Dr. Ng is an experienced lecturer in teaching Chinese Mandarin as second language. She started her teaching career since year 2005. Prior to this, she was a corporate planning executive of an Insurance firm. Dr. Liz joined UKM in year 2014 after obtaining her Ph.D. in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from Beijing Normal University, China. During her studies in Beijing, she received full scholarship funded by the government of China. Her Doctoral research has been chosen as the recipient of the 2014 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award by the Chinese Academic Journal, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Her area of expertise is in Chinese syntax. Her current research interests include Chinese grammaticalization, teaching Chinese as a second language.
xianyun wang, afendi bin hamat, ng lay shi. (2024). designing a pedagogical framework for mobile-assisted language learning. - heliyon. 1-16.
meng hong, azianura hani shaari, ng lay shi. (2024). systematic literature review on ambivalent representations of older persons in the media. - educational administration: theory and practice. 7882-7894.
shanthini pillai a/p joseph sandra;suziana bt. mat saad;ng lay shi. (2023). reassessing the colonial divide and rule impact on inter-ethnic relations in nineteenth century malaya . - . .
nur syahira ramash, ng lay shi. (2023). exploring gender differences in using metadiscourse for political opinion writing. - journal of nusantara studies. 333-356.
lay shi ng, chun keat yeap, foo terng hoe, herman , guo yinghua. (2023). an international curriculum comparison study: the chinese language curriculum adopted in malaysian independent high school and chinese high school in china. - global chinese. 301-320.
xianyun wang, afendi bin hamat, ng lay shi. (2024). designing a pedagogical framework for mobile-assisted language learning. - heliyon. 1-16.
lay shi ng, siew ming thang, noorizah mohd. noor. (2018). the usage of social networking sites for informal learning: a comparative study between malaysia students of different gender and age group. - international journal of computer-assisted language learning and teaching. .
wan nur syaza sahira wan rusli, azianura hani shaari, siti zaidah zainuddin, ng lay shi, aizan sofia amin. (2018). intra and intersentential code switching phenomena in modern malay songs. - 3l the southeast asian journal of english language studies. .
thang siew ming; noorizah mohd noor; ng lay shi; adzuhaidah md taha; noor baizura abdul aziz. (2017). influence of social networking on malaysian female secondary students : a qualitative study across three schools. - akademika. 267-278.
thang siew ming, noorizah mohd noor, ng lay shi, adzuhaidah md taha & noor baizura abdul aziz. (2017). influence of social networking on malaysian female secondary students: a qualitative study across three school. - akademika. 267-278.
xianyun wang, afendi bin hamat, ng lay shi. (2024). designing a pedagogical framework for mobile-assisted language learning. - heliyon. 1-16.
meng hong, azianura hani shaari, ng lay shi. (2024). systematic literature review on ambivalent representations of older persons in the media. - educational administration: theory and practice. 7882-7894.
lay shi ng, chun keat yeap, foo terng hoe, herman , guo yinghua. (2023). an international curriculum comparison study: the chinese language curriculum adopted in malaysian independent high school and chinese high school in china. - global chinese. 301-320.
normalis amzah, habibah ismail, ng lay shi. (2023). climate change in the movie weathering with you-critical discourse analysis of environmental issues. - 3l: language, linguistics, literature the southeast asian journal of english language studies. 285-307.
chua wei yee, shanthini pillai, liz ng lay shi. (2023). intergenerational ambivalence and negotiations: malaysian chinese family dynamics in the film the journey. - kajian malaysia journal of malaysian studies. 129-151.
yap joo siew, wong yee yan, sara keong yee hui, taufiq roslan, dr. chu shin ying, dr. ng lay shi, dr. badrulzaman abdul hamid, dr. yazmin binti ahmad rusli. (2023). kuasa bermain: buku panduan perkembangan bahasa dan pertuturan kanak-kanak. - . 87.
siew ming thang, lay shi ng. (2020). recent developments in technology enhanced and computer assisted language learning. - . 17.
ng lay shi. (2016). evolution in language studies. - . 21.
siew ming thang, lay shi ng. (2020). recent developments in technology enhanced and computer assisted language learning. - . 17.
ng lay shi. (2016). evolution in language studies. - . 21.
yap joo siew, wong yee yan, sara keong yee hui, taufiq roslan, dr. chu shin ying, dr. ng lay shi, dr. badrulzaman abdul hamid, dr. yazmin binti ahmad rusli. (2023). kuasa bermain: buku panduan perkembangan bahasa dan pertuturan kanak-kanak. - . 87.
wong yee yan, yap joo siew, sara keong, chu shin ying, ng lai shi. (2021). jom bermain dengan anak andastrategi untuk membangunkan pertuturann dan bahasa di kalangan kanak-kanak. - . 90.
ying qian ong, annette lim, shin ying chu, hye ran park, elisabeth harrison, jaehoon lee and lay shi ng. (2023). awareness and attitudes of speech-language pathologists' and speech-language pathology students towards stuttering in malaysia. - 13th allied health scientific conference 2023. 1.
shanthini pillai a/p joseph sandra;suziana bt. mat saad;ng lay shi. (2023). reassessing the colonial divide and rule impact on inter-ethnic relations in nineteenth century malaya . - . .
ng lay shi. (2022). teaching chinese as a second language: a study of dragon-based metaphorical expressions in chinese. - the 3rd peking university world chinese forum. 73.
er ah choy;hamzah jusoh;marlyna bt. maros;ng lay shi;azianura hani binti shaari. (2021). kelestarian alam sekitar penanaman kelapa sawit dan minyak sawit di kilang-kilang malaysia timur: kajian kes di sabah. - . .
chu shin ying, ng lay shi, lin ling yi. (2021). reaching community through partnership of industry and clinical teaching. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi). 1.