pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Sallehuddin Mohamed Haris is an Associate Professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He received his BEng in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Leeds, UK in 1993, MSc in Mechatronics from the University of London (King’s College London) in 1996 and PhD in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Southampton, UK in 2006. His current research interests include adaptive and switching control systems, hybrid dynamic systems, and mechatronic systems for automotive and robotic applications.
rizauddin bin ramli;jaharah binti a.ghani;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;hawa binti hishamuddin. (2025). radial basis functional network(rbfn) based adaptive neural-fuzzy controller for multi-joint rehabilitation device. - . .
zikrul hakiem ishak, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2024). indoor positioning system based on uwb rapid integration with unity cross platform development engine through iot. - journal of artificial intelligence and technology. 74-81.
muhammad amzie muhammad fauzi, mohamad hanif md saad, sallehuddin mohamed haris, marizuana mat daud. (2023). secure cloud-connected robot control using private blockchain. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications,. 167-174.
karrar h. al-waeli, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zuliani binti zulkoffli. (2023). development of gait rehabilitation devices: a review of the literature. - mechanical engineering journal. 1-14.
rafal khalid saleh, wajdi sadik aboud, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2023). a review study for robotic exoskeletons rehabilitation devices. - al-nahrain journal for engineering sciences. 63-73.
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohammad soleimani amiri, mien van. (2022). a robust adaptive-fuzzy-proportional-derivative controller for a rehabilitation lower limb exoskeleton. - engineering science and technology, an international journal. 1-14.
arshed abdulhamed mohammed & sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2022). using energy time frequency of hilbert huang transform to analyze the performance of the variable valve timing engine. - scientific reports. 1-10.
karrar h. al-waeli, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zuliani binti zulkoffli, mohammad soleimani amiri. (2021). offline ann-pid controller tuning on a multi-joints lower limb exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation. - ieee access. 7360-7374.
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, wessam al azzawi. (2020). estimation of the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength for the pure metals and alloys by using the acoustic wave properties. - scientific reports. 1-12.
n.n.m. nasir, s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, s.m. haris. (2020). risk-based life assessment of prediction models on suspension system for various road profiles. - engineering failure analysis. 1-19.
y.s.kong, s.abdullah, d.schramm, m.z.omar, s.m.haris. (2019). correlation of uniaxial and multiaxial fatigue models for automobile spring life assessment. - experimental techniques. 1-19.
y. s. kong, s. abdullah, d. schramm, m. z. omar, s. m. haris. (2019). design of artificial neural network using particle swarm optimisation for automotive spring durability. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 1-9.
nadia nurnajihah m. nasir, salvinder singh, shahrum abdullah and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2019). accelerating the fatigue analysis based on strain signal using hilbert huang transform. - international journal of structural integrity. 118-132.
nadia nurnajihah mohamad nasir, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh, sallehudin mohd haris. (2018). evaluation of reliability-based fatigue strain data analysis for an automobile suspension under various road condition. - international journal of integrated engineering. .
arshed abdulhamed mohammed, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohd zaki nuawi. (2018). role of piezoelectric elements in finding the mechanical properties of solid industrial materials. - applied sciences. .
zikrul hakiem ishak, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2024). indoor positioning system based on uwb rapid integration with unity cross platform development engine through iot. - journal of artificial intelligence and technology. 74-81.
karrar h. al-waeli, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zuliani binti zulkoffli. (2023). development of gait rehabilitation devices: a review of the literature. - mechanical engineering journal. 1-14.
muhammad amzie muhammad fauzi, mohamad hanif md saad, sallehuddin mohamed haris, marizuana mat daud. (2023). secure cloud-connected robot control using private blockchain. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications,. 167-174.
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris, mohammad soleimani amiri, mien van. (2022). a robust adaptive-fuzzy-proportional-derivative controller for a rehabilitation lower limb exoskeleton. - engineering science and technology, an international journal. 1-14.
arshed abdulhamed mohammed & sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2022). using energy time frequency of hilbert huang transform to analyze the performance of the variable valve timing engine. - scientific reports. 1-10.
norazam aliman, rizauddinramli, and sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2021). hybrid design of model reference adaptive controller and pid controller for lower limb exoskeleton application. - 3rd symposium on intelligent manufacturing and mechatronics (symposimm 2020). 539-553.
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2018). modeling and co-simulation of actuator control for lower limb exoskeleton. - 2018 3rd international conference on control and robotics engineering(iccre). .
sallehuddin m. haris & wajdi s. aboud. (2016). multiple model adaptive control of a nonlinear active vehicle suspension. - 2016 international conference on advanced mechatronic systems, icamechs 2016, melbourne, australia. .
mohammadi h., haris s.m.. (2015). optimizing vibration control in a cantilever beam with piezoelectric patches. - proceedings of 2014 international conference on modelling, identification and control, icmic 2014. 88-93.
wajdi s aboud, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). performance of robust mu-synthesis control for mechatronic suspension system. - applied mechanics and materials. .
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed hris. (2021). teknologi logik kabur dalam robotik rehabilitasi. - . 236.
rozli zulkifli, shahrum abdullah, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah, zambri harun, mohd radzi abu mansor dan nor kamaliana khamis. (2014). automotive engineering and mobility research. - . 714.
kamaruzaman yusoff, wan kamal mujani, nordin jamaluddin, sallehuddin mohamed harris. (2010). al-jazari: tokoh kejuruteraan mekanikal abad ke 7h/13m. - . 139.
shahed shojaeipour, sallehuddin mohamed haris, muhammad ihsan khairir. (2009). visual informatics: bridging research and practice. - . 90-96.
sallehuddin mohamed haris, aghil shavalipour, zulkifli mohd. nopiah. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen, model dan simulasi. - . 13.
shahed shojaeipour, sallehuddin mohamed haris, muhammad ihsan khairir. (2009). visual informatics: bridging research and practice. - . 90-96.
norazam aliman, rizauddin ramli, sallehuddin mohamed hris. (2021). teknologi logik kabur dalam robotik rehabilitasi. - . 236.
rozli zulkifli, shahrum abdullah, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah, zambri harun, mohd radzi abu mansor dan nor kamaliana khamis. (2014). automotive engineering and mobility research. - . 714.
at-tasneem mohd amin, sallehuddin mohamed haris. (2014). numerical vs symbolic computation: a study on the applicability of symbolic computation in stabilising control. - . 132.
kamaruzaman yusoff, wan kamal mujani, nordin jamaluddin, sallehuddin mohamed harris. (2010). al-jazari: tokoh kejuruteraan mekanikal abad ke 7h/13m. - . 139.
mohd zaki nuawi, shahrum abdullah, shahrir abdullah, s.m haris, azli arifin. (2009). matlab: a comprehensive reference for engineers. - . 210.
rizauddin bin ramli;jaharah binti a.ghani;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;hawa binti hishamuddin. (2025). radial basis functional network(rbfn) based adaptive neural-fuzzy controller for multi-joint rehabilitation device. - . .
sallehuddin mohamed haris and meor iqram meor ahmad. (2021). mechatronics in automotive vehicles, international journal of advanced mechatronic system. - inderscience enterprises ltd.. 1-54.
mohamad hanif bin md saad;aini bt. hussain;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;rizauddin bin ramli;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley. (2020). design and implementation of a parallelized complex event processing platform for internet of things application. - . .
mohamad hanif bin md saad;aini bt. hussain;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;m a hannan;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley. (2020). similarity search based event detection rule and template generation via the use of entropy and information gain approach. - . .
mohamad hanif bin md saad;aini bt. hussain;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;zulkhairi bin zainol abidin;fazida hanim binti hashim;mohd faisal bin ibrahim. (2020). developement of smart building monitoring and management using complex event processing approach. - . .
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