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hairunnisa hussim, roslinda rosli, nurul aisya zahira mohd nor, siti istima maat, muhammad sofwan mahmud, zanaton iksan, azmin sham rambely, siti nurdiyana mahmud, lilia halim, kamisah osman, ah nam lay. (2024). a systematic literature review of informal stem learning. - european journal of stem education. 1-10.
noor syafiqah abdullah, kamisah osman. (2024). the effects of gender on knowledge, attitude and behaviour of science teachers towards climate change. - international journal of asian social science. 50-59.
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afizal abd ghani, roslinda rosli, zanaton iksan, lilia halim, kamisah osman, siti mistima maat, siti nur diyana mahmud, muhammad sofwan mahmud, azmin shah rambely, ah nam lay. (2023). stem professional development programs for science and mathematics primary school teachers: a systematic literature review. - european journal of science and mathematics education. 738-753.
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iszan hana kaharudin, mohammad syuhaimi ab-rahman, roslan abd-shukor, azami zaharim, mohd jailani mohd nor, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, shahrom md zain, afiq hipni, kamisah osman, ruszymah idrus. (2022). how does supervision technique affect research? towards sustainable performance: publication and students from pure and social sciences. - sustainability. 1-18.
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hairunnisa hussim, roslinda rosli, nurul aisya zahira mohd nor, siti istima maat, muhammad sofwan mahmud, zanaton iksan, azmin sham rambely, siti nurdiyana mahmud, lilia halim, kamisah osman, ah nam lay. (2024). a systematic literature review of informal stem learning. - european journal of stem education. 1-10.
noor syafiqah abdullah, kamisah osman. (2024). the effects of gender on knowledge, attitude and behaviour of science teachers towards climate change. - international journal of asian social science. 50-59.
norhaslinda abdul samad, kamisah osman, nazrul anuar nayan. (2023). computational thinking through the engineering design process in chemistry education. - international journal of educational methodology. 771-785.
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t. subahan mohd meerah, kamisah osman, effandi zakaria, zanaton haji ikhsan, pramela krish, denish koh choo lian, diyana mahmod. (2012). developing an instrument to measure research skills. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. .
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kamisah bt. osman;lilia bt. halim;siti nur diyana binti mahmud. (2023). literasi kelestarian alam sekitar dalam kalangan pelajar dan komuniti perladangan kelapa sawit: perbandingan antara malaysia dan indonesia.. - . .
daa aziz, mh mohamed, mab hisam,r ramli, r omar, sew puteh, k osman, za latiff, s zakaria, zam hussein, l halim, r ramli, n arsad, n mustafa, m mohd, r sidik, sm basir, im yasin. (2023). kajian rintis kap (knowledge, attitude, practise) pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan terhadap peserta program khas kepimpinan wanita. - . 1-34.
siti nur diyana binti mahmud;lilia bt. halim;kamisah bt. osman;zanaton binti h iksan;hazrati binti husnin;tuan mastura binti tuan soh;mohamad sattar bin rasul. (2022). systems thinking and design thinking hybridization in the e-stem module development . - . .
lilia bt. halim;nor aishah binti buang;kamisah bt. osman;azmin sham binti rambely;mohd. zaidi bin omar;salwani binti abdullah;azuraliza binti abu bakar. (2021). the effectiveness of blended stem mentoring program. - . .
adawati suhaili, kamisah osman, mohd effendi ewan mohd matore. (2021). issues and problems of leadership competencies among head of science panels in sarawak. - . 1-9.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KERANGKA KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH BAGI PELAJAR JURUSAN STEM DI IPTA BAGI KELANGSUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG BERKESAN | pertubuhan penyelidikan dan pendidikan pendidik malaysia (ppppm) | 97.3% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
KERANGKA KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH BAGI PELAJAR JURUSAN STEM DI IPTA BAGI KELANGSUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG BERKESAN | pusat stem negara, bahagian perancangan dan penyelidikan dasar pendidikan kementerian pendidikan malaysia | 97.3% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |