pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penciptaan nilai & kesejahteraan insan (insan)
Prof. Dr. Nor Asiah Omar ialah pensyarah kanan pemasaran di Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Sebelum menyertai UKM, beliau adalah penyelaras program dan ketua kumpulan pemasaran untuk Jabatan Pemasaran di Fakulti Perniagaan, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia. Sebelum menyertai profesion akademik pada tahun 1999, beliau telah bekerja dalam industri runcit selama beberapa tahun.
Sebagai seorang ahli akademik dan penyelidik, beliau terlibat dalam banyak bidang penyelidikan, khususnya pemasaran strategik, tingkah laku pengguna, keselamatan makanan serta perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS). Minat penyelidikan beliau termasuk penggunaan mampan, keselamatan dan amalan makanan, penciptaan nilai bersama, prestasi PKS, dan pengurusan inovasi. Penyelidikan beliau telah muncul dalam beberapa jurnal akademik di antaranya ialah Journal of Business Ethics, Food Control, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, The Service Industry Journal, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Journal of Political Marketing, Renewable Energy, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, and Journal of Tourism Futures. Beliau juga telah mengarang beberapa buku dan bab buku yang berkaitan dengan tingkah laku pengguna dan pemasaran runcit.
Prof. Dr. Nor Asiah Omar is a senior lecturer in marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Prior to joining UKM, she was the program coordinator and head of the marketing group for the marketing department at the Faculty of Business, University Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia. Despite her involvement in academics, she worked in the retail industry for several years before joining the academic profession in 1999.
As an academic and researcher, she has worked in many research fields, in particular strategic marketing, consumer behaviour and food safety. Her research interests include sustainable consumption, food safety and practices, value co-creation, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and innovation management. Her research has appeared in several academic journals, which include the Journal of Business Ethics, Food Control, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, The Service Industry Journal, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Journal of Political Marketing, Renewable Energy, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, and Journal of Tourism Futures. She has also authored several books and book chapters relating to consumer behavior and retail marketing.
lim xin jean;nor asiah binti omar. (2024). does retail type matter? consumer responses to channel integration in omni-channel retailing. - . .
siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;farhana binti sidek;nor asiah binti omar;wye chung khain. (2024). forming a sustainable model of consumer’s palm oil-based food consumption, and food waste management among different personality traits and generations in malaysia.. - . .
hafizah binti omar zaki;nor asiah binti omar;syaima`binti adznan;nurul atasha binti jamaludin. (2024). the impact of coloured social media advertising on gen alpha’s intention to purchase. - . .
syed shah alam, mohammad masukujjaman, md shohel sayeed, nor asiah omar, abu hanifah ayob, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain. (2023). modeling consumers usage intention of augmented reality in online buying context: empirical setting with measurement development. - journal of global marketing. 1-24.
md. nur e-alam siddique, shifa mohd nor, zizah che senik, nor asiah omar. (2023). social and environmental sustainability through sustainable banking practices: a critical analysis. - 29th international sustainable development research society (isdrs) 2023. 258.
syed shah alam, mohammad masukujjaman, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, abu bakkar siddik. (2023). impulsive hotel consumption intention in live streaming e-commerce settings: moderating role of impulsive consumption tendency using two-stage sem. - international journal of hospitality management. 1-13.
norizzati bahsri, zaleha yazid, zafir mohamed makhbul, nor asiah omar. (2023). systematic literature review on the factors affecting the well-being of entrepreneurs in malaysian smes. - sage open. 1-13.
md. nur ealam siddique, shifa mohd nor, zizah che senik, nor asiah omar. (2023). corporate social responsibility as the pathway to sustainable banking: a systematic literature review. - sustainability. 1-19.
rong hou, xu ye, hafizah omar zaki, nor asiah omar. (2023). marketing decision support system based on data mining technology. - applied sciences. 1-14.
taslima jannat, syed shah alam, yi hui ho, nor asiah omar, chieh yu lin. (2022). can corporate ethics programs reduce unethical behavior threat appraisal or coping appraisal. - journal of business ethics. 37-53.
nor asiah omar, ahmad sabri kassim, syed shah alam, zuraidah zainol. (2021). perceived retailer innovativeness and brand equity: mediation of consumer engagement. - the service industries journal. 355-381.
syed s. alam, chieh-yu lin, maisarah ahmad, nor asiah omar, mohd helmi ali. (2019). factors affecting energy-efficient household products buying intention: empirical study. - environmental and climate technologies. 84-97.
nor asiah omar, najeeb ullah shah, norhafizah abu hasan, mohd helmi ali. (2019). the influence of self-efficacy, motivation, and independence on students entrepreneurial intentions. - journal of nusantara studies (jonus). 1-28.
nor asiah omar, muhamad azrin nazri, zuraidah zainol, mohd helmi, syed shah alam. (2019). perceived severity on halal violation: csr and consumer boycott. - south east asian journal of management. 183-200.
syadiyah abdul shukor, nor asiah omar. (2019). susceptibility to interpersonal influence among young adult muslims. - journal of nusantara studies. 247-264.
syed shah alam, mohammad masukujjaman, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, abu bakkar siddik. (2023). impulsive hotel consumption intention in live streaming e-commerce settings: moderating role of impulsive consumption tendency using two-stage sem. - international journal of hospitality management. 1-13.
najeeb ullah shah, nik mohd hazrul nik hashim, nor asiah omar. (2023). estimated prevalence of compulsive buying in malaysia: a socio-demographic analysis. - malaysian journal of consumer and family economics. 94-124.
rong hou, xu ye, hafizah omar zaki, nor asiah omar. (2023). marketing decision support system based on data mining technology. - applied sciences. 1-14.
syed shah alam, mohammad masukujjaman, md shohel sayeed, nor asiah omar, abu hanifah ayob, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain. (2023). modeling consumers usage intention of augmented reality in online buying context: empirical setting with measurement development. - journal of global marketing. 1-24.
nor asiah omar, aishath lahath, rifelly dewi astuti, nurul atasha jamaludin, syed shah alam. (2023). the mediating role of attitude in the relationship between the extrinsic and intrinsic attributes of japanese frozen foods and consumers intention to purchase them evidence from malaysia. - the south east asian journal of management. 98-129.
nor asiah omar, aishath lahath. (2023). exploring the influence of affect on food waste: do social media usage matters?. - 2023 ieee international symposium on technology in society (istas) proceedings. 43-50.
muhamad azrin nazri, kalsom abd wahab, nor asiah omar. (2014). the influence of entrepreneurship orientation, market orientation and corporate social responsibility towards takaful agency business performance in malaysia. - 7th annual conference of the euromed academy of business the future of entrepreneurship. kristiansand, norway, 18 to19 september 2014. 2154.
nor asiah omar, muhamad azrin nazri, yusof muhamad kasim. (2014). the impact of relational dynamics towards malaysias higher education offerings in china. - 7th annual conference of the euromed academy of business, kristiansand norway. 2158.
nor asiah omar. (2020). impak covid 19 terhadap insan. - . 10.
nor asiah omar, muhamad azrin nazri. (2019). shariah governance and assurance in islamic financial sectors. - . 20.
nor asiah omar, che aniza che wel, suhaily mohd ramly, muhamad azrin nazri. (2019). sustainable in retail business through retention strategies. - . 91.
muhamad azrin nazri, nor asiah omar. (2019). shariah governance and assurance in islamic financial sectors. - . 13.
nor asiah omar, suhaily mohd ramly, muhamad azrin nazri. (2018). the dilemma and the key to loyalty program success. - . 104.
syed shah alam, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, wan mohd hirwani wan hussain. (2021). research anthology on e-commerce adoption, models, and applications for modern business. - . 15.
muhamad azrin nazri, nor asiah omar. (2021). responding to covid 19 pandemic case studies on managing organisation in crisis. - . 12.
nor asiah omar, nadzirah rosli. (2021). pengaruh revolusi industri 4.0 dan generasi milenial terhadap pekerjaan masa hadapan. - . 15.
nor asiah omar, nadzirah rosli. (2021). leadership in a wave of change. - . 12.
nor asiah omar. (2020). impak covid 19 terhadap insan. - . 10.
nor asiah omar, che aniza che wel, suhaily mohd ramly, muhamad azrin nazri. (2019). sustainable in retail business through retention strategies. - . 91.
nor asiah omar, suhaily mohd ramly, muhamad azrin nazri. (2018). the dilemma and the key to loyalty program success. - . 104.
ruzita abdul rahim, nor liza abdullah, hawati janor, noreha halid dan nor asiah omar (penyunting). (2009). buku abstrak business management seminar 2009. - buku abstrak business management seminar 2009. .
siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;farhana binti sidek;nor asiah binti omar;wye chung khain. (2024). forming a sustainable model of consumer’s palm oil-based food consumption, and food waste management among different personality traits and generations in malaysia.. - . .
hafizah binti omar zaki;nor asiah binti omar;syaima`binti adznan;nurul atasha binti jamaludin. (2024). the impact of coloured social media advertising on gen alpha’s intention to purchase. - . .
lim xin jean;nor asiah binti omar. (2024). does retail type matter? consumer responses to channel integration in omni-channel retailing. - . .
aishath lahath, nor asiah omar. (2023). mindful eating: exploring palm oil-based food consumption and waste. - majalah insan. 18-20.
elaina rose johar, nadzirah rosli, nor asiah omar. (2023). how to achieve business resilience: adhering to the sustainable development goals. - majalah insan. 9-11.
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