed, asad masood, rubab mumtaz, m. f. mohd razip wee, kok meng chan, anuttam patra; kim s. siow. (2024). quad-atmospheric pressure plasma jet (q-appj) treatment of chilli seeds to stimulate germination. - plasma chemistry and plasma processing. 509-522.
asad masood, naeem ahmed, m. f. mohd razip wee, anuttam patra, ebrahim mahmoudi, kim s. siow. (2023). atmospheric pressure plasma polymerisation of d-limonene and its antimicrobial activity. - polymers (mdpi). 1-15.
xu long, ying guo, yutai su, kim s. siow, chuantong chen. (2023). a new unified creep-plasticity constitutive model coupled with damage for viscoplastic materials subjected to fatigue loading. - fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures. 1413-1425.
doyeop namgoong; kim s. siow; jong hyun lee. (2023). improvement of bondability by addition of carboxylic acid to the sinter bonding paste containing bimodal sized cu particles and rapid bonding in air. - metals and materials international. 457-466.
naeem a, siow ks, wee mfmr, ho wk, patra a.. (2022). the hydrophilization and subsequent hydrophobic recovery mechanism of cold plasma (cp) treated bambarra groundnuts.. - materials science forum. 161-169.
xu long, jiaqi zhu, yutai su, kim s. siow, chuantong chen. (2022). phase-field modelling for crack evolution of pbx under thermo- mechanical loadings. - proceedings of the asme 2022 international mechanical engineering congress and exposition (imece2022). 1-7.
a. atiqah, r.a.a.a. rahim, a. jalar, k. s. siow. (2022). influence of copper substrate roughness on the growth of intermetallic compounds layer in sac305 solder joints. - international conference on electronic and advanced materials (iceam 2021). 1-6.
jiaqi zhu, yutai su, chen chuantong, kim s. siow, ruitao tang, xu long. (2021). porosity effect on fracture behavior of sintered silver nanoparticles by phase-field modeling. - 2021 ieee 23rd electronics packaging technology conference (eptc). 317-321.
km kumar, ks siiow, b. beake. (2021). 3-d finite element modeling of nanoindentation on sn-3.5ag lead-free solder. - 2021 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 84-87.
chua siang tat, siow kim shyong. (2022). perak tersinter sebagai bahan pelekat dalam pempakejan mikroelektronik. - . 167.
nur aizat kamarulzaman, khai ern lee, kim shyong siow. (2020). concepts and approaches for sustainability management. - . 21.
siow kim shyong. (2019). die-attach materials for high temperature applications in microelectronics packaging: materials, processes, equipment and reliability. - . 279.
siow kim shyong, vemal raja manikam, chua siang tat. (2019). die-attach materials for high temperature applications in microelectronics packaging: materials, processes, equipment and reliability. - . 40.
siow kim shyong. (2019). die-attach materials for high temperature applications in microelectronics packaging: materials, processes, equipment and reliability. - . 15.
nur aizat kamarulzaman, khai ern lee, kim shyong siow. (2020). concepts and approaches for sustainability management. - . 21.
siow kim shyong. (2019). die-attach materials for high temperature applications in microelectronics packaging: materials, processes, equipment and reliability. - . 15.
yunhui mei, wang z, siow kim shyong. (2019). die-attach materials for high temperature applications in microelectronics packaging: materials, processes, equipment and reliability. - . 26.
siow kim shyong, vemal raja manikam, chua siang tat. (2019). die-attach materials for high temperature applications in microelectronics packaging: materials, processes, equipment and reliability. - . 40.
arifah rahman, m. farhanulhakim mohd razip wee, siow kim shyong. (2018). teknologi semikonduktor dan nanoelektronik: perkembangan dan kegunaan. - . 15.
chua siang tat, siow kim shyong. (2022). perak tersinter sebagai bahan pelekat dalam pempakejan mikroelektronik. - . 167.
siow kim shyong. (2019). die-attach materials for high temperature applications in microelectronics packaging: materials, processes, equipment and reliability. - . 279.
chen tiam foo, chan yuen wah, siow kim shyong. (2018). keserasian biologi daripada modifikasi plasma. - . 102.
a mackie, e costello, sk bhogaraju, s carney, s chada, kim siow, g duttt, md hasnine, a kane, jk kennedy, j lauffer, j mageraa, j b marke, r parthasarathy, l schneider, i swensen, u wetzel. (2024). ipc requirements for sintering materials for electrical and thermal interconnects. - . 1-14.
maria binti abu bakar;azman bin jalar @ jalil;siow kim shyong;ahmad ghadafi bin ismail. (2023). development of high ductility metallurgical interconnection in sn-based lead-free solder joint via superplastic-like approach. - . .
siow kim shyong;mohd farhanulhakim bin mohd razip wee. (2023). reconciling the mechanisms of seed germination and sterilisation by atmospheric plasma treatment from bio-plasma physics perspective. - . .
siow kim shyong. (2022). patent landscape of sintered cu and ag as die-attach materials in microelectronics packaging. - 2022 ieee 39th international electronics manufacturing technology conference (iemt). 1-6.
naeem ahmed, kim s. siow, m. f. mohd razip wee. (2021). germination and growth enhancement of bambara groundnut utilizing low-pressure plasma treatment. - imen student colloquim. 1-5.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
ROLES AND MECHANISMS OF PLASMA IONS AND RELATED SPECIES IN BREAKING DOWN PESTICIDES ON FOOD CROPS | koperasi pertanian dan pemasaran malaysia bhd | 94.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |